The webinar programme for the autumn term is being finalised. Full details will be shared closer to the events. Details for your diaries are as follows:
20 October (12:30-13:30 BST) – ‘Anywhere Jobs: Reshaping the Geography of Work‘, presented by Jeegar Kakkad (Tony Blair Institute for Global Change)
03 November (12:30-13:30 GMT) – ‘The Pros and Cons of Consumption- and Income-Based Measures of Economic Well-being‘, presented by James Sullivan (Lab for Economic Opportunities, University of Notre Dame)
17 November (12:30-13:30 GMT) – ‘The New Wave: Technology Diffusion in the UK During the 2010s‘, presented by Max Nathan (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London)
01 December (12:30-13:30 GMT) – ‘GDP and Beyond: Building Bridges from National Accounts to Inclusive Income and Wealth‘ presented by Cliodhna Taylor (Office for National Statistics)
15 December (12:30-13:30 GMT) – ‘Capitalizing Data: A Case Study of Individual Credit Files‘, presented by Rachel Soloveichik (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Please visit this page for any amendments to the above schedule and for registration links when these become available. For details of ESCoE’s full events programme please click here.