The Lievesley Review: Rebecca Riley reflects
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Call for Papers IARIW-ESCoE Conference on Intangible Capital: closing date 31st Oct 2020
Please note that this call is now closed. The preliminary programme is available here.
The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW), in partnership with ESCoE, is hosting a conference on the measurement of intangible investments and their implications for growth and productivity at RSA House, London, 11-12 November 2021. Due to the continuing uncertainty over restrictions on travel and gatherings in the late Spring, we had to postpone the originally planned date of 24-25 June 2021 and change the original venue of King’s College London.
The main aim of the conference is to bring together academics, statisticians, policymakers and other data users, interested in the measurement of intangibles, to take forward an agenda for understanding the importance of these rapidly growing investments. The keynote address will be given by Jonathan Haskel, Professor of Economics, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London.
Given the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, the conference may be held virtually. A decision on this will be taken early in the New Year. Should a physical conference be possible, participants will still be able to present and participate remotely. We therefore encourage the submission of proposals even if it may be unlikely that you will be able to travel to the UK in June.
Papers are invited that contribute to discussions of measurement of intangible assets and investment in intangibles:
And to discussions of emerging intangibles:
We particularly encourage papers that make use of Big Data to improve measures of intangible capital and we also welcome papers that address these themes in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Persons interested in presenting a paper at the conference are invited to submit a proposal (maximum 1,000 words) by 31 October 2020. To submit a proposal, please use this link.
We also welcome proposals for panel discussion sessions. Please submit these to, noting IARIW-ESCoE in the email header.
Decisions on accepted proposals will be made by 15 December 2020. The deadline for the submission of full papers to the IARIW secretariat for posting on the IARIW website is 31 May 2021.
Selected papers from this conference will be published in a supplementary issue of the Review of Income and Wealth (RIW). The deadline for papers to be considered for this issue of the RIW is 30 September 2021.
We also welcome suggestions for panel discussion sessions. Please include IARIW-ESCoE in the email header.
Contact ESCoE