We were delighted to welcome guests, this week as we launched our new report ‘Addressing the challenges of measuring the modern economy’. Celebrating our first three years of operation, the report and the launch event set out our purpose, what we’ve achieved together so far, and some of our ambitions for the future.
The launch event was opened by ESCoE’s Director, Rebecca Riley who emphasised the positive impact on economic measurement that collective endeavour can make. Professor Sir Charles Bean then spoke about his admiration for the scale and quality of ESCoE’s research and networks to date, observing that a great deal of work has been accomplished in the relatively short time since the publication of his Independent Review of UK Economic Statistics in 2016. Sir Charles thanked all those who have contributed to ESCoE over the years. Fulsome praise also came from ONS’s Jonathan Athow, Deputy National Statistician and Director General, Economic Statistics. Jonathan particularly highlighted the productive nature of the relationship between ESCoE and ONS and the continuing benefits this relationship brings for supporting and developing ONS’s work.
After listening to the opening speeches, our invited guests viewed an exhibition of research posters and took the opportunity to talk with many of our researchers who were on hand to present the methods, findings and impacts of their respective ESCoE projects.