Conference Programme:
Video recordings of sessions in the Auditorium (with start times):
8th May Morning Welcome and Plenary Session I
- Start of recording : Welcome: John Pullinger (UK National Statistician)
- At 14:48 : Plenary Session I: Chair: Martin Weale (King’s College London and ESCoE). Speaker: Vasco Carvalho, (University of Cambridge) Production Networks in the Macroeconomy
- Start of recording: Contributed Session B: Productivity – Chair: Marianthi Dunn (Office for National Statistics)
- At 12:12: Christopher O’Donnell (University of Queensland) Measuring and explaining productivity change in U.S. manufacturing
- At 42:43: Marianthi Dunn (Office for National Statistics) Improving estimates of labour productivity and international comparisons
- At 1:17:42: Panel Session 1: Trust in Statistics Chair: Ed Humpherson
- Discussants: Dame Kate Barker, Mairi Spowage (University of Strathclyde), Rebecca Riley (ESCoE and National Institute of Economic and
Social Research) and Tony Curzon Price (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy)
- Discussants: Dame Kate Barker, Mairi Spowage (University of Strathclyde), Rebecca Riley (ESCoE and National Institute of Economic and
- At 2:42:06: Contributed Session F: The digital economy – Chair: John Mitchell (OECD)
- At 2:43:40: Wendy Li (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis), Makoto Nire (University of Tokyo and RIETI) and Kazufumi Yamana (Kanagawa University) Value of data: There’s no such thing as a free lunch in the digital economy
- At 3:15:26: Jeremy Rowe and Philip Stubbings (Office for National Statistics) Extracting economic and social insights from internet traffic data
- At 3:48:24: John Mitchell (OECD) A framework for digital supply – use tables
9th Mary Alberto Cavallo Plenary Session II
- Start of recording: Chair: Michael Hardie (Office for National Statistics)
- At 7:17: Alberto Cavallo (Harvard University) Alternative price data: Some challenges and opportunities
- Start of recording: Special Session B: Labour force skills in the digital age Chair: Mary O’Mahony (King’s College London)
- At 5:28: Elodie Andrieu, Stephanie Jamet, Mariagrazia Squicciarini and Luca Marcolin (OECD) Occupational transitions: the cost of moving to a “safe haven”
- At 24: 35: Oliver Falk (University of Munich, ifo Institute and CESifo), Alexandra Heimisch (ifo Institute) and Simon Widerhold (KU Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, ifo) Returns to ICT skills
- At 48:21: Matthias Parey (University of Surrey, Institute for Fiscal Studies) Tasks and technology: The labor market effects of innovation
- Start of recording: Contributed Session M: Inequality and distribution Chair: Tahnee Ooms (University of Oxford)
- At 7:11: Sofie Waltl (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Vienna University of Economics and Business) Multidimensional wealth inequality: A hybrid approach toward distributional national accounts in Europe
- At 35:18: Dennis Fixler (US Bureau of Economic Analysis) Improving the measure of the distribution of personal income
- At 1:08:04: Peter Matejic (Department for Work and Pensions), Martin Shine, Richard Tonkin and Dominic Webber (Office for National Statistics) Measuring household disposable income: Developing adjustments using tax data which improve the measurement of income for the top earners
- At 1:36:18: Tahnee Ooms (University of Oxford) What is the effect of capital incomes on overall inequality in the UK?
- At 2:28:00: Panel Session II: Priorities for the new SNA
- Chair: Peter van de Ven (OECD), Discussants: Joe Grice (Office for National Statistics), Jonathan Haskel (Imperial College and Bank of England), Kevin Fox ( UNSW Sydney) and Dennis Fixler (Bureau of Economic Analysis US)
- Start of recording: Special Session C: Using micro and text data to measure economic activity better Chair: Paul Robinson (Bank of England)
- At 4:16: Andreas Joseph (Bank of England), Christiane Kneer (Bank of England), Neeltje van Horen (Bank of England) and Jumana Saleheen (CRU Group) All you need is cash: Corporate cash holdings and investment after the financial crisis
- At 30:50: Christopher Kurz (Federal Reserve Board) Improving the accuracy of economic measurement with multiple data sources: the case of payroll employment data
- At 1:00:16: Eleni Kalamara (King’s College London), Arthur Turrell (Bank of England) Making text count: what can newspaper text tell us about macroeconomic sentiment and uncertainty?
10th May Part 2 Plenary Session III
- At 6:10: Chair: Richard J. Smith (University of Cambridge and ESCoE)
- At 7:04: John Fernald (INSEAD) World productivity 1996–2014
- At 1:25:01: Closing remarks: Rebecca Riley (ESCoE and National Institute of Economics and Social Research)