COVID-19 Panel Session: ‘Measuring Business Impacts in Real Time: International Experience’
Chair: Craig McLaren (Office for National Statistics)
Tom Joseph (Australian Bureau of Statistics) and John Shephard (Australian Bureau of Statistics): ‘Estimates Rapid Indicators: Understanding The Experience and Response of Australian Businesses in the Face of a Pandemic’
Rikke Hansen (United Nations): ‘Rapid Surveys in Pandemic Times: A View from Asia-Pacific’
Cathy Buffington (US Bureau of the Census): ‘The Experimental Small Business Pulse Survey’
Soren Andersen (Statistics Denmark): ‘Meeting New User Needs: Experimental Statistics During COVID-19′
COVID-19 Session A: ‘Measuring Consumption and Inflation During The Epidemic‘
Chair: John Galbraith (McGill University)
Rachel Soloveichik (Bureau of Economic Analysis): ‘Cost-of-Living Indexes During a Stay-in-Place Order’
Alberto Cavallo (Harvard University): ‘Inflation with COVID Consumption Baskets’
David Bounie (Telecom Paris), Youssouf Camara (Telecom Paris) and John Galbraith (McGill University): ‘Consumers’ Mobility, Expenditure and Online- Offline Substitution Response to COVID-19: Evidence from French Transaction Data’
COVID-19 Session B: ‘Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 on the Economy‘
Chair: Sumit Dey-Chowdhury (Office for National Statistics)
Takeshi Sakuramoto (Rikkyo University), Satoru Hagino (Office of Statistics Commission, Japan) and Norihiko Yamano (OECD): ‘COVID-19 Impacts on Statistics Survey and Estimation Procedures in Japan’s Statistical System’
Melanie Lewis (Office for National Statistics), Marianthi Dunn (Office for National Statistics) and Matthew Steel (Office for National Statistics: ‘Developing a Quarterly Indicator for Research & Development in the UK, in Response to COVID-19’
Sumit Dey-Chowdhury (Office for National Statistics): ‘UK Coronavirus and the Effects on UK GDP’
COVID-19 Session C: ‘COVID-19, Life and Society‘
Chair: Andrea Lacey (Office for National Statistics)
Jingping Gu (University of Arkansas), Dongya Koh (University of Arkansas) and Andrew Yizhou Liu (UC, Santa Barbara): ‘Working in the Distance: Productivity Dispersion and Labor Reallocation’
Adan Silverio Murillo (Tecnologico de Monterrey): ‘COVID-19, Domestic Violence, and Alcohol Consumption’
Andrea Lacey (Office for National Statistics) and Ellys Monahan (Office for National Statistics): ‘Using the ONET Database to Deliver New Insights for the UK on Pandemic-Relevant Occupational Characteristics’
COVID-19 Session D: ‘Effects of COVID-19 on Business and the Labour Market‘
Chair: Khloe Evans (Office for National Statistics)
Emily Hopson (Office for National Statistics), Sumit Dey-Chowdhury (Office for National Statistics), Jon Gough (Office for National Statistics) and Craig McLaren (Office National Statistics): ‘Insights of the Business Impact of Coronavirus: Wave 2 to 12’
Christopher S. Payne (Office for National Statistics) and Gueorguie Vassilev (Office for National Statistics): ‘Time Use During a Pandemic’
Oleksii Romanko (King’s College London) and Gueorguie Vassilev (Office for National Statistics), Khloe Evans (Office for National Statistics), Ryan Schofield (Office for National Statistics) and Martin Wood (Office for National Statistics): ‘Developing Online Vacancies Data to Inform on Human Capital and Labour Market COVID Impacts and Changes’