EM2020 Plenary Sessions


EM2020 Plenary Sessions

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Welcome and Plenary Session 1

Chair: Mary O’Mahony (King’s College London)

Welcome: Sir Ian Diamond (UK National Statistician)

Keynote: Anna Vignoles (University of Cambridge) ‘The Potential of Linked Administrative Data to Inform Government Policy and Improve Public Services’

Plenary Session 2

Chair: Ana Galvão (University of Warwick)

Keynote: Anil Arora (Statistics Canada) ‘Statistics Canada’s Modernization Journey – Responding to the Fast Evolving Data Needs of the 21st Century’

Plenary Session 3

Chair: Martin Weale (King’s College London)

Keynote: John Van Reenen (London School of Economics) ‘Finding the Measure of Management’