To view the recordings of all sessions from EM2021, and to access slides where available, please use the links further down this page.
The Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE) held its annual conference, organised in partnership with the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS), online on 11-13 May 2021.
The conference is a meeting place for discussing recent research advances in economic measurement and statistics. The programme included papers on many aspects of the measurement and use of economic statistics, focusing on the following: Measuring Productivity, Capital, Trade and the Labour Market; Measuring Innovation, Inequality, Digital Economy and Welfare; Measuring Output and Prices (including nowcasting models and use of alternative data sources); Methods (including data science and machine learning); and Economic Statistics in Practice (aimed at the producers of statistics). The keynote speakers included: Katharine Abraham (University of Maryland); Richard Blundell (University College London and Institute for Fiscal Studies); and Paul Schreyer (OECD).
Slides and Recordings
EM2021 took place digitally using a virtual platform. Recordings of all sessions, as well as presentation slides where available and a number of interview recordings, can be accessed via the following archive pages: