To view the recordings of sessions and to access slides from EM2023 (where available), please use the links further down this page.
The Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence held its annual conference, organised in partnership with the UK Office for National Statistics on 17-19 May 2023 at King’s Business School, King’s College London.
The conference is a meeting place for discussing recent research advances in economic measurement and statistics. The programme included papers on many aspects of measurement and the use of economic statistics, focusing on the following themes: Inclusive Wealth Measures and Looking Beyond GDP; National Accounts (measurement issues regarding Prices, International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment); Net-Zero, Climate Change and the Environment; Subnational Statistics; Productivity and Innovation; Labour Markets, Households and Inequality. The Keynote Speakers included: Professor David Miles (Imperial College, London), Professor Diane Coyle (University of Cambridge and ESCoE) and Professor Javier Miranda (IWH and Friedrich-Schiller University). The Scientific Committee Co-Chairs were: Bart Los (University of Groningen and ESCoE), Mary O’Mahony (King’s College London and ESCoE) and Arthur Turrell (Data Science Campus, ONS).
The programme is available here.
Slides and recordings
As part of the ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2023, all three Plenary Sessions, interviews with two of the keynote speakers, and some additional sessions were all recorded. These recordings, as well as presentation slides where available, accessed via the links below.