Modelling an Evolving Economy Slides and Presentations


Modelling an Evolving Economy Slides and Presentations

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Welcome and Keynote Address 1

Regional Resilience in Today’s Evolving Economy, Mercedes Delgado (Copenhagen Business School, MIT Innovation Initiative and Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School)

Session 1: Measurement

Economic Growth Goes Fractal: The Changing Structure of UK Venture Capital, Anna Valero (LSE)

A Bottom-up Industrial Taxonomy Using Web-data, Juan Mateos-Garcia (Nesta and ESCoE)

Work2Vec: Learning a Latent Representation of Labor Demand, Daniel Rock (Wharton) Slides to follow

Keynote Address 2

How Complexity Economics can Give us Guidance in an Evolving Economy, J. Doyne Farmer (Institute for New Economic Thinking, University of Oxford)

Session 2: Modelling

Is Innovation a Process of Combination? A Roundup of Recent Evidence, Matt Clancy (Institute for Progress)

Pathway of Innovation: Micro to Macro, Hyejin Youn (Northwestern / Santa Fe Institute)

Measuring Exploration and Exploitation Patterns in Technological Innovation, Mirko Draca (Warwick-CAGE)

Session 3: Informing

Data Science for STI Policy: On Realistic Opportunities and Major Hurdles, Caroline Paunov (OECD)

The Policy Implications of Economic Complexity, Viktor Stojkosi (Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts)

Panel Session

Panel Chair: Rebecca Riley (ESCoE and King’s College London)

Panel Members: Cosmina Dorobantu (The Alan Turing Institute), Grant Fitzner (Office for National Statistics), Stian Westlake (Royal Statistical Society)