The National Institute of Economic and Social Research – in partnership with King’s College London, innovation foundation Nesta, Warwick Business School (University of Warwick), University of Cambridge and Strathclyde Business School – is delighted to have been awarded the new Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE) for the Office of National Statistics, following a tender process.
The Centre will provide ONS with research that addresses the challenges of measuring the modern economy, as recommended by Prof. Sir Charlie Bean in his recent Independent Review of UK Economic Statistics.
Rebecca Riley of NIESR, who will be the new Centre’s Director, said: “Our vision is ambitious, involving a cultural change in the delivery of economic statistics. The Centre provides an exciting opportunity for making significant inroads into developing and improving economic statistics.”
Prof. Richard Smith, University of Cambridge, who will be the Centre’s Academic Co-Director, said: “I am delighted that ONS has decided to recognise NIESR in this fashion. I am looking forward to contributing to the establishment of ESCoE in partnership with ONS as an international focal point both for research and development of world-class economic statistics and for building intellectual capacity in economic statistics in the UK.”
Hasan Bakhshi of Nesta, added: “The availability of new online data sources and powerful statistical techniques from data science has in recent years revolutionised the way Nesta does quantitative research. We’re thrilled as part of the ESCoE partnership to be working with the ONS in now driving forward the use of big data in economic statistics.”
Prof. Mary O’Mahony, King’s College London, said: “We are looking forward to contributing to enhancing research on economic statistics and building the next generation through PhD studentships and influencing the way that economic statistics are embedded in the curriculum in universities and schools.”
Prof. James Mitchell, Warwick Business School, (University of Warwick) said: “An important aspect of ESCoE’s work will be to help minimise the scope for misinterpretation in statistical releases, one of the problems highlighted in the Bean Review.”
Prof. Graeme Roy, Director of the Fraser of Allander Institute at Strathclyde Business School said: “As part of ESCoE we are looking forward to help meet the growing demand for high-quality regional economic statistics.”