Workshop Towards a tangible agenda for intangibles 17 Oct 2017, 10:00 — 14:00 Towards a tangible agenda for intangibles
Conference ONS-ESCoE Special Session: Measuring the Modern Economy 10 Apr 2017, 15:30 — 17:00 ONS-ESCoE Special Session: Measuring the Modern Economy
Productivity Growth and Global Value Chain Participation in the Digital Age (ESCoE DP 2020-04) Productivity Growth and Global Value Chain Participation in the Digital Age (ESCoE DP 2020-04)
Productivity growth and global value chain participation in the digital age 20 April 2020 By Claudio Battiati, Cecilia Jona-Lasinio, Silvia Sopranzetti 3 min read time Productivity growth and global value chain participation in the digital age