Juliana Mainard-Sardon

Juliana Mainard-Sardon

Juliana Mainard-Sardon is a Research Fellow at the VCSE Data and Insights National Observatory (Nottingham Trent University).

The National Observatory provides a one-stop source of interactive data intelligence for policymakers, infrastructure and frontline organisations, and researchers in the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector at a national level. Juliana is an ethnographer and a qualitative researcher specialised in digital stories. She was part of a national multi-organisational research team, who conducted the largest UK study of the impact of Covid-19 on the voluntary sector and did a rapid evidence assessment of wellbeing in work. She is PI of an evaluation for the Research Engagement Network funded by NHS England. She is co-investigator of evaluations for two local infrastructure organisations (LIOs) based in Medway and St Albans. She is also leading a project about understanding data needs and data impact of several UK LIOs .

Research Fellow

Nottingham Trent University

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