Marta Mezzanzanica

Marta Mezzanzanica

Marta Mezzanzanica is a Research Director at the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) where she leads the NatCen Panel, the UK’s longest-running probability-based research panel.

Marta is responsible for managing and delivering quantitative research on a wide range of topics for different clients (government departments, charities and academics). In particular, Marta has overseen the fieldwork management and delivery of all the time use studies online surveys for the ONS (OTUS W1 to W8), as well as the first wave of the ELiDDI tool for the Centre for Time Use Research (CTUR) at UCL. She also led the review of the two time use studies conducted for ESCoE.

Marta has a commitment to methodological experimentation and improvement, and she is a member of NatCen’s Methodological Champions group.

Research Associate
