To estimate the domestic gross value added (GVA) of exports in each industry we estimated domestic GVA from exports for each firm, and then summed it up within each industry. ย GVA is calculated for each firm or industry as the difference between the value of production (output) and the value of goods and services consumed as inputs to the process of production (intermediate consumption). To calculate this for each firm, we needed data on turnover, intermediate inputs, and exports, and had to make assumptions about how the intermediate inputs were used. The conceptual approach that we applied was common across all sectors that we analysed. However, its specific implementation varied to account for the specificities of the different data sources. Our analysis of manufacturing companies relied on the individual tax returns and customs data from HMRC. Analysis for a key financial services sector utilised Bank of England data and was developed with Bank of England and ONS colleagues. For the other services sectors we used the ONS Annual Business Survey and International Trade in Services Survey, as well as company accounts data.