The first stage of the project will be a scoping paper. This will review methodologies in use in other countries, data sources based on existing ONS work and potential alternative sources, and a set of recommendations.
The second stage will be an analysis of the operation of the labour market using a range of indicators and methods. This may include international comparisons.
The final stage will examine alternative data sources, primarily Time Use Surveys. There is evidence that the intensity of work has been rising over time, due to computerisation, changes in work design and rising expectations from managers and customers. Labour market tables offer the opportunity to capture a variety of measures of labour input. These include the total duration of the working day, the total time spent on work rather than other activities such as breaks, and the frequency of work interruptions. Combining this with data on the location of work and commuting will provide more nuanced measures of labour input. This final stage will also include recommendations on how alternative data sources might be flexibly incorporated in labour market tables.