The calculations for Defra and ONS require an Environmentally-Extended Multiregional Input-Output database. The University of Leeds has constructed the UKMRIO database using ONS Supply and Use tables (SUTs), analytical tables, the environmental accounts, and trade data from a global Multiregional Input-Output (MRIO) database.
80% of the UK’s material footprint is embodied in imports. So, it is important to understand the UK’s trade patterns and their effect on the environment. ONS SUTs report the imports to the UK but do not report which countries the UK is trading with. The UKMRIO supplements this with trade share data from another Global MRIO database: EXIOBASE. Recently, two new Global MRIO databases have been developed by the OECD (ICIO) and Eurostat (FIAGRO). The project will explore using these systems.
The UK SUTs used in the UKMRIO database are at a 112 industrial sector resolution. Material extraction sectors represent just 8 of these, with mining of metal Ore being a single sector. This means we assume the same production structure for mining of iron as we do tin, leading to inaccuracies in material footprint calculations. This issue is more pronounced when we consider the emissions associated with the electricity sector. Disaggregating UK electricity generation by source (e.g. renewables, gas, coal) would see striking differences in the product-based multipliers depending on where they source electricity from in their production processes. Therefore, we will explore disaggregating key sectors in the UKMRIO database using datasets held by the ONS and other sources.