Many nowcasting and forecasting models are focused on headline or aggregate measures, such as GDP for the whole economy or a specific region. These models can use a range of macroeconomic indicators with general relevance for the economy. Less attention has been paid to nowcasting variables below the aggregate, such as the expenditure components of GDP (namely household consumption and capital investment) or ‘Beyond GDP’ variables, such as household production and public service quality indices. This project considers nowcasting for these applications.
Household consumption and capital investment collectively account for two-thirds of GDP in the UK, so are important variables for estimating quarterly GDP. Data on government spending and trade are more readily available at quarterly frequency. Modelling consumption and investment may require the use of more detailed variables given their specific nature.
Similarly, nowcasts of household production and public service quality indices may benefit from unique or unusual data sources or methods, given their particular concepts. These variables support “Beyond GDP” work at ONS, and are not currently available at quarterly frequency.