Types of capital and their measurement (ESCoE DP 2024-14)


Types of capital and their measurement (ESCoE DP 2024-14)


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Capital is notoriously heterogeneous, including physical, human and natural capitals, and this heterogeneity can make measurement very difficult. To bring some structure to the wide range of capital assets, and inform measurement, we establish a set of five dimensions of capital in order to classify capital types: tangible or intangible; produced or non-produced; standardised or non-standardised; exclusive or non-exclusive; and fixed or non-fixed.

Based on a cross-classification of these dimensions, we identify a range of capital types, and use this to draw some lessons for measurement. We highlight which valuation methods best measure which types of capital. Non-standardised assets are hard to measure due to a lack of markets and comparators, while non-exclusive assets are hard to value since the value to the owner is not exhaustive.