Economic and Labour Market Review Articles
After 2006 Economic Trends and Labour Market Trends were merged into the Economic and Labour Market Review which ran until 2011 when the ONS switched to the online publication of articles on its website. The articles published in Economic and Labour Market Review (ELMR) between 2007 – 2011 are available below. Each edition of the ELMR is available as a pdf with a list of the articles it contains listed below. Each edition has bookmarks within the pdf which allows easy navigation to the required article.
January 2007 | Volume 1 | Number 1
Official statistics publications and economic statistics
Mavis Anagboso, Allan Flowers, Geoff Tily and Gavin Wallis
The personal inflation calculator
Matthew Powell and Jim O’Donoghue
Inflation – experience and perceptions
Jim O’Donoghue
Earnings: summary of sources and developments
Robert Hayes, Catrin Ormerod and Felix Ritchie
Times series analysis of the Labour Force Survey longitudinal data sets
Catherine Barham and Nasima Begum
Methods explained: House price indices of the UK
Sumit Dey–Chowdhury
February 2007 | Volume 1 | Number 2
Treating research and development as a capital asset
Emma Edworthy and Gavin Wallis
Ethnicity data for Jobseekers Allowance claimants
Karen Grierson
The ageing workforce: A health issue
Ulrike Hotopp
Understanding statistics on full–time/part–time employment
Annette Walling
Patterns of pay: results of the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, 1997 to 2006
Clive Dobbs
Regional economic indicator with a focus on the differences in regional economic performance Claire Swadkin and David Hastings
March 2007 | Volume 1 | Number 3
Regional analysis of public sector employment
Bryce Millard
Linking ASHE and LFS: can the main earnings sources be reconciled
Catrin Ormerod and Felix Ritchie
The measurement of the role of government in macroeconomic statistics
Sumit Dey–Chowdhury and Geoff Tily
The launch of the Index of Services as a National Statistics
Steve Drew and Darren Morgan
Market sector GVA productivity measures
Catherine Marks
Methods explained: Index numbers
Peter Goodridge
April 2007 | Volume 1 | Number 4
Measuring low pay: the importance of timing Catrin Ormerod and Felix Ritchie
International comparisons of labour disputes in 2005
Dominic Hale
Modernising the UK’s National Accounts
Jon Beadle
CPI and RPI: the 2007 basket of goods and services
Damon Wingfield
Comparing ONS’s retail sales index with the BRC’s retail sales monitor
Nicholas Palmer and Joscelyne Hynard
Services Producer Price Index (experimental) – fourth quarter 2006
Ian Richardson
May 2007 | Volume 1 | Number 5
New measures of private sector software investment
Graeme Chamberlin, Tony Clayton and Shikeb Farooqui
Improving measurement of banking services in the UK National Accounts
Leonidas Akritidis
Revisions analysis quarterly current account balance of payments data
Mala Mistry
Characteristics of public sector workers
Bryce Millard and Andrew Machin
Revisions to workforce jobs
Nick Barford
Regional economic indicators with a focus on sub–regional household income
Claire Swadkin and David Hastings
June 2007 | Volume 1 | Number 6
100 years of the Census of Production in the UK
Peter Smith and Stephen Penneck
Labour disputes in 2006
Dominic Hale
Issues in the measurement of low pay
Catrin Ormerod and Felix Ritchie
The measurement of non–market output in education and health
Peter C Smith and Andrew Street
Methods explained: Contributions to growth under annual chain–linking
Joe Robjohns
July 2007 | Volume 1 | Number 7
Publishing productivity measures in ONS Dawn Camus
Following the Atkinson Review: the quality of public sector output
Martin Weale
Measuring innovation and productivity in a knowledge–based economy
Jonathan Haskel
Multi–factor productivity analysis
Peter Goodridge
Volume of capital services: estimates for 1950 to 2005
Gavin Wallis
What is known about numbers and ‘earnings’ of the self–employed
Catrin Ormerod
Services Producer Price Index (experimental) – first quarter 2007
Ian Richardson
August 2007 | Volume 1 | Number 8
Forecasting GDP using external data sources Graeme Chamberlin
Measures of accuracy for the Index of Production
Robin Youll, Neil Parkin and Chris Hunt
Introduction of automatic occupation coding in ASHE
James Scruton
International comparisons of productivity: the current and constant PPP approach
Sumit Dey–Chowdhury
Measuring government output: issues for Children’s Social Care Services
Jean Soper, Lisa Homes and Enliz D’souza
Regional economic indicators with a focus on sub–regional economic performance
Claire Swadkin and David Hastings
September 2007 | Volume 1 | Number 9
Globalisation: what are the main statistical challenges?
Karen Dunnell, Fernando Galindo–Rueda and Richard Laux
New labour productivity measures from the ABI – 1998 to 2005
Peter Goodridge
Indicators to measure trade union membership, strikes and lockouts in the UK
Derek Bird
A preliminary analysis of the differences between AWE and the AEI
Harry Duff
Mapping trends in the care workforce using SOC 1990 and SOC 2000
Antonia Simon and Charlie Owen
Methods explained: Data reduction and model selection techniques
Graeme Chamberlin
October 2007 | Volume 1 | Number 10
Using administrative data for statistical purposes Stephen Penneck
The treatment of pensions in the National Accounts
Sumit Rahman
Measuring the quality of the producer price index
John Morris and Tegwen Green
GDP(O) revisions analysis system: overview and indicative results
Hilary Mainwaring and Hugh Skipper
The effect of bonuses on earnings growth in 2007
Harry Duff
Measuring societal wellbeing
Paul Allin
Services Producer Price Index (experimental) – second quarter 2007
Ian Richardson
November 2007 | Volume 1 | Number 11
UK environmental accounts: air emissions and energy use
Ian Gazley
Revisions to quarterly GDP growth and its components
Ross Meader
Civil Service employment statistics 2006
Donna Livesey, Craig Taylor and Pete Jones
Using the FRS to examine employment trends of couples
Antonia Simon and Elizabeth Whiting
Regional economic indicators with a focus on rural and urban differences in the English regions
Claire Swadkin, Barbara Louca and Dev Virdee
December 2007 | Volume 1 | Number 12
Developing an R&D satellite account for the UK: a preliminary analysis
Fernando Galindo–Rueda
New LFS questions on economic inactivity
Katherine Kent
Volume of capital services: estimates for 1950 to 2006
Gavin Wallis and Sumit Dey–Chowdhury
Quality–adjusted labour input: estimates for 1996 to 2006
Sumit Dey–Chowdhury and Peter Goodridge
Methods explained: forecasting
John Wood and Duncan Elliott
January 2008 | Volume 2 | Number 1
Developments in measuring the UK service industries, 1990 to 2006
Keith Brook
Planned methodological changes to the Index of Production
Andrew Walton, Robin Youll and Chris Hunt
The Occupational Pension Schemes Survey 2006
Sarah Levy and David Miller
Multi–factor productivity: estimates for 1997 to 2006
Peter Goodridge
Labour Force Survey: interim reweighting 2007
Nicholas Palmer and Matthew Hughes
Services producer price index (experimental) – third quarter 2007
Ian Richardson
February 2008 | Volume 2 | Number 2
Economic & Labour Market Review February 2008.pdf
Improvements to the measurement of government output in the National Accounts
Mark Pont
Patterns of pay: results of ASHE, 1997 to 2007
Hywel Daniels
The ICP: 2005 results and supporting the programme
Ben Whitestone
Linking ASHE to the Census: a feasibility study
Jamie Jenkins
The revision of the 1993 System of National Accounts – what does it change?
Charles Aspden
Regional economic indicators with a focus on regional productivity
Sumit Dey-Chowdhury, David Penny, Birgit Wosnitza and Martin Walker
March 2008 | Volume 2 | Number 3
Comparison of statistics on jobs: September 2007 Andrew Machin
Monitoring the quality of the National Accounts
Ross Meader and Geoff Tily
International comparisons of productivity: an update to understanding revisions
Sumit Dey–Chowdhury
Revisions to workforce jobs: December 2007
Nick Barford
Regional gross value added
Eddie Holmes
Methods explained: household saving ratio
Graeme Chamberlin and Sumit Dey-Chowdhury
April 2008 | Volume 2 | Number 4
The gender pay gap in the UK
Debra Leaker
CPI and RPI: the 2008 basket of goods and services
Damon Wingfield and Philip Gooding
International comparisons of labour disputes in 2006
Dominic Hale
New historical data for assets and liabilities in the UK
Teresa Sbano
First findings from the UK Innovation Survey 2007
Stephanie Robson and Greg Haigh
Services producer price index (experimental) – fourth quarter 2007
Ian Richardson
May 2008 | Volume 2 | Number 5
Comparisons between unemployment and the claimant count: 1971 to 2007
Richard Clegg
Private Finance Initiative and public debt
Martin Kellaway
Monitoring the coherence of ONS and Purchasing Managers’ Index data
Graeme Chamberlin
Secure access to confidential microdata: four years of the Virtual Microdata Laboratory
Felix Ritchie
Decomposing the Retail Sales Index implied price deflator and the CPI
Richard McCrae, Craig McLaren, John Wood and Robin Youll
Regional economic indicators with a focus on sub–regional economic performances
Birgit Wosnitza and Martin Walker
June 2008 | Volume 2 | Number 6
Labour disputes in 2007
Dominic Hale
Modernisation of the UK’s National Accounts: progress and plans for Blue Book and Pink Book 2008
Simon Humphries
Labour Force Survey: reweighting and seasonal adjustment review 2008
Nicholas Palmer and Matthew Hughes
Impact of methodological changes to the Index of Production
Andrew Walton, Robin Youll and Chris Hunt
Review of Labour Statistics for the United Nations Statistical Commission
Catherine Barham
Methods explained: the GDP implied deflator
Anis Chowdhury
July 2008 | Volume 2 | Number 7
Employment of foreign workers in the UK: 1997 to 2008
Gareth Clancy
Regional analysis of public sector employment
Andrew Barnard
The effects of taxes and benefits on household income, 2006/07
Francis Jones
Dealing with potential bias in early estimates of GDP
Robin Youll
Recent trends in corporate net lending
Graeme Chamberlin
Measuring inflation
Rob Pike
Services producer price index (experimental) – first quarter 2008
Ian Richardson
August 2008 | Volume 2 | Number 8
Modelling the gender pay gap in the UK: 1998 to 2006
Andrew Barnard
Inventories: a cross-country comparison of behaviour and methodology
Barry Williams
Regional gross disposable household income
Eddie Holmes
SIC 2007: implementation in ONS
John C Hughes
Measuring the quality of the producer price index – an update
Joanna Woods
Regional economic indicators with a focus on household income
Birgit Wosnitza and Martin Walker
September 2008 | Volume 2 | Number 9
Measuring UK inflation
Catherine Marks, Darren Morgan and Rob Pike
Command GDP: the purchasing power of UK output
Graeme Chamberlin
The impact of the 2006 National Minimum Wage rise on employment
Ian Mulheirn
The preliminary R&D satellite account for the UK: a sensitivity analysis
Peter Evans, Michael Hatcher and Damian Whittard
Job separations in the UK
Katherine Kent
Methods explained: perpetual inventory method
Sumit Dey-Chowdhury
October 2008 | Volume 2 | Number 10
Measuring the UK economy 2008: the National Statistician’s perspective
Karen Dunnell
The effect of bonuses on earnings growth in 2008
Harry Duff
Overview of UK National Accounts and Balance of Payments: Blue Book and Pink Book 2008
Ross Meader and Geoff Tily
Annual Population Survey household data sets
Kathryn Ashton and Katherine Kent
Supply–side estimates of UK investment
Graeme Chamberlin
Services producer price index (experimental) – second quarter 2008
Ian Richardson
November 2008 | Volume 2 | Number 11
Sickness absence from work in the UK
Debra Leaker
Analysis of international trade and productivity, using the EUKLEMS database
Peter Goodridge
Producer price index rebasing to 2005=100
Rob Luckwell
Labour Force Survey: interim reweighting 2008
Nick Palmer and Mark Chandler
Experimental estimates of rural–urban productivity
Sumit Dey–Chowdhury and Pippa Gibson
Regional economic indicators with a focus on skills
Birgit Wosnitza, Peggy Causer and Jonathan Knight
December 2008 | Volume 2 | Number 12
The distribution of household income 1977 to 2006/07
Francis Jones, Daniel Annan and Saef Shah
Making sense of Labour Force Survey response rates
Geoff Bright, William Barnes and Colin Hewat
How similar are ONS’s annual and monthly business inquiries?
Joe Robjohns and Damian Whittard
Introducing the new business demography statistics
Karen Grierson and Andrew Allen
The impact of Labour Force Survey and Annual Population Survey reweighting
Marilyn Thomas and Sally–Ann Aubrey-Smith
Rebasing the services producer price index
Terry Bradley
Methods explained: cost–benefit analysis
Barry Williams
January 2009 | Volume 3 | Number 1
National Statistician’s article: measuring regional economic performance
Karen Dunnell
The redistribution of household income 1977 to 2006/07
Francis Jones, Daniel Annan and Saef Shah
Measuring defence
Mavis Anagboso and Alison Spence
Volume of capital services: estimates for 1950 to 2007
Gavin Wallis and Alex Turvey
Quality–adjusted labour input: estimates for 1997 to 2007
Peter Goodridge
Characteristics of those paid below the National Minimum Wage
Stephen Hicks, Sarah Conn and Jenny Johnson
Services producer price index (experimental) – third quarter 2008
Ian Richardson
February 2009 | Volume 3 | Number 2
Special edition: Labour Market Review
The labour market in the economy
Gareth Clancy
Labour demand
Gareth Clancy
Katherine Kent
Debra Leaker
Debra Leaker
Labour costs
Sarah Conn
Regional economic indicators with a focus on enterprise
Birgit Wosnitza, Keith Tyrrell and, Jonathan Knight
March 2009 | Volume 3 | Number 3
Economic review of the Retail Sales Index Mavis Anagboso
Patterns of pay: results of the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, 1997 to 2008
Clive Dobbs
Multi–factor productivity: estimates for 1998 to 2007
Alex Turvey
Revisions to workforce jobs: December 2008
Gareth Clancy
Incorporating equality considerations into measures of public service output
Richard Jones and Andrew Rowlinson
Methods explained: core inflation
Graeme Chamberlin
April 2009 | Volume 3 | Number 4
Young people and the labour market
Catherine Barham, Annette Walling, Gareth Clancy, Stephen Hicks and Sarah Conn
Employment of the older generation
Kamran Khan
CPI and RPI: the 2009 basket of goods and services
Philip Gooding
Revisions to quarterly GDP growth and its components
Jason Murphy
Labour Inputs in Public Sector Productivity: Methods, Issues, and Data
Kato Kimbugwe, Rhys Lewis and Nicola James
Identifying UK shortage occupations
Anna Downs
Services producer price index (experimental) – fourth quarter 2008
Ian Richardson
May 2009 | Volume 3 | Number 5
Households, families and work Katherine Kent
Identifying shortage occupations in the UK
Anna Downs
Civil Service Statistics 2008: a focus on gross annual earnings
David Matthews and Andrew Taylor
Firm–level estimates of capital stock and productivity
Bob Gilhooly
Regional gross value added
Jayne White
Regional economic indicators with a focus on household income
Alex Turvey, Jonathan Knight and Birgit Wosnitza
June 2009 | Volume 3 | Number 6
The impact of the economic downturn on productivity growth
Malindi Myers
Labour disputes in 2008
Dominic Hale
Performance and employment characteristics of UK service industries, 1990-2008
Keith Brook
Developing a unit labour costs indicator for the UK
Alex Turvey
Regional Gross Disposable Household Income
Charlotte Richards and Wayne Roberts
Changes to the retail sales methodology
Craig McLaren
Methods Explained: Business Structure Database
Peter Evans and Richard Welpton
July 2009 | Volume 3 | Number 7
Special edition: Developing financial statistics for policy
Output and employment in the financial sector
Barry Williams, Valerie Fender and Steve Drew
Corporate sector balance sheets and crisis transmission
Christopher Davies
Improving measurement of household savings and wealth
Chris Daffin, Sarah Levy and Andrew Walton
The public sector balance sheet
Jim O’Donoghue
Government financial liabilities beyond public sector net debt
Fenella Maitland–Smith
The way forward: conclusions and recommendations
Services producer price index (experimental) – first quarter 2009
Ian Richardson
August 2009 | Volume 3 | Number 8
Impact of the VAT reduction on consumer price indices
Rob Pike, Mark Lewis and Daniel Turner
The impact of the recession on retail sales volumes
Mavis Anagboso
Recent developments in the UK housing market
Graeme Chamberlin
Progress in implementing the Atkinson review recommendations
Helen Patterson
Total public sector output and productivity
Mike Phelps and Fraser Munro
Effects of taxes and benefits on household income, 2007/08
Andrew Barnard
Implementation of SIC 2007 across the Government Statistical Service
John Hughes and Keith Brook
September 2009 | Volume 3 | Number 9
Capitalising research and development: towards the new system of National Accounts
Lars Wenzel, M Khalid Nadeem Khan and Peter Evans
The housing market and household balance sheets
Graeme Chamberlin
Update on ONS plans for improving the UK National Accounts
Robin Youll
Regional analysis of public sector employment
Nicola James
Methods Explained: The Balance of Payments
Graeme Chamberlin
Regional Economic Indicators with a focus on rural and urban productivity in the English regions
Pippa Gibson, Sebnem Oguz and Jonathan Knight
October 2009 | Volume 3 | Number 10
ICT impact assessment by linking data
Mark Franklin, Peter Stam and Tony Clayton
Recession and recovery in the OECD
Graeme Chamberlin and Linda Yueh
Quality measures of household labour market indicators
Jenny Johnson
Unemployment durations over the business cycle: evidence from the British Household Panel Survey
Katy Long
An economic approach to the measurement of growth in the output of public services
Mark Chandler
Services Producer Prices Indices (experimental) – second quarter 2009
Simon Woodsford
November 2009 | Volume 3 | Number 11
Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey, 2002 to 2007 Kevin Madden
Households and the labour market for local areas
Jenny Johnson
Flash estimates of European labour costs
Graeme Chamberlin
Regional economic indicators with a focus on industries in the UK regions
Sebnem Oguz and Jonathan Knight
December 2009 | Volume 3 | Number 12
The characteristics of patenters
Peter Evans and M Khalid Nadeem Khan
Changing costs of public services
Mike G Phelps
Understanding the quality of early estimates of GDP
Gary Brown, Tullio Buccellato, Graeme Chamberlin, Sumit Dey-Chowdhury and Robin Youll
Implementation of Standard Industrial Classification 2007: December 2009 update
John C Hughes, Gareth James, Andrew Evans and Debra Prestwood
Labour Force Survey: Interim reweighting and annual review of seasonal adjustment, 2009
Mark Chandler
Patterns of non–employment, and of disadvantage, in a recession
Richard Berthoud
Discontinuity analysis affecting the 2006 ABI employee estimates
Jon Gough
Methods Explained: The quarterly alignment adjustment
Barry Williams
January 2010 | Volume 4 | Number 1
The changing nature of the UK’s trade deficits, 1985–2008
Valerie Fender
Implications of the change in female state pension age for labour market statistics
Richard Clegg, Debra Leaker and Katherine Kent
Financial crisis and recession: how ONS has addressed the statistical and analytical challenges
Aileen Simkins, Paul Smith and Martin Brand
The labour market across the UK in the current recession
Jamie Jenkins and Debra Leaker
Using the OECD equivalence scale in taxes and benefits analysis
Grace Anyaegbu
Education productivity
Allan Baird, Fraser Munro and Richard Wild
Services Producer Price Indices (experimental) – Third quarter 2009
Simon Woodsford
February 2010 | Volume 4 | Number 2
Underemployment in the UK labour market Annette Walling and Gareth Clancy
Labour market gross flows data from the Labour Force Survey
Jamie Jenkins and Mark Chandler
Regional economic indicators: with a focus on differences in sub-regional economic performances
Sebnem Oguz and Jonathan Knight
March 2010 | Volume 4 | Number 3
An expenditure–based analysis of the redistribution of household income
Sonia Carrera
First findings from the UK Innovation Survey 2009
Stephanie Robson and Martin Kenchatt
Implementation of SIC 2007 for the vacancy survey
Nick Barford, Jonathan Knight and Bob Watson
Understanding the divergence between output and employment in the UK construction industry
Mavis Anagboso and Yonathan van den Brink
Development of construction statistics
Tony Crook and Graham Sharp
Patterns of pay: results of the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 1997 to 2009
Ceri Holdsworth
April 2010 | Volume 4 | Number 4
Labour Force Survey unemployment and benefits durations
Gareth Clancy and Daniel Ker
Disability, education and training
Melanie Jones
CPI and RPI: the 2010 basket of goods and services
Philip Gooding
Incorporating derivatives data in the National Accounts and Balance of Payments
Paul Cullinane
Civil Service Statistics 2009: A focus on gross annual earnings
David Matthews and Andrew Taylor
Plans for Blue Book 2010
Glenn Everett
Services Producer Price Indices (experimental) – Fourth quarter 2009
Simon Woodsford
May 2010 | Volume 4 | Number 5
Recent developments in the household saving ratio
Christopher Davies, Valerie Fender and Barry Williams
Comparing different estimates of productivity produced by the Office for National Statistics
Mike G Phelps
Labour productivity measures from the ABI: 1998 to 2007
Katy Long
The economic impact of tourism across regions and nations of the UK
Tullio Buccellato, Dominic Webber, Sean White, Felix Ritchie and Shadia Begum
Regional economic indicators with a focus on gross disposable household income
Sebnem Oguz and Jonathan Knight
June 2010 | Volume 4 | Number 6
Disadvantaged groups in the labour market Ruth Barret
The UK’s international investment position
Damian Whittard and Jawed Khan
Regional gross value added
Bethan West
Labour disputes in 2009
Dominic Hale
The recording of financial intermediation services within sector accounts
Paul Cullinane
Healthcare productivity
Cristina Penaloza
Methods Explained: Real time data
Graeme Chamberlin
July 2010 | Volume 4 | Number 7
Characteristics of the underemployed and overemployed in the UK
Helen Tam
Explaining the difference between unemployment and the claimant count
Gareth Clancy and Peter Stam
The changing face of public sector employment 1999–2009
David Matthews
The effects of taxes and benefits on household income, 2008/09
Andrew Barnard
SOC2010: revision of the Standard Occupational Classification
Peter Elias and Margaret Birch
Measures of economic activity and their implications for societal well–being
Blessing Chiripanhura
Measuring investment in intangible assets in the UK: results from a new survey
Gaganan Awano, Mark Franklin, Jonathan Haskel and Zafeira Kastrinaki
Developments in Services Producer Price Indices
Kat Pegler, Tracy Jones and Chris Jenkins
Services Producer Price Indices – First quarter 2010
Simon Woodsford
August 2010 | Volume 4 | Number 8
Impact of the recession on households
Steve Howell, Debra Leaker and Ruth Barrett
The labour market in the 1980s, 1990s and 2008/09 recessions
Jamie Jenkins
Employment in the 2008-2009 recession
Paul Gregg and Jonathan Wadsworth
Unemployment and inactivity in the 2008-2009 recession
Paul Gregg and Jonathan Wadsworth
Output and expenditure in the last three UK recessions
Graeme Chamberlin
The global recession and its impact on tourists’ spending in the UK
Dominic Webber, Tullio Buccellato and Sean White
Regional economic indicators: A focus on regional gross value added using shift-share analysis
Sebnem Oguz and Jonathan Knight
September 2010 | Volume 4 | Number 9
Total reward: pay and pension contributions in the public and private sectors
Sarah Levy, Hazel Mitchell, Guled Guled and Jessica Coleman
There’s more to life than GDP but how can we measure it?
Joanne Evans and Jennifer Thomas
Explaining exits from unemployment in the UK, 2006–09
Peter Stam and Katy Long
The relationship between hours worked in the UK and the economy
Peter Stam and Jessica Coleman
Regional Gross Disposable Household Income
Matthew Edwards and Keith Barnes
Multi–factor productivity: estimates for 1994 to 2008
Katy Long and Mark Franklin
Revisions to Workforce Jobs
Nick Barford
October 2010 | Volume 4 | Number 10
The experimental tourism satellite account for the United Kingdom (E–UKTSA)
Tullio Buccellato, Dominic Webber and Sean White
A proposed methodology for nowcasting the demand and supply estimates of tourism activities
Tullio Buccellato, Dominic Webber and Sean White
Estimating regional exports of services trade for the UK
Keith Brook and Kelly Adams
Total public service output, inputs and productivity
Mike G Phelps, Sophia Kamarudeen, Katherine Mills and Richard Wild
Quality adjusted labour input: new estimates for 1993 to 2008
Alex Turvey, Peter Goodridge and Mark Franklin
Volume of capital services: annual estimates for 1950 to 2008 and new quarterly series
Gavin Wallis, Katy Long and Alex Turvey
November 2010 | Volume 4 | Number 11
Measuring the UK’s human capital stock Richard Jones and Blessing Chiripanhura
Regional Economic Indicators: with a focus on sub–regional Gross Valued Added using shift–share analysis
Sebnem Oguz and Jonathan Knight
Methods Explained: Temporal disaggregation
Graeme Chamberlin
December 2010 | Volume 4 | Number 12
Measuring the environmental goods and services sector Donna Livesey
Googling the present
Graeme Chamberlin
Producer prices and services producer prices: implementation of SIC 2007
Simon Woodsford
January 2011 | Volume 5 | Number 1
Employment characteristics of UK tourism industries in 2008
Eddie Smith, Dominic Webber and Sean White
Developing financial statistics for policy – Progress report January 2011
Graeme Walker
Exploring the geographical distribution of wealth using the output area classification
Ellis Daniel and Geoff Bright
Employment and intangible spending in the UK’s creative industries – A view from the micro data
Eric Scheffel and Andrew Thomas
February 2011 | Volume 5 | Number 2
The impact of the recession on different sized firms – A view from the micro–data
Tullio Buccellato and Eric Scheffel
Median and mean income analyses – Their implications for material living standards and national well–being
Blessing Chiripanhura
Education, public service output, inputs and productivity Allan Baird, Joseph Haynes, Fiona Massey and Richard Wild
Measuring the accuracy of the Retail Sales Index
Joseph Winton and Jeff Ralph
The development of the Monthly Business Survey
Craig Taylor, Gareth James, and Peter Pring
Okun’s Law revisited
Graeme Chamberlin
Regional economic indicators with a focus on the relationship between skills and productivity
Sebnem Oguz and Jonathan Knight
March 2011 | Volume 5 | Number 3
Patterns of pay: Results of the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 1997 to 2010
Ryan Pike
Changes to the picture of the UK economy – impact of the new SIC 2007 industry classification
Keith Brook, David Matthews and Jon Darke
Standard Occupational Classification 2010 – implementation in the Office for National Statistics
Joanne Monger
Monitoring the coherence between ONS and PMI data – an update
Graeme Chamberlin, Valerie Fender and Zuhaib Khan
April 2011 | Volume 5 | Number 4
Using administrative data held by DWP as an alternative sampling frame for the Family Resources Survey
Antonia Simon
Quality–adjusted labour input: new quarterly estimates for 1993 to 2009 and annual estimates from 1970
Jean Acheson
Business Population Estimates for the UK and Regions Julian Shaw
Investigating the characteristics of patents and the businesses which hold them
Andrew Thomas
Content of Blue Book 2011
Glenn Everett
Consumer Prices Index and Retail Prices Index: the 2011 basket of goods and services
Philip Gooding
Profits from UK Foreign Direct Investment
Tullio Buccellato, Eric Scheffel and Andrew Thomas
Assessing the accuracy of business–level forecasts
Pete Brodie, Tullio Buccellato and Eric Scheffel
May 2011 | Volume 5 | Number 5 (Final Issue)
Gross domestic product, real income and economic welfare
Graeme Chamberlin
China and the UK: Changing patterns of international trade and investment
Graeme Chamberlin and Linda Yueh
Volume of capital services: new annual and quarterly estimates for 1950 to 2009
John Appleton and Gavin Wallis
Multi–factor productivity: estimates for 1970 to 2009
Jean Acheson
Enhancing coverage of financial market activity
Mohammed Yaqoob and M Khalid Khan