Building a skills taxonomy for the UK 11 May 2022 By Elizabeth Gallagher, India Kerle, Cath Sleeman, George Richardson 8 min read time Building a skills taxonomy for the UK
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Boosting labour market intelligence for local decision-makers 8 March 2021 By Stef Garasto 11 min read time Boosting labour market intelligence for local decision-makers
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Evaluating a new earnings indicator. Can we improve the timeliness of existing statistics on earnings by using salary information from online job adverts? (ESCoE DP 2020-19) By: Jyldyz Djumalieva, Stef Garasto, Cath Sleeman 15 December 2020 Evaluating a new earnings indicator. Can we improve the timeliness of existing statistics on earnings by using salary information from online job adverts? (ESCoE DP 2020-19)