Measuring the Economic Flows of UK Human Capital (ESCoE DP 2024-05)


Measuring the Economic Flows of UK Human Capital (ESCoE DP 2024-05)

By Sami Mubarak, Cliodhna Taylor, Gueorguie Vassilev, Richard Heys, Robbie Fisher, Ed Bailey, Sophie Peabody, Paul Dunstan

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This paper presents a method to estimate the economic flows associated with the UK’s
nominal human capital stock. We identify and estimate the size of multiple factors that
cause the human capital stock to change from one year to the next. Estimates are
presented for the years 2005 to 2020. We also propose and discuss how these changes in
the stock could be categorised into the higher-level economic flow categories associated
with the System of National Accounts 2008 such as: Gross Capital Formation, Capital
Consumption, Revaluations and Other Changes in Volume.