This project was commissioned by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), as a follow-up to a similar study conducted in 2017-18. A key aim of this report is to provide indicative evidence on the value of ONS economic statistics to users. Another aim is to explore the potential areas of investigation recommended by the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Taskforce relating to how official statistics are valued, including in monetary terms. This report presents the findings of a survey and qualitative research through interviews and focus groups. The survey and qualitative research were carried out to assess the needs, expectations and satisfaction in service provision of users of official economic statistics, with the survey providing an overall picture and the qualitative research more detail and explanation of responses. We find that most users say that ONS economic statistics have improved in the last four years, in aspects like timeliness and ONS’ response to the needs of users, reflected in their response to Covid-19. Much as in the baseline survey, we find that users place a high value on ONS economic statistics particularly due to their accuracy and reliability, but they still think accessibility could be improved.