ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2019: Conference Programme


ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2019: Conference Programme

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ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2019

May 8 – 10 2019
King’s College London, Bush House, 30 Aldwych, London WC2B 4BG

Please note slides are not available for all presentations and Auditorium Sessions as indicated by* can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

10.50-11.00: Welcome by John Pullinger (UK National Statistician)*

11.00-12.15: Plenary Session I
Chair: Martin Weale (King’s College London and ESCoE)*

  • Vasco Carvalho (University of Cambridge), Production Networks in the Macroeconomy

13.30-14.30: Contributed Sessions A/B/C/D

Contributed Session A: Capital
Chair: Francois Cohen (University of Oxford)

  • Josh Martin (Office for National Statistics), Gueorguie Vassilev (Office for National Statistics), Richard Heys (Office for National Statistics) and Mark Franklin (Office for National Statistics), Capital: Ownership and Use
  • Francois Cohen (University of Oxford), Is Natural Capital Really Substitutable?

Contributed Session B: Productivity
Chair: Marianthi Dunn (Office for National Statistics)*

Contributed Session C: Competitiveness and the Exchange Rate
Chair: Martyna Marczak (University of Hohenheim)

Contributed Session D: Pricing Behaviour
Chair: Huw Dixon (Cardiff Business School)

14.35-15.30: Panel Session I, Trust in Statistics
Chair: Ed Humpherson (UK Statistics Authority)*

  • Discussants: Dame Kate Barker, Mairi Spowage (University of Strathclyde), Rebecca Riley (ESCoE and National Institute of Economics and Social Research) and Tony Curzon Price (BEIS)

15.45-17.45 Contributed Sessions E/F/G/H

Contributed Session E: GDP and Beyond (i)
Chair: Nicholas Oulton (London School of Economics)

Contributed Session F: The Digital Economy
Chair: John Mitchell (OECD)*

Contributed Session G: Measurement and Measurement Error
Chair: Christopher Bollinger (University of Kentucky)

Contributed Session H: Nowcasting and Forecasting
Chair: Marcus Buckmann (Bank of England)

Thursday 9 May 2019

09.00-10.30 Special Sessions A/B and Contributed Sessions I/J

Special Session A: An Index Finger on the Pulse of the Modern Economy
Chair: Grant Fitzner (Office for National Statistics)

Special Session B: Labour Force Skills in the Digital Age
Chair: Mary O’Mahony (King’s College London)*

  • Elodie Andrieu (OECD), Stephanie Jamet (OECD), Mariagrazia Squicciarini (OECD) and Luca Marcolin (OECD), Occupational Transitions: The cost of moving to “safe haven” occupations
  • Oliver Falk (University of Munich, Ifo Institute and CESifo), Alexandra Heimisch (Ifo Institute) and Simon Wiederhold (KU Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Ifo), Returns to ICT skills
  • Matthias Parey (University of Surrey, Institute for Fiscal Studies), Tasks and technology: The labor market effects of innovation

Contributed Session I: Information and Communications Technology Deflators
Chair: David Byrne (Federal Reserve Board)

Contributed Session J: Survey Evidence on Firms
Chair: Philip Wales (Office for National Statistics)

11.00-12.15: Plenary Session II
Chair: Michael Hardie (Office for National Statistics)*

13.30-15.30: Contributed Sessions K/L/M/N

Contributed Session K: GDP and Beyond (ii)
Chair: Christopher Payne (Office for National Statistics)

Contributed Session L: Administrative data
Chair: Paul Labonne (King’s College London)

Contributed Session M: Inequality and Distribution
Chair: Tahnee Ooms (University of Oxford)*

Contributed Session N: Trade
Chair: Andreas Maurer (World Trade Organization)

15.45-16.45: Panel Session II, Priorities for the new SNA
Chair: Peter van de Ven (OECD)*

  • Discussants: Joe Grice (Office for National Statistics) and Jonathan Haskel (Imperial College and Bank of England)

Friday 10 May 2019

09.00-10.30 Special Sessions C/D and Contributed Sessions O/P

Special Session C: Using Micro and Text Data to Measure Economic Activity Better
Chair: Paul Robinson (Bank of England)*

Special Session D: Historical Economic Measurement: Separating Fact from Fiction
Chair: Sara Horrell (University of Cambridge)

Contributed Session O: Intangible Capital
Chair: Josh Martin (Office for National Statistics)

  • Mary O’Mahony (King’s College London), Michela Vecchi (Middlesex University) and Francesco Venturini (University of Perugia), Technology, Intangible Assets and the Decline in the Labour Share
  • Carol Corrado (The Conference Board and Georgetown University), Jonathan Haskel (Imperial College London and Bank of England), Cecilia Jona-Lasinio (ISTAT and LLEE) and Ana Rincon-Aznar (National Institute of Economic and Social Research), Private and Public Intangible Investment Spillovers, Imperfect Competition, Returns to Scale and Product and Process Innovation
  • Josh Martin (Office for National Statistics), Developing new statistics on intangible assets in the UK

Contributed Session P: Applications of Economic Statistics
Chair: Thomas Crossley (University of Essex)

11.00-12.15: Plenary Session III
Chair: Richard J. Smith (University of Cambridge and ESCoE)*

12.15-12.30: Closing Remarks*

Rebecca Riley (ESCoE and National Institute of Economics and Social Research)

Scientific Committee:

  • Richard J. Smith (Co-Chair) (University of Cambridge and ESCoE)
  • Martin Weale (Co-Chair) (King’s College London and ESCoE)
  • Hasan Bakhshi (Nesta and ESCoE)
  • Giuliana Battisti (University of Warwick)
  • Simon Kirby (Bank of England)
  • Keith Lai (Office for National Statistics)
  • Stuart McIntyre (University of Strathclyde and ESCoE)
  • Mary O’Mahony (King’s College London and ESCoE)
  • Philip Wales (Office for National Statistics)

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