Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin

Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin

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Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin

A complete list of quarterly bulletin articles up to 2006Q4 is below. To navigate please pick the year required from the list available or just scroll down to the relevant quarter.

1960  1961 1962 1963 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Coming soon

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

1960 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1960 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1960 Q4) pp.3-17

BEQB_The procedure of special deposits (QB 1960 Q4) p.18

BEQB_Text of the Governor’s Mansion House speech, 20 Oct 1960 (QB 1960 Q4) pp.19-20

BEQB_The financial surplus of the private sector (QB 1960 Q4) pp.21-29

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1960 Q4) pp.31-65

1961 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1961 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1961 Q1) pp.3-12

BEQB_Extract from the Governor’s speech to the Institute of Bankers in Scotland, 9th February 1961 (QB 1961 Q1) pp.13-14

BEQB_Re-financing of medium-term export credits (QB 1961 Q1) pp.15-16

BEQB_International Monetary Fund (QB 1961 Q1) p.17

BEQB_Leads and lags in overseas trade (QB 1961 Q1) pp.18-23

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1961 Q1) pp.25-60

1961 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1961 Q2)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1961 Q2) pp.3-13

BEQB_The financial surplus of the private sector (QB 1961 Q2) pp.14-16

BEQB_Sale of the prior charges of seven steel companies (QB 1961 Q2) pp.17-20

BEQB_Finance for exports (QB 1961 Q2) pp.21-29

BEQB_United Kingdom overseas portfolio investments, 1958 to 1960 (QB 1961 Q2) pp.30-32

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1961 Q2) pp.33-68

1961 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1961 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1961 Q3) pp.3-17

BEQB_The overseas and foreign banks in London (QB 1961 Q3) pp.18-23

BEQB_Bank note printing (QB 1961 Q3) pp.24-28

BEQB_Investment trusts and unit trusts (QB 1961 Q3) pp.29-30

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1961 Q3) pp.31-66

1961 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1961 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1961 Q4) pp.3-16

BEQB_Invisibles in the balance of payments (QB 1961 Q4) pp.17-25

BEQB_Commercial bills (QB 1961 Q4) pp.26-31

BEQB_Extract from the Governor’s Mansion House speech, 5 Oct 1961 (QB 1961 Q4) pp.32-34

BEQB_Capital issues on the United Kingdom market (QB 1961 Q4) pp.35-37

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1961 Q4) pp.39-79

1962 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1962 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1962 Q1) pp.3-15

BEQB_Unrecorded movements in the U.K. balance of payments (QB 1962 Q1) pp.16-22

BEQB_Finance for exports (QB 1962 Q1) pp.23-24

BEQB_Currency and banking developments in certain Commonwealth countries during the past ten years (QB 1962 Q1) pp.25-35

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1962 Q1) pp.36-79

1962 Q2

BEQB_QB 1962 Q2 Contents

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1962 Q2) pp.83-92

BEQB_Inflows and outflows of foreign funds (QB 1962 Q2) pp.93-102

BEQB_UK overseas portfolio investments 1959 to 1961 (QB 1962 Q2) pp.103-105

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt (QB 1962 Q2) pp.106-111

BEQB_The financial surplus of the private sector 1961 (QB 1962 Q2) pp.112-115

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1962 Q2) pp.117-158

1962 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1962 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1962 Q3) pp.163-175

BEQB_Tax reserve certificates (QB 1962 Q3) pp.176-185

BEQB_Withdrawal of Bank notes from circulation (QB 1962 Q3) pp.186-188

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1962 Q3) pp.190-232

1962 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1962 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1962 Q4) pp.235-247

BEQB_Bank liquidity in the United Kingdom (QB 1962 Q4) pp.248-255

BEQB_Sources of funds of hire purchase finance companies 1958-62 (QB 1962 Q4) pp.256-262

BEQB_Text of the Governor’s Mansion House speech, 3 Oct 1962 (QB 1962 Q4) pp.263-266

BEQB_New banking statistics (QB 1962 Q4) pp.267-269

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1962 Q4) pp.271-312

1963 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1963 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1963 Q1) pp.3-14

BEQB_The management of money day by day (QB 1963 Q1) pp.15-21

BEQB_The Bank of England as registrar (QB 1963 Q1) pp.22-29

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt (QB 1963 Q1) pp.30-31

BEQB_Medium and long-term credit granted by UK exporters to countries outside the sterling area (QB 1963 Q1) pp.32-34

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1963 Q1) pp.36-80

1963 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1963 Q2)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1963 Q2) pp.83-94

BEQB_Seasonal adjustment of banking statistics (QB 1963 Q2) pp.95-97

BEQB_New series of external liabilities and claims in sterling (QB 1963 Q2) pp.98-105

BEQB_International investment (QB 1963 Q2) pp.106-117

BEQB_UK overseas portfolio investments 1960 to 1962 (QB 1963 Q2) pp.118-120

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1963 Q2) pp.122-165

1963 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1963 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1963 Q3) pp.171-183

BEQB_Sector financing 1960-62 (QB 1963 Q3) pp.184-195

BEQB_Seasonal adjustment of banking statistics (QB 1963 Q3) pp.196-198

BEQB_Mutilated notes (QB 1963 Q3) pp.199-201

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1963 Q3) pp.202-245

1963 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1963 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1963 Q4) pp.251-263

BEQB_Overseas sterling holdings (QB 1963 Q4) pp.264-278

BEQB_Branches of the Bank of England (QB 1963 Q4) pp.279-284

BEQB_Banking statistics (QB 1963 Q4) pp.285-294

BEQB_Speech by the Governor of the Bank of England (QB 1963 Q4) pp.295-297

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1963 Q4) pp.298-340

1964 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1964 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1964 Q1) pp.3-15

BEQB_The London gold market (QB 1964 Q1) pp.16-21

BEQB_Length of hire purchase contracts for vehicles (QB 1964 Q1) p.22

BEQB_An inventory of UK external assets and liabilities end-1962 (QB 1964 Q1) pp.23-33

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt March 1963 (QB 1964 Q1) pp.34-36

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1964 Q1) pp.38-84

1964 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1964 Q2)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1964 Q2) pp.87-99

BEQB_UK banks external liabilities and claims in foreign currencies (QB 1964 Q2) pp.100-108

BEQB_Sector financing 1961-63 (QB 1964 Q2) pp.109-117

BEQB_United Kingdom overseas portfolio investments 1961-63 (QB 1964 Q2) pp.118-120

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1964 Q2) pp.121-170

1964 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1964 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1964 Q3) pp.173-185

BEQB_The Treasury Bill (QB 1964 Q3) pp.186-193

BEQB_U.K. commodity markets (QB 1964 Q3) pp.194-200

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1964 Q3) pp.201-252

1964 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1964 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1964 Q4) pp.255-269

BEQB_U.K. security markets (QB 1964 Q4) pp.270-275

BEQB_The balance of payments methods of presentation (QB 1964 Q4) pp.276-286

BEQB_Speech by the Governor of the Bank of England (QB 1964 Q4) pp.287-290

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1964 Q4) pp.291-343

1965 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1965 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1965 Q1) pp.3-15

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1965 Q1) pp.16-29

BEQB_Help for exports (QB 1965 Q1) pp.30-31

BEQB_Bank clearings as a measure of economic activity (QB 1965 Q1) pp.32-38

BEQB_The note circulation (QB 1965 Q1) pp.39-45

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt March 1964 (QB 1965 Q1) pp.46-49

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1965 Q1) pp.50-99

1965 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1965 Q2)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1965 Q2) pp.103-115

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1965 Q2) pp.116-120

BEQB_Sector financing 1962-64 (QB 1965 Q2) pp.121-131

BEQB_The financial institutions (QB 1965 Q2) pp.132-155

BEQB_U.K. overseas portfolio investments (QB 1965 Q2) p.156

1965 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1965 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1965 Q3) pp.215-227

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1965 Q3) pp.228-240

BEQB_Hire-purchase contracts for cars (QB 1965 Q3) pp.241-247

BEQB_Changes in demand for Bank notes (QB 1965 Q3) pp.248-249

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1965 Q3) pp.250-300

1965 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1965 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1965 Q4) pp.303-315

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1965 Q4) pp.316-326

BEQB_The U.K. and U.S Treasury bill markets (QB 1965 Q4) pp.327-338

BEQB_An inventory of U.K. external assets and liabilities end-1964 (QB 1965 Q4) pp.339-345

BEQB_Text of the Governor’s Mansion House speech, 21 Oct 1965 (QB 1965 Q4) pp.346-349

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1965 Q4) pp.350-400

1966 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1966 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1966 Q1) pp.3-17

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1966 Q1) pp.18-28

BEQB_Exchequer and central government finance (QB 1966 Q1) pp.29-36

BEQB_The growth in demand for new bank notes (QB 1966 Q1) pp.37-39

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt March 1965 (QB 1966 Q1) pp.40-45

BEQB_Seasonal adjustment of the London clearing banks’ deposits and advances (QB 1966 Q1) pp.46-50

BEQB_Extract from the Governor’s speech to the Overseas Bankers Club, 7 Feb 1966 (QB 1966 Q1) pp.51-54

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1966 Q1) pp.55-99

BEQB_Addendum to Exchequer and central government finance (QB 1966 Q1)

1966 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1966 Q2)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1966 Q2) pp.103-117

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1966 Q2) pp.118-127

BEQB_Sector financing 1965 (QB 1966 Q2) pp.128-140

BEQB_Official transactions in the gilt-edged market (QB 1966 Q2) pp.141-148

BEQB_Improvements in export finance (QB 1966 Q2) pp.149-150

BEQB_Capital issues in the United Kingdom (QB 1966 Q2) pp.151-156

BEQB_Extract from the Governor’s speech to the Confederation of British Industry, 18 May 1966 (QB 1966 Q2) pp.157-162

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1966 Q2) pp.163-204

1966 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1966 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1966 Q3) pp.207-220

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1966 Q3) pp.221-232

BEQB_The functions and organisation of the Bank of England (QB 1966 Q3) pp.233-245

BEQB_Personal saving and financial investment 1951-65 (QB 1966 Q3) pp.246-256

BEQB_Seasonal adjustment of the British Bankers’ Association analysis of advances (QB 1966 Q3) pp.257-262

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1966 Q3) pp.263-308

1966 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1966 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1966 Q4) pp.311-323

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1966 Q4) pp.324-336

BEQB_Local authorities and the capital and money markets (QB 1966 Q4) pp.337-347

BEQB_Company acquisitions (QB 1966 Q4) pp.348-351

BEQB_Extract from the Governor’s Mansion House speech, 20 Oct 1966 (QB 1966 Q4) pp.352-355

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1966 Q4) pp.356-400

BEQB_Synopsis of articles Volume VI (QB 1966 Q4) pp.401-403

1967 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1967 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1967 Q1) pp.3-15

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1967 Q1) pp.16-28

BEQB_Company finance 1952-65 (QB 1967 Q1) pp.29-42

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt March 1966 (QB 1967 Q1) pp.43-47

BEQB_New classification of bank advances (QB 1967 Q1) pp.48-51

BEQB_Yield curves and representative yields on British government securities (QB 1967 Q1) pp.52-56

BEQB_Extract from the Governor’s speech to the Overseas Bankers Club, 30 Jan 1967 (QB 1967 Q1) pp.57-60

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1967 Q1) pp.61-106

1967 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1967 Q2)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1967 Q2) pp.109-123

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics October-December and Year 1966 (QB 1967 Q2) pp.124-143

BEQB_The London discount market some historical notes (QB 1967 Q2) pp.144-156

BEQB_Finance for shipbuilding (QB 1967 Q2) pp.157-158

BEQB_Bank of England liabilities and assets 1696 onwards (QB 1967 Q2) pp.159-163

BEQB_Credit restraint in 1967 68 (QB 1967 Q2) pp.164-165

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1967 Q2) pp.167-213

1967 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1967 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1967 Q3) pp.219-232

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1967 Q3) pp.233-244

BEQB_The UK exchange control a short history (QB 1967 Q3) pp.245-260

BEQB_An inventory of U.K. external assets and liabilities end-1966 (QB 1967 Q3) pp.261-267

BEQB_Hire purchase contracts for cars (QB 1967 Q3) pp.268-275

BEQB_Text of the Governor’s speech to the British Export Houses Association, 5 Jun 1967 (QB 1967 Q3) pp.276-279

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1967 Q3) pp.281-327

1967 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1967 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1967 Q4) pp.335-347

BEQB_Credit restriction new measures, November 1967 (QB 1967 Q4) p.348

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1967 Q4) pp.349-359

BEQB_Sector financing accounts 1952-66 (QB 1967 Q4) pp.360-373

BEQB_The overseas work of the Bank of England (QB 1967 Q4) pp.374-378

BEQB_Improvements in export finance (QB 1967 Q4) pp.379-380

BEQB_Text of the Governor’s Mansion House speech, 26 Oct 1967 (QB 1967 Q4) pp.381-385

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1967 Q4) pp.387-434

1968 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1968 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1968 Q1) pp.3-19

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1968 Q1) pp.20-33

BEQB_Monetary movements in the U K. balance of payments (QB 1968 Q1) pp.34-40

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt March 1967 (QB 1968 Q1) pp.41-47

BEQB_Turnover in British government stocks (QB 1968 Q1) pp.48-51

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1968 Q1) pp.53-101

1968 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1968 Q2)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1968 Q2) pp.105-119

BEQB_Credit restriction May 1968 (QB 1968 Q2) pp.120-121

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1968 Q2) pp.122-145

BEQB_The place of Special Drawing Rights in the international monetary system (QB 1968 Q2) pp.146-155

BEQB_Overseas and foreign banks in London 1962-68 (QB 1968 Q2) pp.156-165

BEQB_Control of bank lending the Cash Deposits scheme (QB 1968 Q2) pp.166-170

BEQB_Extracts from recent speeches by the Governor of the Bank of England (QB 1968 Q2) pp.171-178

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1968 Q2) pp.179-228

1968 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1968 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1968 Q3) pp.231-246

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1968 Q3) pp.247-261

BEQB_The Bank of England as registrar 1968 (QB 1968 Q3) pp.262-270

BEQB_An inventory of U.K. external assets and liabilities end-1967 (QB 1968 Q3) pp.271-279

BEQB_The effects of the National Loans Act 1968 on central government accounts (QB 1968 Q3) pp.280-281

BEQB_Text of the Governor’s speech to the Trustee Savings Banks Association, 29 May 1968 (QB 1968 Q3) pp.282-285

BEQB_Take-overs and mergers the Governor’s letter to the Chairman of the Issuing Houses Association, 15 Aug 1968 (QB 1968 Q3) pp.286-287

BEQB_Credit restrictions continuing enforcement (QB 1968 Q3) p.288

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1968 Q3) pp.289-337

1968 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1968 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1968 Q4) pp.341-357

BEQB_Credit restrictions and import deposit scheme 22 Nov 1968 (QB 1968 Q4) pp.358-359

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1968 Q4) pp.361-376

BEQB_The Exchange Equalisation Account its origins and development (QB 1968 Q4) pp.377-390

BEQB_Tax reserve certificates (QB 1968 Q4) pp.391-401

BEQB_The overseas earnings of U.K. financial institutions (QB 1968 Q4) pp.402-407

BEQB_Extracts from recent speeches by the Governor of the Bank of England (QB 1968 Q4) pp.408-416

BEQB_Statistical annnex (QB 1968 Q4) pp.419-466

1969 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1969 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1969 Q1) pp.3-20

BEQB_Credit restriction the Deputy Governor’s letter to the Chairman of the Committee of London Clearing Bankers, 31 Jan 1969 (QB 1969 Q1) p.21

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1969 Q1) pp.22-36

BEQB_The International Monetary Fund use and supply of resources (QB 1969 Q1) pp.37-52

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt March 1968 (QB 1969 Q1) pp.53-61

BEQB_Investment trusts and unit trusts assets and transactions 1960-67 (QB 1969 Q1) pp.62-73

BEQB_Extract from the Governor’s speech to the Overseas Bankers Club, 3 Feb 1969 (QB 1969 Q1) pp.74-76

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1969 Q1) pp.77-126

1969 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1969 Q2)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1969 Q2) pp.129-144

BEQB_Credit restriction press announcement, 31 May 1969 (QB 1969 Q2) p.145

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1969 Q2) pp.146-168

BEQB_Extract from an address by the Governor to the Annual Conference of the Building Societies Association, 22 May 1969 (QB 1969 Q2) pp.169-174

BEQB_The UK banking sector 1952-67 (QB 1969 Q2) pp.176-200

BEQB_UK commodity markets (QB 1969 Q2) pp.201-210

BEQB_The Bank of England note a short history (QB 1969 Q2) pp.211-222

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1969 Q2) pp.223-272

1969 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1969 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1969 Q3) pp.275-291

BEQB_New refinance facilities for export and shipbuilding credits (QB 1969 Q3) pp.292-293

BEQB_Property unit trusts for pension funds and charities (QB 1969 Q3) pp.294-296

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1969 Q3) pp.297-346

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics January-March 1969 (QB 1969 Q3) pp.347-361

BEQB_Domestic credit expansion (QB 1969 Q3) pp.363-382

1969 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1969 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1969 Q4) pp.385-403

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1969 Q4) pp.404-423

BEQB_Finance for exports (QB 1969 Q4) pp.424-437

BEQB_An inventory of UK external assets and liabilities end-1968 (QB 1969 Q4) pp.438-447

BEQB_The operation of monetary policy since the Radcliffe report text of paper presented at a conference ‘Radcliffe – ten years after’ (QB 1969 Q4) pp.448-460

BEQB_Extracts from recent speeches by the Governor of the Bank of England (QB 1969 Q4) pp.461-474

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1969 Q4) pp.475-524

1970 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1970 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1970 Q1) pp.3-17

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics July-September 1969 (QB 1970 Q1) pp.18-30

BEQB_Bank of England’s holdings of gold and foreign exchange, 1924-31 (QB 1970 Q1)

BEQB_The euro-currency business of bank in London (QB 1970 Q1) pp.31-49

BEQB_Composition payments to bankers (QB 1970 Q1) pp.50-51

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt March 1969 (QB 1970 Q1) pp.52-60

BEQB_Extract from the Governor’s speech to the Overseas Bankers Club, 2 Feb 1970 (QB 1970 Q1) pp.61-63

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1970 Q1) pp.65-116

1970 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1970 Q2)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1970 Q2) pp.119-135

BEQB_Credit notice Bank and finance house lending 1970 71 (QB 1970 Q2) pp.136-137

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1970 Q2) pp.138-158

BEQB_The importance of money (QB 1970 Q2) pp.159-198

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1970 Q2) pp.199-249

1970 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1970 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1970 Q3) pp.253-268

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics (QB 1970 Q3) pp.269-284

BEQB_The work of the Cashier’s Department (QB 1970 Q3) pp.285-294

BEQB_The international capital markets of Europe (QB 1970 Q3) pp.295-307

BEQB_An inventory of United Kingdom external assets and liabilities end-1969 (QB 1970 Q3) pp.308-319

BEQB_The stock of money (QB 1970 Q3) pp.320-326

BEQB_Credit restriction press announcement, 28 Jul 1970 (QB 1970 Q3) p.327

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1970 Q3) pp.329-379

BEQB_Corrections (QB 1970 Q3)

1970 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1970 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1970 Q4) pp.383-401

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics April-June 1970 (QB 1970 Q4) pp.402-418

BEQB_The financial institutions Part I (QB 1970 Q4) pp.419-431

BEQB_A revised presentation of external liabilities and claims in sterling (QB 1970 Q4) pp.432-447

BEQB_The euro-currency business of banks in London maturity analysis as at end-July 1970 (QB 1970 Q4) pp.448-453

BEQB_The Bank of England and earlier proposals for a decimal coinage (QB 1970 Q4) pp.454-458

BEQB_Timing relationships between movements of monetary and national income variables (QB 1970 Q4) pp.459-472

BEQB_Extract from the Governor’s Mansion House speech 15 Oct 1970 (QB 1970 Q4) pp.473-376

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1970 Q4) pp.477-526

BEQB_Summary of articles, 1960-70 (QB 1970 Q4) pp.527-545

1971 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1971 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1971 Q1) pp.3-18

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics July-September 1970 (QB 1971 Q1) pp.19-36

BEQB_Monetary management in the United Kingdom text of the Jane Hodge Memorial Lecture delivered by the Governor on 7 Dec 1970 (QB 1971 Q1) pp.37-47

BEQB_The financial institutions Part 2 (QB 1971 Q1) pp.48-71

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt March 1970 (QB 1971 Q1) pp.72-82

BEQB_Extract from the Governor’s speech to the Overseas Bankers Club, 1 Feb 1971 (QB 1971 Q1) pp.83-84

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1971 Q1) pp.85-144

1971 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1971 Q2)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1971 Q2) pp.147-166

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics October-December 1970 (QB 1971 Q2) pp.167-188

BEQB_Competition and credit control text of a consultative document issued on 14 May 1971 (QB 1971 Q2) pp.189-193

BEQB_Credit notice Bank and finance house lending (QB 1971 Q2) pp.194

BEQB_Key issues in monetary and credit policy text of the Governor’s address to the International Banking Conference on 28 May 1971 (QB 1971 Q2) pp.195-198

BEQB_The financial institutions Part 3 (QB 1971 Q2) pp.199-210

BEQB_An inventory of United Kingdom external assets and liabilities end-1970 (QB 1971 Q2) pp.211-217

BEQB_The euro-currency business of banks in London maturity analysis as at end-February 1971 (QB 1971 Q2) pp.218-223

BEQB_Extract from the Governor’s speech to the Bankers’ Club of Chicago, 27 Apr 1971 (QB 1971 Q2) pp.224-231

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1971 Q2) pp.233-292

1971 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1971 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1971 Q3) pp.295-313

BEQB_Competition and credit control the discount market (QB 1971 Q3) pp.314-315

BEQB_Credit notice Bank and finance house lending (QB 1971 Q3) p.316

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics January-March 1971 (QB 1971 Q3) pp.317-337

BEQB_Invisible earnings enquiries (QB 1971 Q3) pp.338-348

BEQB_Acquisitions and mergers by financial companies (QB 1971 Q3) pp.349-353

BEQB_Expectations, long-term interest rates and monetary policy in the United Kingdom (QB 1971 Q3) pp.354-371

BEQB_Reserve ratios and Special Deposits (QB 1971 Q3)

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1971 Q3) pp.373-432

1971 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1971 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1971 Q4) pp.435-454

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics April-June 1971 (QB 1971 Q4) pp.455-476

BEQB_Competition and credit control extract from a lecture by the Chief Cashier of the Bank of England (QB 1971 Q4) pp.477-481

BEQB_Reserve ratios further definitions (QB 1971 Q4) pp.482-489

BEQB_Capital utilisation in manufacturing industry (QB 1971 Q4) pp.490-496

BEQB_Overseas portfolio investment the Bank of England’s enquiry into transactions in sterling securities (QB 1971 Q4) pp.497-503

BEQB_Extracts from speeches by the Governor of the Bank given at the Lord Mayor’s dinner and the British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (QB 1971 Q4) pp.504-510

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1971 Q4) pp.511-573

1972 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1972 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1972 Q1) pp.3-21

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics July-September 1971 (QB 1972 Q1) pp.22-42

BEQB_The demand for money in the United Kingdom a further investigation (QB 1972 Q1) pp.43-55

BEQB_The euro-currency business of banks in London maturity analysis as at end-October 1971 (QB 1972 Q1) pp.56-63

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt March 1971 (QB 1972 Q1) pp.64-75

BEQB_Changes in banking statistics (QB 1972 Q1) pp.76-79

BEQB_Speeches by the Governor of the Bank given at The City and Europe conference and the dinner of the Finance Houses Association (QB 1972 Q1) pp.80-90

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1972 Q1) pp.91-157

1972 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1972 Q2)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1972 Q2) pp.161-179

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics 1971 (QB 1972 Q2) pp.180-204

BEQB_The finance of medium and long-term export and shipbuilding credits (QB 1972 Q2) pp.205-207

BEQB_The use of quill, patent and steel pens by the Bank of England during the nineteenth century (QB 1972 Q2) pp.208-212

BEQB_An inventory of United Kingdom external assets and liabilities end-1971 (QB 1972 Q2) pp.213-219

BEQB_Seasonal adjustment of the quarterly analysis of bank advances (QB 1972 Q2) pp.220-225

BEQB_Speeches by the Governors of the Bank given to the International Savings Bank Congress and the International Monetary Conference (QB 1972 Q2) pp.226-238

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1972 Q2) pp.239-300

1972 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1972 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1972 Q3) pp.303-326

BEQB_Bank lending the Governor’s letter to the banking system, 7 Aug 1972 (QB 1972 Q3) p.327

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics January-March 1972 (QB 1972 Q3) pp.328-344

BEQB_The balance of payments in the inter-war period (QB 1972 Q3) pp.345-363

BEQB_Text of an address by the Governor on the future development of financial institutions (QB 1972 Q3) pp.364-369

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1972 Q3) pp.371-432

1972 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1972 Q4)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1972 Q4) pp.435-451

BEQB_Banking mergers and participations the Bank’s press notice of 16 Nov 1972 (QB 1972 Q4) p.452

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics April-June 1972 (QB 1972 Q4) pp.453-466

BEQB_Yield curves for gilt-edged stocks (QB 1972 Q4) pp.467-486

BEQB_Sterling certificates of deposit (QB 1972 Q4) pp.487-495

BEQB_National balance sheets a new analytical tool (QB 1972 Q4) pp.496-508

BEQB_Summary of a research paper on substitution among capital-certain assets in the personal sector of the UK economy 1963-71 (QB 1972 Q4) pp.509-511

BEQB_New money stock tables (QB 1972 Q4) pp.512-513

BEQB_Speech by the Deputy Governor of the Bank at the Lord Mayor’s dinner to the bankers and merchants of the City of London on 19 Oct 1972 (QB 1972 Q4) pp.514-518

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1972 Q4) pp.519-583

1973 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1973 Q1)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1973 Q1) pp.3-19

BEQB_Industrial management and the institutional investor report of the Working Party (QB 1973 Q1) pp.20-21

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics Third quarter 1972 (QB 1973 Q1) pp.22-33

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt at end-March 1972 (QB 1973 Q1) pp.34-43

BEQB_The euro-currency business of banks in London maturity analysis as at end-October 1972 (QB 1973 Q1) pp.44-50

BEQB_Competition and credit control further developments (QB 1973 Q1) pp.51-55

BEQB_Speech by the Governor of the Bank given at the biennial dinner of the Institute of Bankers in Scotland on 22 Jan 1973 (QB 1973 Q1) pp.56-59

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1973 Q1) pp.61-123

1973 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1973 Q2)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1973 Q2) pp.127-147

BEQB_Institutional Shareholders’ Committee press announcement, 16 Apr 1973 (QB 1973 Q2) pp.148

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics 1972 (QB 1973 Q2) pp.149-163

BEQB_The United Kingdom’s invisible account 1962-72 (QB 1973 Q2) pp.164-176

BEQB_An inventory of United Kingdom external assets and liabilities end-1972 (QB 1973 Q2) pp.177-183

BEQB_Multinational enterprises text of an address given by the Governor at the S.U.E.R.F. Colloquium, Nottingham, on 11 Apr 1973 (QB 1973 Q2) pp.184-192

BEQB_Does the money supply really matter A speech given by the Deputy Governor at the Lombard Association on 11 Apr 1973 (QB 1973 Q2) pp.193-202

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1973 Q2) pp.203-265

1973 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1973 Q3)

BEQB_Commentary (QB 1973 Q3) pp.269-294

BEQB_Analysis of financial statistics First quarter 1973 (QB 1973 Q3) pp.295-305

BEQB_Competition and credit control modified arrangements for the discount market (QB 1973 Q3) pp.306-307

BEQB_Sterling certificates of deposit and the inter-bank market (QB 1973 Q3) pp.308-314

BEQB_Yield curves for gilt-edged stocks further investigation (QB 1973 Q3) pp.315-326

BEQB_The euro-currency business of banks in London maturity analysis as at end-March 1973 (QB 1973 Q3) pp.327-332

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1973 Q3) pp.333-398

1973 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1973 Q4)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1973 Q4) pp.401-418

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1973 Q4) pp.419-444

BEQB_Credit notice the Governor’s letter to the main banking associations, 11 Sep 1973 (QB 1973 Q4) pp.445

BEQB_The London dollar certificate of deposit (QB 1973 Q4) pp.446-452

BEQB_Banking sector balance sheets (QB 1973 Q4) pp.453-465

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt at end-March 1973 (QB 1973 Q4) pp.466-475

BEQB_Speech by the Governor of the Bank given at the Lord Mayor’s dinner to the bankers and merchants of the City of London on 18 Oct 1973 (QB 1973 Q4) pp.476-479

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1973 Q4) pp.481-549

1974 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1974 Q1)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1974 Q1) pp.3-15

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1974 Q1) pp.16-36

BEQB_Credit control a supplementary scheme (QB 1974 Q1) pp.37-39

BEQB_Credit notice consumer credit (QB 1974 Q1) p.40

BEQB_The euro-currency business of banks in London maturity analysis as at end-September 1973 (QB 1974 Q1) pp.41-46

BEQB_The balance of payments in the inter-war period further details (QB 1974 Q1) pp.47-52

BEQB_Speeches by the Governor of the Bank given at Financial Times World Banking Conference and the Institute of Bankers at Bristol (QB 1974 Q1) pp.53-55

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1974 Q1) pp.57-120

1974 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1974 Q2)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1974 Q2) pp.123-134

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1974 Q2) pp.135-160

BEQB_Credit notice supplementary deposits (QB 1974 Q2) p.161

BEQB_Overseas sterling balances 1963-1973 (QB 1974 Q2) pp.162-175

BEQB_The euro-currency market in London figures for more countries (QB 1974 Q2) pp.176-177

BEQB_An inventory of UK external assets and liabilities end-1973 (QB 1974 Q2) pp.178-182

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1974 Q2) pp.183-248

1974 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1974 Q3)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1974 Q3) pp.251-264

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1974 Q3) pp.265-280

BEQB_The new method of valuing special drawing rights (QB 1974 Q3) pp.281-283

BEQB_The demand for money in the United Kingdom experience since 1971 (QB 1974 Q3) pp.284-305

BEQB_The euro-currency business of banks in London maturity analysis as at end-March and at end-May 1974 (QB 1974 Q3) pp.306-313

BEQB_Speech by the Governor of the Bank given to the Trustee Savings Banks Association on 5 Jun 1974 (QB 1974 Q3) pp.314-316

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1974 Q3) pp.317-382

1974 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1974 Q4)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1974 Q4) pp.385-400

BEQB_Finance for Industry press announcement, 12 Nov 1974 (QB 1974 Q4) p.401

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1974 Q4) pp.402-419

BEQB_Credit control notice to banks and deposit-taking finance houses issued by the Bank of England on 12 November 1974 (QB 1974 Q4) p.420

BEQB_The note circulation recent developments (QB 1974 Q4) pp.421-427

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt at end-March 1974 (QB 1974 Q4) pp.428-434

BEQB_Speech by the Governor of the Bank given at the Lord Mayor’s dinner to the bankers and merchants of the City of London on 17 Oct 1974 (QB 1974 Q4) pp.435-437

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1974 Q4) pp.439-510

1975 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1975 Q1)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1975 Q1) pp.3-17

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1975 Q1) pp.19-39

BEQB_Credit control notice to banks and deposit-taking finance houses issued by the Bank of England on 28 Feb 1975 (QB 1975 Q1) p.40

BEQB_The domestic fiancial implications of fiancing a balance of payments deficit on current account (QB 1975 Q1) pp.41-47

BEQB_The finance of medium and long-term export and shipbuilding credits (QB 1975 Q1) pp.48-49

BEQB_Speech by the Governor of the Bank given at the annual banquet of the Overseas Bankers Club at Guildhall on 3 Feb 1975 (QB 1975 Q1) pp.50-51

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1975 Q1) pp.53-122

1975 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1975 Q2)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1975 Q2) pp.125-139

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1975 Q2) pp.140-161

BEQB_New banking statistics (QB 1975 Q2) pp.162-165

BEQB_Balance sheets for investment trust companies (QB 1975 Q2) pp.166-181

BEQB_An inventory of United Kingdom external assets and liabilities end-1974 (QB 1975 Q2) pp.182-187

BEQB_The supervision of the UK banking system (QB 1975 Q2) pp.188-194

BEQB_Recent statistics (QB 1975 Q2) pp.196-207

1975 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1975 Q3)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1975 Q3) pp.211-222

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1975 Q3) pp.223-239

BEQB_The capital and liquidity adequacy of banks (QB 1975 Q3) pp.240-243

BEQB_UK commodity markets (QB 1975 Q3) pp.244-250

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1975 Q3) pp.251-321

1975 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1975 Q4)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1975 Q4) pp.325-337

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1975 Q4) pp.338-354

BEQB_Limits on UK banks’ foreign exchange positions (QB 1975 Q4) pp.355-358

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt at end-March 1975 (QB 1975 Q4) pp.359-364

BEQB_Governor’s speeches given to bankers and merchants of the City of London and at a ‘Banking Tomorrow’ seminar in Luxembourg (QB 1975 Q4) pp.365-369

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1975 Q4) pp.371-439

1976 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1976 Q1)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1976 Q1) pp.3-17

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1976 Q1) pp.18-34

BEQB_Credit control notice to banks and deposit-taking finance houses issued by the Bank of England on 17 Dec 1975 (QB 1976 Q1) p.35

BEQB_Trends in company profitability (QB 1976 Q1) pp.36-52

BEQB_The personal saving ratio (QB 1976 Q1) pp.53-73

BEQB_Controlling the euro-markets (QB 1976 Q1) pp.74-77

BEQB_UK official short and medium-term borrowing from abroad (QB 1976 Q1) pp.78-81

BEQB_Speech by the Governor of the Bank given at the annual banquet of the Overseas Bankers Qub on 2 Feb 1976 (QB 1976 Q1) pp.82

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1976 Q1) pp.83-149

1976 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1976 Q2)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1976 Q2) pp.153-168

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1976 Q2) pp.169-192

BEQB_The cost of capital, finance and investment (QB 1976 Q2) pp.193-205

BEQB_An inventory of UK external assets and liabilities end-1975 (QB 1976 Q2) pp.206-211

BEQB_Yield curves for gilt-edged stocks a further modification (QB 1976 Q2) pp.212-215

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1976 Q2) pp.217-284

1976 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1976 Q3)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1976 Q3) pp.287-299

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1976 Q3) pp.300-306

BEQB_Credit control notice to banks and deposit-taking finance houses, issued by the Bank of England on 22 Jul 1976 (QB 1976 Q3) pp.307

BEQB_The balance of payments and the exchange rate developments in the first half of 1976 (QB 1976 Q3) pp.308-313

BEQB_The investment currency market (QB 1976 Q3) pp.314-322

BEQB_Speech by the Governor of the Bank given the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy annual conference in Brighton (QB 1976 Q3) pp.323-327

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1976 Q3) pp.329-405

1976 Q4

BEQB_Contributors to UK banking statistics (QB 1976 Q4) pp.535-538

BEQB_Economic commentary (including a supplementary note on inflation, real incomes and taxation) (QB 1976 Q4) pp.409-426

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1976 Q4) pp.427-433

BEQB_Credit control notice to banks and deposit-taking finance houses, issued by the Bank of England on 18 Nov 1976 (QB 1976 Q4) pp.434-435

BEQB_The work of the Economic Intelligence Department (QB 1976 Q4) pp.436-446

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt at end-March 1976 (QB 1976 Q4) pp.447-452

BEQB_Governor’s speeches given to the bankers and merchants of the City of London and given to the Northern Society of Chartered Accountants (QB 1976 Q4) pp.453-456

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1976 Q4) pp.457-533

1977 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1977 Q1)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1977 Q1) pp.3-19

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1977 Q1) pp.20-26

BEQB_The personal sector 1966-1975 (QB 1977 Q1) pp.27-33

BEQB_Invisible earnings of the UK commodity markets (QB 1977 Q1) pp.34-38

BEQB_DCE and the money supply – a statistical note (QB 1977 Q1) pp.39-42

BEQB_Should developments in the euro-markets be a source of concern to regulatory authorities (QB 1977 Q1) pp.43-45

BEQB_Effective exchange rates – revised calculation (QB 1977 Q1) pp.46-47

BEQB_Speeches by the Governor of the Bank given at the dinner of the Institute of Bankers in Scotland and given to the the Overseas Bankers Club (QB 1977 Q1) pp.48-52

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1977 Q1) pp.53-133

1977 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1977 Q2)

BEQB_Economic commentary (including supplementary note on company profitability and the cost of capital) (QB 1977 Q2) pp.137-161

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1977 Q2) pp.162-168

BEQB_Credit control notice to banks and deposit-taking finance houses, issued by the Bank of England on 12 May 1977 (QB 1977 Q2) p.169

BEQB_Sector financing 1976 (QB 1977 Q2) pp.170-187

BEQB_Financial forecasts in the United Kingdom (QB 1977 Q2) pp.188-196

BEQB_An inventory of United Kingdom external assets and liabilities end-1976 (QB 1977 Q2) pp.197-203

BEQB_Speech by the Governor of the Bank given at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Reserve City Bankers in Phoenix, Arizona, on 4 Apr 1977 (QB 1977 Q2) pp.204-208

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1977 Q2) pp.209-280

1977 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1977 Q3)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1977 Q3) pp.283-300

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1977 Q3) pp.301-308

BEQB_Credit control notice to banks and deposit-taking finance houses, issued by the Bank of England on 11 Aug 1977 (QB 1977 Q3) pp.309

BEQB_Savings and investment recent developments in financing arrangements (QB 1977 Q3) pp.310-318

BEQB_The trend of the national debt in relation to national income (QB 1977 Q3) pp.319-324

BEQB_International co-operation in banking supervision (QB 1977 Q3) pp.325-329

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1977 Q3) pp.331-411

1977 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1977 Q4)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1977 Q4) pp.415-433

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1977 Q4) pp.434-442

BEQB_Some recent developments in the United Kingdom’s invisible account (QB 1977 Q4) pp.443-450

BEQB_Export credit foreign currency contracts (QB 1977 Q4) pp.451-454

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt at end-March 1977 (QB 1977 Q4) pp.455-460

BEQB_Governor’s speeches given to bankers and merchants of the City of London and at ‘The Future of the Private Company in Britain’ conference (QB 1977 Q4) pp.461-467

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1977 Q4) pp.469-551

BEQB_Contributors to UK banking statistics (QB 1977 Q4) pp.553-556

1978 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1978 Q1)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1978 Q1) pp.3-21

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1978 Q1) pp.22-30

BEQB_Reflections on the conduct of monetary policy the first Mais lecture, given by the Governor at the City University, London on 9 Feb 1978 (QB 1978 Q1) pp.31-37

BEQB_Why is Britain in a recession (QB 1978 Q1) pp.38-47

BEQB_A transactions demand for money (QB 1978 Q1) pp.48-60

BEQB_Fixed-rate sterling financing of medium and long-term export and home shipbuilding credits (QB 1978 Q1) pp.61-63

BEQB_Speech by the Governor of the Bank given at the annual banquet of the Overseas Bankers Club, on 6 Feb 1978 (QB 1978 Q1) pp.64-65

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1978 Q1) pp.67-149

1978 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1978 Q2)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1978 Q2) pp.153-170

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1978 Q2) pp.171-180

BEQB_Measures of competitiveness in international trade (QB 1978 Q2) pp.181-195

BEQB_Seasonal adjustment of monthly money statistics (QB 1978 Q2) pp.196-204

BEQB_Sector financing 1977 (QB 1978 Q2) pp.205-221

BEQB_An inventory of United Kingdom external assets and liabilities end-1977 (QB 1978 Q2) pp.222-229

BEQB_The secondary banking crisis and the Bank of England’s support operations (paper presented to the Wilson Committee) (QB 1978 Q2) pp.230-239

BEQB_Is there an international monetary system (QB 1978 Q2) pp.240-243

BEQB_Governor’s speeches given at the Cardiff Chamber of Commerce and the conference of the Building Societies Association (QB 1978 Q2) pp.244-249

BEQB_The Council for the Securities Industry (QB 1978 Q2) pp.250-251

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1978 Q2) pp.253-330

1978 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1978 Q3)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1978 Q3) pp.333-348

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1978 Q3) pp.349-356

BEQB_Credit control notices to banks and deposit-taking finance houses, issued by the Bank of England on 8 Jun 1978 and 17 Aug 1978 (QB 1978 Q3) pp.357-358

BEQB_Bank of England notes (QB 1978 Q3) pp.359-364

BEQB_The terms of trade (QB 1978 Q3) pp.365-370

BEQB_Balance sheets for insurance companies (QB 1978 Q3) pp.371-376

BEQB_Export credit foreign currency financing of supplier credits (QB 1978 Q3) pp.377-378

BEQB_Regulation in the City and the Bank of England’s role (paper submitted to the Wilson Committee) (QB 1978 Q3) pp.379-382

BEQB_Supervision of banks and other deposit-taking institutions (paper submitted to the Wilson Committee) (QB 1978 Q3) pp.383-386

BEQB_Supervision of the markets in money, foreign exchange, currency deposits and gold (paper submitted to the Wilson Committee) (QB 1978 Q3) pp.387-389

BEQB_Supervision of the securities markets non-statutory aspects (paper submitted to the Wilson Committee) (QB 1978 Q3) pp.390-397

BEQB_Surveillance of the commodity markets (paper submitted to the Wilson Committee) (QB 1978 Q3) pp.398-402

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1978 Q3) pp.403-483

1978 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1978 Q4)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1978 Q4) pp.487-502

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1978 Q4) pp.503-512

BEQB_Measures of real profitability (QB 1978 Q4) pp.513-522

BEQB_External and foreign currency flows and the money supply (QB 1978 Q4) pp.523-529

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt at end-March 1978 (QB 1978 Q4) pp.530-533

BEQB_Governor’s speeches given to the bankers and merchants of the City of London and to the Institute of Directors as their Tenth Annual Lecture (QB 1978 Q4) pp.534-541

BEQB_Statistical annex (the future composition of the statistical annex) (QB 1978 Q4) pp.543-630

1979 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1979 Q1)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1979 Q1) pp.3-19

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1979 Q1) pp.20-30

BEQB_The financing of North Sea oil 1975-1980 (QB 1979 Q1) pp.31-34

BEQB_Some aspects of the determination of euro-currency interest rates (QB 1979 Q1) pp.35-46

Governor’s speeches (QB 1979 Q1) pp. 47-56

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1979 Q1) pp.57-106

BEQB_Contributors to UK banking statistics (QB 1979 Q1)

BEQB_Corrections (QB 1979 Q1)

1979 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1979 Q2)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1979 Q2) pp.109-124

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1979 Q2) pp.125-135

BEQB_Credit control notices to banks and deposit-taking finance houses, issued by the Bank of England on 3 Apr 1979 and 12 Jun 1979 (QB 1979 Q2) p.136

BEQB_The gilt-edged market (QB 1979 Q2) pp.137-148

BEQB_Monetary base control (QB 1979 Q2) pp.149-159

BEQB_An inventory of United Kingdom external assets and liabilities end-1978 (QB 1979 Q2) pp.160-166

BEQB_Sector financing 1978 (QB 1979 Q2) pp.167-182

BEQB_Profitability and company finance a supplementary note (QB 1979 Q2) pp.183-187

BEQB_Special drawing rights some recent developments (QB 1979 Q2) pp.188-189

BEQB_Intervention arrangements in the European Monetary System (QB 1979 Q2) pp.190-194

BEQB_Panel of academic consultants (QB 1979 Q2) p.195

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1979 Q2) pp.197-246

BEQB_Correction (QB 1979 Q2)

1979 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1979 Q3)

BEQB_Economic commentary and assessment (QB 1979 Q3) pp.249-265

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1979 Q3) pp.266-277

BEQB_Components of private sector liquidity (QB 1979 Q3) pp.278-282

BEQB_North Sea oil and gas in the United Kingdom balance of payments since 1970 (QB 1979 Q3) pp.283-289

BEQB_The prospects for an international monetary system – The Henry Thornton lecture, given by the Governor on 14 Jun 1979 (QB 1979 Q3) pp.290-297

BEQB_International Conference of Banking Supervisors (QB 1979 Q3) pp.298-301

BEQB_Speeches by the Governor given to the Association of International Bond Dealers and given to the Equipment Leasing Association (QB 1979 Q3) pp.302-307

BEQB_Panel of academic consultants (QB 1979 Q3) p.308

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1979 Q3) pp.309-356

1979 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1979 Q4)

BEQB_Economic commentary and assessment (QB 1979 Q4) pp.359-378

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1979 Q4) pp.379-390

BEQB_Credit control notice to banks and deposit-taking finance houses, issued by the Bank of England on 15 Nov 1979 (QB 1979 Q4) p.391

BEQB_Composition of company boards (QB 1979 Q4) pp.392-393

BEQB_The profitability of UK industrial sectors (QB 1979 Q4) pp.394-401

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt at end-March 1979 (QB 1979 Q4) pp.402-406

BEQB_Speeches by the Governor given to the bankers and merchants of the City of London and given to the Institute of Fiscal Studies (QB 1979 Q4) pp.407-415

BEQB_Panel of academic consultants (QB 1979 Q4) p.416

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1979 Q4) pp.417-473

BEQB_Corrections (QB 1979 Q4)

1980 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1980 Q1)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1980 Q1) pp.3-18

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1980 Q1) pp.19-32

BEQB_Dividend payments some recent trends (QB 1980 Q1) pp.33-41

BEQB_UK manufacturing industry international integration and trade performance (QB 1980 Q1) pp.42-55

BEQB_Revised arrangements for medium and long-term sterling export and home shipbuilding credits (QB 1980 Q1) pp.56-58

BEQB_Governor’s speeches at the Overseas Bankers Club and at the Bristol Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping (QB 1980 Q1) pp.59-62

BEQB_Panel of academic consultants (QB 1980 Q1) p.63

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1980 Q1) pp.65-115

1980 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1980 Q2)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1980 Q2) pp.119-140

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1980 Q2) pp.141-152

BEQB_Credit control notice (QB 1980 Q2) p.153

BEQB_The surpluses of the oil exporters (QB 1980 Q2) pp.154-159

BEQB_Inflation and management accounting (QB 1980 Q2) pp.160-165

BEQB_An inventory of UK external assets and liabilities end-1979 (QB 1980 Q2) pp.166-172

BEQB_Sector financing 1979 (QB 1980 Q2) pp.173-190

BEQB_Profitability and company finance (QB 1980 Q2) pp.191-195

BEQB_BEQB_’Real’ national saving and its sectoral composition (QB 1980 Q2) pp.196-202

BEQB_Governor’s speeches at the Industrial Society Conference and at the Financial Times luncheon for representatives of the foreign banking community in London (QB 1980 Q2) pp.203-208

BEQB_Panel of academic consultants (QB 1980 Q2) p.209

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1980 Q2) pp.211-260

1980 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1980 Q3)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1980 Q3) pp.263-282

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1980 Q3) pp.283-294

BEQB_Recent developments in the terms of trade (QB 1980 Q3) pp.295-303

BEQB_Equipment leasing (QB 1980 Q3) pp.304-310

BEQB_Conditions in the syndicated medium-term euro-credit market (QB 1980 Q3) pp.311-318

BEQB_Financing British industry (QB 1980 Q3) pp.319-323

BEQB_The measurement of capital – paper issued on 5 Sep 1980 (QB 1980 Q3) pp.324-330

BEQB_Panel of academic consultants (QB 1980 Q3) p.331

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1980 Q3) pp.333-385

1980 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1980 Q4)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1980 Q4) pp.389-410

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1980 Q4) pp.411-425

BEQB_Capital market issues in the United Kingdom – Notice issued by the Bank on 10 Nov (QB 1980 Q4) pp.426-427

BEQB_Methods of monetary control – Background note issued by the Bank on 24 Nov (QB 1980 Q4) pp.428-429

BEQB_Corporate insolvency (QB 1980 Q4) pp.430-436

BEQB_The foreign exchange market in London (QB 1980 Q4) pp.437-444

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt at end-March 1980 (QB 1980 Q4) pp.445-448

BEQB_The Governor’s Ashridge lecture (QB 1980 Q4) pp.449-454

BEQB_Revised company profits (QB 1980 Q4) pp.455-456

BEQB_Governor’s speech at the Lord Mayor’s dinner to the bankers and merchants of the City of London (QB 1980 Q4) pp.457-459

BEQB_Banking statistics country exposure (QB 1980 Q4) p.460

BEQB_Panel of academic consultants (QB 1980 Q4) p.461

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1980 Q4) pp.463-521

1981 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1981 Q1)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1981 Q1) pp.3-22

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1981 Q1) pp.23-37

BEQB_Monetary control next steps – Paper issued by the Bank on 12 Mar 1981 (QB 1981 Q1) pp.38-39

BEQB_The liquidity of banks – Paper issued by the Bank on 12 Mar 1981 (QB 1981 Q1) pp.40-41

BEQB_Commodity prices in the 1970s (QB 1981 Q1) pp.42-53

BEQB_The UK corporate bond market (QB 1981 Q1) pp.54-58

BEQB_The monetary base-a statistical note (QB 1981 Q1) pp.59-65

BEQB_Special drawing rights further developments (QB 1981 Q1) pp.66-68

BEQB_Revision to the calculation of effective exchange rates (QB 1981 Q1) pp.69-70

BEQB_The financial scene in the 1970s – Lecture by the Deputy Governor – The Ernest Sykes Memorial Lecture (QB 1981 Q1) pp.71-76

BEQB_The banks’ role in financing industry – Governor’s speech at the Institute of Bankers in Scotland (QB 1981 Q1) pp.77-78

BEQB_Reflections on the role of the institutions in financing industry – Lecture by the Governor – Thefirst 1981 Stockton Lecture (QB 1981 Q1) pp.79-85

BEQB_World economic prospects – Governor’s speech at the Overseas Bankers Club (QB 1981 Q1) pp.86-88

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1981 Q1) pp.89-149

1981 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1981 Q2)

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1981 Q2) pp.153-169

BEQB_Financial review (QB 1981 Q2) pp.170-186

BEQB_Financing world payments balances (QB 1981 Q2) pp.187-199

BEQB_Seasonal adjustment of money and its counterparts (QB 1981 Q2) pp.200-202

BEQB_An inventory of UK external assets and liabilities end-1980 (QB 1981 Q2) pp.203-209

BEQB_Sector financing 1980 (QB 1981 Q2) pp.210-227

BEQB_Profitability and company finance (QB 1981 Q2) pp.228-231

BEQB_’Real’ national saving and its sectoral composition (QB 1981 Q2) pp.232-234

BEQB_Foreign currency exposure – Paper issued by the Bank on 24 Apr (QB 1981 Q2) pp.235-237

BEQB_Developments in co-operation among banking supervisory authorities – Paper prepared for the March 1981 Conference on the Internationalisation of the Capital Markets (QB 1981 Q2) pp.238-244

BEQB_A review of the world economy – Governor’s Speech at the Financial Times lunch for representatives of the foreign banking community in London (QB 1981 Q2) pp.245-247

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1981 Q2) pp.249-305

1981 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1981 Q3)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1981 Q3) pp.309-312

BEQB_Main economic and monetary developments (QB 1981 Q3) pp.313-325

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1981 Q3) pp.326-338

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1981 Q3) pp.339-346

BEQB_Monetary control-provisions – Paper issued by the Bank on 5 Aug (QB 1981 Q3) pp.347-350

BEQB_Eurobanks and the inter-bank market (QB 1981 Q3) pp.351-364

BEQB_Sterling and inflation (QB 1981 Q3) pp.365-368

BEQB_The effect of exchange control abolition on capital flows (QB 1981 Q3) pp.369-373

BEQB_Purposes of banking statistics (QB 1981 Q3) pp.374-381

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1981 Q3) pp.383-446

1981 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1981 Q4)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1981 Q4) pp.449-452

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1981 Q4) pp.453-465

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1981 Q4) pp.466-479

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1981 Q4) pp.480-488

BEQB_A broad look at exchange rate movements for eight currencies, 1972-80 (QB 1981 Q4) pp.489-509

BEQB_The financing of Japanese industry (QB 1981 Q4) pp.510-518

BEQB_Services in the UK balance of payments (QB 1981 Q4) pp.519-525

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt at end-March 1981 (QB 1981 Q4) pp.526-530

BEQB_Money and banking figures forthcoming changes (QB 1981 Q4) pp.531-538

BEQB_The financing of North Sea oil (QB 1981 Q4) p.539

BEQB_World economic problems – Governor’s speech at the International Industrial Conference, San Francisco (QB 1981 Q4) pp.540-544

BEQB_Interest rates today and the economy in the longer term – Governor’s speech at the Lord Mayor’s dinner to the bankers and merchants of the City of London (QB 1981 Q4) pp.545-547

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1981 Q4) pp.549-613

1982 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1982 Q1)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1982 Q1) pp.3-7

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1982 Q1) pp.8-18

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1982 Q1) pp.19-33

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1982 Q1) pp.34-41

BEQB_The international banking markets in 1980-81 (QB 1982 Q1) pp.42-55

BEQB_North Sea oil and gas – costs and benefits (QB 1982 Q1) pp.56-73

BEQB_The supplementary special deposits scheme (QB 1982 Q1) pp.74-85

BEQB_The role of the Bank of England in the money market (QB 1982 Q1) pp.86-94

BEQB_Why do forecasts differ (QB 1982 Q1) p.95

BEQB_The tasks of the banks in a time of recession – Governor’s speech at the Annual Assembly of the Bundesverband deutscher Banken in Bonn (QB 1982 Q1) pp.96-100

BEQB_Recent changes in the monetary and regulatory framework – Governor’s speech at Finance Houses Association (QB 1982 Q1) pp.101-103

BEQB_The interconnectedness of the world economy – Governor’s speech at the Overseas Bankers Club (QB 1982 Q1) pp.104-107

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1982 Q1) pp.109-173

1982 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1982 Q2)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1982 Q2) pp.177-182

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1982 Q2) pp.183-193

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1982 Q2) pp.194-208

BEQB_Prudential arrangements for the discount market (QB 1982 Q2) pp.209-211

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1982 Q2) pp.212-220

BEQB_Techniques for assessing corporate financial strength (QB 1982 Q2) pp.221-223

BEQB_Transactions balances-a new monetary aggregate (QB 1982 Q2) pp.224-225

BEQB_Yield curves for gilt-edged stocks an improved model (QB 1982 Q2) pp.226-231

BEQB_An inventory of United Kingdom external assets and liabilities end-1981 (QB 1982 Q2) pp.232-238

BEQB_Inflation-adjusted saving and sectoral balances (QB 1982 Q2) pp.239-242

BEQB_Profitability and company finance (QB 1982 Q2) pp.243-250

BEQB_Sector financing 1981 (QB 1982 Q2) pp.251-265

BEQB_Offshore financial centres – Deputy Governor’s speech to the Jersey Bankers’ Association (QB 1982 Q2) pp.266-268

BEQB_The need for flexibility in international banking – Deputy Governor’s speech at the Financial Times Annual Lunch for representatives of foreign banks in London (QB 1982 Q2) pp.269-272

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1982 Q2) pp.273-324

1982 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1982 Q3)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1982 Q3) pp.327-332

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1982 Q3) pp.333-342

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1982 Q3) pp.343-353

BEQB_Capital market issues in the United Kingdom – Notice issued by the Bank on 19 Jul (QB 1982 Q3) p.354

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1982 Q3) pp.355-365

BEQB_British industry in a competitive world – Speech by the Governor to the Development Corporation of Wales (QB 1982 Q3) pp.366-368

BEQB_Measures of competitiveness (QB 1982 Q3) pp.369-375

BEQB_Current cost accounting (QB 1982 Q3) pp.376-381

BEQB_Recent developments in equipment leasing (QB 1982 Q3) pp.382-389

BEQB_Mortgage lending and the housing market (QB 1982 Q3) pp.390-398

BEQB_The measurement of liquidity – Paper issued by the Bank on 20 Jul (QB 1982 Q3) pp.399-402

BEQB_Bank lending, monetary control and funding policy (QB 1982 Q3) p.403

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1982 Q3) pp.405-460

1982 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1982 Q4)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1982 Q4) pp.463-466

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1982 Q4) pp.467-477

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1982 Q4) pp.478-489

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1982 Q4) pp.490-501

BEQB_World economic stagnation and recovery – Speech by the Governor at the Lord Mayor’s dinner (QB 1982 Q4) pp.502-505

BEQB_Banks and industry – Lecture by the Deputy Governor to the Institute of Bankers (QB 1982 Q4) pp.506-510

BEQB_Venture capital (QB 1982 Q4) pp.511-513

BEQB_Bills of exchange current issues in a historical perspective – Paper presented by Mr A L Coleby (QB 1982 Q4) pp.514-518

BEQB_Recent changes in the use of cash (QB 1982 Q4) pp.519-529

BEQB_Composition of monetary and liquidity aggregates, and associated statistics (QB 1982 Q4) pp.530-537

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt at end-March 1982 (QB 1982 Q4) pp.538-546

BEQB_The role of the banking supervisor – Speech by Mr W P Cooke to the Institute of Chartered Accountants’ conference (QB 1982 Q4) pp.547-552

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1982 Q4) pp.553-608

1983 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1983 Q1)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1983 Q1) pp.3-7

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1983 Q1) pp.8-18

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1983 Q1) pp.19-27

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1983 Q1) pp.28-38

BEQB_International banking in turbulent times some lessons from recent experience – Governor’s speech to the Overseas Bankers Club (QB 1983 Q1) pp.39-42

BEQB_The international banking markets in 1982 (QB 1983 Q1) pp.43-60

BEQB_The international banking scene a supervisory perspective – Speech by Mr W P Cooke to the Financial Times World Banking conference (QB 1983 Q1) pp.61-65

BEQB_The composition of company boards in 1982 (QB 1983 Q1) pp.66-68

BEQB_Review of banking statistics (QB 1983 Q1) pp.69-76

BEQB_The financing of North Sea oil (QB 1983 Q1) p.77

BEQB_Changes to monetary statistics (QB 1983 Q1) p.78

BEQB_Company reorganisation a comparison of practice in the US and the UK – Note of a Bank occasional paper (QB 1983 Q1) p.79

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1983 Q1) pp.81-150

1983 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1983 Q2)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1983 Q2) pp.153-157

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1983 Q2) pp.158-170

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1983 Q2) pp.171-183

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1983 Q2) pp.184-193

BEQB_British economic policy over the last decade – An address by the Governor to the Italian Senate in Rome (QB 1983 Q2) pp.194-199

BEQB_Setting monetary objectives – Paper presented by J S Fforde to a Federal Reserve Bank of New York conference in May 1982 (QB 1983 Q2) pp.200-208

BEQB_The Bank’s operational procedures for meeting monetary objectives Paper presented by A L Coleby to a Federal Reserve Bank of New York conference in May 1982 (QB 1983 Q2) pp.209-215

BEQB_The future of building societies a central banker’s view – Governor’s speech to the Building Societies Association (QB 1983 Q2) pp.216-220

BEQB_International debt problems-a progress report – Speech by the Deputy Governor to representatives of foreign banks (QB 1983 Q2) pp.221-224

BEQB_Property development-drawing on the experience of the seventies – Remarks by the Governor at the annual luncheon of the British Property Federation (QB 1983 Q2) pp.225-226

BEQB_The unlisted securities market (QB 1983 Q2) pp.227-231

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1983 Q2) pp.232-239

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom developments to end-1982 (QB 1983 Q2) pp.240-248

BEQB_Sector financing 1982 (QB 1983 Q2) pp.249-255

BEQB_Seasonal adjustment of money and its counterparts (QB 1983 Q2) pp.256-257

BEQB_The economics of pension arrangements – Note of a paper for the Bank’s Panel of Academic Consultants (QB 1983 Q2) p.258

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1983 Q2) pp.259-318

1983 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1983 Q3)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1983 Q3) pp.321-325

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1983 Q3) pp.326-336

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1983 Q3) pp.337-345

BEQB_Monetary control arrangements – Notice issued by the Bank on 19 Jul (QB 1983 Q3) p.346

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1983 Q3) pp.347-357

BEQB_The nature and implications of financial innovation – Report of a conference of central bankers, 18-20 May (QB 1983 Q3) pp.358-362

BEQB_Competition, innovation and regulation in British banking – UK paper presented to conference of central bankers, 18-20 May (QB 1983 Q3) pp.363-376

BEQB_What the City expects from the accounting profession – Speech by the Deputy Governor to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (QB 1983 Q3) pp.377-383

BEQB_Intervention, stabilisation and profits (QB 1983 Q3) pp.384-391

BEQB_UK banks’ external liabilities and claims in sterling geographical analysis (QB 1983 Q3) pp.392-294

BEQB_Finance leasing estimates of investment in assets for leasing out (QB 1983 Q3) pp.395-396

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1983 Q3) pp.397-452

1983 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1983 Q4)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1983 Q4) pp.455-459

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1983 Q4) pp.460-470

BEQB_A note on real short-term interest rates (QB 1983 Q4) pp.471-476

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1983 Q4) pp.477-487

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1983 Q4) pp.488-495

BEQB_The new Governor looks forward – Governor’s speech at the Lord Mayor’s dinner to the bankers and merchants of the City of London (QB 1983 Q4) pp.496-498

BEQB_Regulation in financial markets – Speech by Mr D A Walker (QB 1983 Q4) pp.499-501

BEQB_The provision of pensions – Third Shell International Lecture given by Lord Richardson (QB 1983 Q4) pp.502-512

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt end-March 1983 (QB 1983 Q4) pp.513-519

BEQB_The financial environment for local authorities – Speech by the Governor (QB 1983 Q4) pp.520-524

BEQB_External flows and broad money (QB 1983 Q4) pp.525-529

BEQB_The role of the exchange rate – Speech by the Deputy Governor (QB 1983 Q4) pp.530-533

BEQB_The economic scene; a global perspective – Speech by the Deputy Governor (QB 1983 Q4) pp.534-540

BEQB_International debt a central banker’s view – Remarks by Mr B Quinn (QB 1983 Q4) pp.541-545

BEQB_The financial structure and operations of the International Monetary Fund (QB 1983 Q4) pp.546-556

BEQB_Deflation and scaling of international bank lending (QB 1983 Q4) pp.557-561

BEQB_Revised presentation of banking statistics (QB 1983 Q4) pp.562-563

BEQB_The financing of North Sea oil (QB 1983 Q4) p.564

BEQB_Monetary trends in the United Kingdom (QB 1983 Q4) p.565

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1983 Q4) pp.567-620

1984 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1984 Q1)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1984 Q1) pp.3-8

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1984 Q1) pp.9-22

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1984 Q1) pp.23-31

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1984 Q1) pp.32-39

BEQB_Changing boundaries in financial services – Governer’s speech to a seminar in Edinburgh (QB 1984 Q1) pp.40-45

BEQB_The business of financial supervision – The Joseph Travers Lecture given by the Deputy Governor (QB 1984 Q1) pp.46-50

BEQB_International debt-thinking about the longer term – Governor’s speech to the Overseas Bankers Club (QB 1984 Q1) pp.51-53

BEQB_International banking markets in 1983 (QB 1984 Q1) pp.54-67

BEQB_The scope for industrial expansion – Lecture by the Deputy Governor to the Birmingham and Midlands Institute of Bankers (QB 1984 Q1) pp.68-73

BEQB_The direction of business and the role of the non-executive director a view from the City – Speech by Mr D A Walker (QB 1984 Q1) pp.74-77

BEQB_Changes to monetary aggregates and the analysis of bank lending (QB 1984 Q1) pp.78-83

BEQB_The financial structure and operations of the International Monetary Fund-some recent developments (QB 1984 Q1) p.84

BEQB_The UK economic recovery in the 1930s – Note of a meeting of the Bank’s Panel of Academic Consultants (QB 1984 Q1) p.85

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1984 Q1) pp.87-150

1984 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1984 Q2)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1984 Q2) pp.153-156

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1984 Q2) pp.157-170

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1984 Q2) pp.171-179

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1984 Q2) pp.180-188

BEQB_The future of the securities market – Governor’s speech at the Stock Exchange Northern Unit conference (QB 1984 Q2) pp.189-194

BEQB_Insurance in a changing financial services industry – Governer’s speech at the British Insurance Brokers’ Association (QB 1984 Q2) pp.195-199

BEQB_The developing role and responsibilities of institutional shareholders – Governor’s speech at the imestment conference of the National Association of Pension Funds (QB 1984 Q2) pp.200-206

BEQB_Venture capital in the United Kingdom (QB 1984 Q2) pp.207-211

BEQB_Sector financing 1983 (QB 1984 Q2) pp.212-220

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom developments to end-1983 (QB 1984 Q2) pp.221-230

BEQB_Inflation-adjusted saving and sectoral balances (QB 1984 Q2) pp.231-234

BEQB_Supervisory aspects of country risk – Remarks by Mr Brian Quinn to a conference organised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (QB 1984 Q2) pp.235-240

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1984 Q2) pp.241-296

1984 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1984 Q3)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1984 Q3) pp.299-303

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1984 Q3) pp.304-317

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1984 Q3) pp.318-328

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1984 Q3) pp.329-336

BEQB_The international market in floating-rate instruments (QB 1984 Q3) pp.337-345

BEQB_The variability of exchange rates measurement and effects (QB 1984 Q3) pp.346-349

BEQB_Corporate strategy in the recovery – Governor’s speech at a PRO NED CBI seminar. 31 Jul (QB 1984 Q3) pp.350-351

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1984 Q3) pp.352-359

BEQB_Performance of large companies (QB 1984 Q3) pp.360-367

BEQB_Business finance in the United Kingdom and Germany (QB 1984 Q3) pp.368-375

BEQB_Finance leasing estimates of investments in assets for leasing out (QB 1984 Q3) pp.376-378

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1984 Q3) pp.379-432

1984 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1984 Q4)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1984 Q4) pp.435-439

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1984 Q4) pp.440-450

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1984 Q4) pp.451-460

BEQB_Revised supervisory arrangements for the discount market (QB 1984 Q4) pp.461-462

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1984 Q4) pp.463-471

BEQB_Domestic financial markets progress and problems – Governor’s speech at the Lord Mayor’s dinner to the bankers and merchants of the City of London (QB 1984 Q4) pp.472-473

BEQB_Some aspects of UK monetary policy – An open lecture delivered by the Governor at the University of Kent at Canterbury (QB 1984 Q4) pp.474-481

BEQB_Funding the public sector borrowing requirement 1952-83 (QB 1984 Q4) pp.482-492

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt end-March 1984 (QB 1984 Q4) pp.493-499

BEQB_Responsibilities of the private and public sectors – Speech by the Deputy Governor to the Manchester Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QB 1984 Q4) pp.500-502

The role and future of the international financial institutions – (QB 1984 Q4) pp.503-510

BEQB_The financing of North Sea and other UK oil and gas development (QB 1984 Q4) p.511

BEQB_Employment, real wages and unemployment in the United Kingdom – Note of a meeting of the Bank’s Panel of Academic Consultants (QB 1984 Q4) p.512

BEQB_The future structure of the gilt-edged market – The Bank of England’s dealing and supervisory relationships with certain participants-draft proposals (QB 1984 Q4) pp.513-540

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1984 Q4) pp.541-590

1985 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1985 Q1)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1985 Q1) pp.3-8

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1985 Q1) pp.9-23

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1985 Q1) pp.24-35

BEQB_Short-term corporate bonds – Notice issued by the Bank on 19 Mar (QB 1985 Q1) p.36

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1985 Q1) pp.37-44

BEQB_Taking stock on issues facing the banking community – Governor’s speech to the Overseas Bankers Club (QB 1985 Q1) pp.45-46

BEQB_The financial structure and operations of the IBRD (QB 1985 Q1) pp.47-56

BEQB_Developments in international banking and capital markets in 1984 (QB 1985 Q1) pp.57-68

BEQB_Oil exporters’ surpluses and their deployment (QB 1985 Q1) pp.69-74

BEQB_Changes in the structure of financial markets a view from London – Speech by the Deputy Governor at the ‘Euromoney’ conference (QB 1985 Q1) pp.75-79

BEQB_The housing finance market recent growth in perspective (QB 1985 Q1) pp.80-92

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1985 Q1) pp.93-160

1985 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1985 Q2)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1985 Q2) pp.163-168

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1985 Q2) pp.169-182

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1985 Q2) pp.183-195

BEQB_Developments at The Stock Exchange (QB 1985 Q2) p.196

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1985 Q2) pp.197-206

BEQB_Shifting frontiers in financial markets their causes and consequences – Governor’s speech al lhe Colloquium of lhe Sociele Universilaire Europeene de Recherches Financieres (QB 1985 Q2) pp.207-211

BEQB_Investment management in the United Kingdom (QB 1985 Q2) pp.212-216

BEQB_Banking risks in an evolving market – Governor’s speech at a conference arranged by the Arab Bankers Association (QB 1985 Q2) pp.217-218

BEQB_Some current concerns of a banking supervisor – Remarks by Mr W P Cooke al a conference arranged by the Arab Bankers Association (QB 1985 Q2) pp.219-223

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1985 Q2) pp.224-232

BEQB_The boards of quoted companies (QB 1985 Q2) pp.233-236

BEQB_Developments in consumer credit a central banker’s perspective – Governor’s speech at the annual dinner of the Finance Houses Association (QB 1985 Q2) pp.237-239

BEQB_Sector financing 1984 (QB 1985 Q2) pp.240-246

BEQB_Conference on financial statistics November 1985 (QB 1985 Q2) p.247

BEQB_Off balance sheet risks – Notice issued by the Bank on 3 Apr 1985 (QB 1985 Q2) pp.248-249

BEQB_The future structure of the gilt-edged market (QB 1985 Q2) pp.250-282

BEQB_Press notices concerning the future structure of the gilt-edged market – Notices issued by the Bank on 3 Jun and 17 Jun 1985 (QB 1985 Q2) pp.283-284

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1985 Q2) pp.285-336

1985 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1985 Q3)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1985 Q3) pp.341-345

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1985 Q3) pp.346-360

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1985 Q3) pp.361-370

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1985 Q3) pp.371-380

BEQB_One hundred issues of the Quarterly Bulletin (QB 1985 Q3) pp.381-387

BEQB_Index of articles 1960-85 (QB 1985 Q3) pp.388-391

BEQB_Developments in UK banking and monetary statistics since the Radcliffe Report (QB 1985 Q3) pp.392-297

BEQB_Change and development in international financial markets – Speech by the Deputy Governor at the 38th International Banking Summer School (QB 1985 Q3) pp.398-403

BEQB_Services in the UK economy (QB 1985 Q3) pp.404-414

BEQB_The Bank of England as registrar (QB 1985 Q3) pp.415-421

BEQB_The City Revolution – Remarks by Mr E A J George at a conference arranged by The Financial Times and The Banker (QB 1985 Q3) pp.422-426

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom developments to end-1984 (QB 1985 Q3) pp.427-435

BEQB_Performance of large companies (QB 1985 Q3) pp.436-438

BEQB_Finance leasing estimates of investment in assets for leasing out (QB 1985 Q3) pp.439-440

BEQB_Conference on financial statistics November 1985 (QB 1985 Q3) p.441

BEQB_Opportunities for economists at the Bank of England (QB 1985 Q3) p.442

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1985 Q3) pp.443-496

1985 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1985 Q4)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1985 Q4) pp.499-504

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1985 Q4) pp.505-516

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1985 Q4) pp.517-525

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1985 Q4) pp.526-533

BEQB_Problems of monetary policy and change in the City – Governor’s speech at the Lord Mayor’s dinner to the bankers and merchants of the City of London (QB 1985 Q4) pp.534-536

BEQB_The unlisted securities market (QB 1985 Q4) pp.537-543

BEQB_Change in The Stock Exchange and regulation of the City (QB 1985 Q4) pp.544-550

BEQB_Managing change in international banking a central banker’s view – Speech by the Deputy Governor at the IMEDE banking management conference (QB 1985 Q4) pp.551-558

BEQB_Arbitrage between the spot and futures markets for eurodollars (QB 1985 Q4) pp.559-569

BEQB_Capital markets and industry – Speech by Mr D A Walker at the Glasgow Finance and Investment Seminar (QB 1985 Q4) pp.570-575

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt end-March 1985 (QB 1985 Q4) pp.576-581

BEQB_Developments in leasing (QB 1985 Q4) pp.582-585

BEQB_Conference on financial statistics – Summary of a conference held at the Bank on 13 Nov 1985 (QB 1985 Q4) pp.586-590

BEQB_The effects of interest rates in macroeconomic models of the United Kingdom – Note of a meeting of the Bank’s Panel of Academic Consultants (QB 1985 Q4) p.591

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1985 Q4) pp.593-640

1986 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1986 Q1)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1986 Q1) pp.3-8

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1986 Q1) pp.9-26

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1986 Q1) pp.27-37

BEQB_Notice issued by the Bank on 13 Mar 1986 (QB 1986 Q1) p.38

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1986 Q1) pp.39-47

BEQB_The UK approach to financial regulation – Governor’s speech at the Overseas Bankers Club (QB 1986 Q1) pp.48-50

BEQB_The Inter-American Development Bank (QB 1986 Q1) pp.51-55

BEQB_Settlement of transactions in the gilt-edged securities market (QB 1986 Q1) pp.56-57

BEQB_Developments in international banking and capital markets in 1985 (QB 1986 Q1) pp.58-70

BEQB_City regulation after Big Bang – Governor’s speech to the American Chamber of Commerce (UK) (QB 1986 Q1) pp.71-73

BEQB_The net debt of the public sector (QB 1986 Q1) pp.74-77

BEQB_Companies’ short-term financial decisions (QB 1986 Q1) pp.78-80

BEQB_Official transactions in commercial bills, shipbuilding paper and export credit paper (QB 1986 Q1) pp.81-82

BEQB_The financing of North Sea and other UK oil and gas development (QB 1986 Q1) p.83

BEQB_The share economy aspects of employee remuneration and participation (QB 1986 Q1) p.84

BEQB_Consolidated supervision of institutions authorised under the Banking Act 1979 (QB 1986 Q1) pp.85-90

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1986 Q1) pp.91-158

1986 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1986 Q2)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1986 Q2) pp.161-167

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1986 Q2) pp.168-183

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1986 Q2) pp.184-197

BEQB_Sterling commercial paper – Notice issued by the Bank on 29 Apr 1986 (QB 1986 Q2) pp.198-199

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1986 Q2) pp.200-208

BEQB_Recent innovations in international banking (QB 1986 Q2) pp.209-210

BEQB_The changing foreign exchange markets – Governor’s speech at the Forex Association London (QB 1986 Q2) pp.211-215

BEQB_The commodity futures markets (QB 1986 Q2) pp.216-224

BEQB_Innovation in international banking – Governor’s speech at the London International Capital Markets Conference (QB 1986 Q2) pp.225-229

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1986 Q2) pp.230-235

BEQB_Fixed investment, the capital stock and factor utilisation (QB 1986 Q2) pp.236-241

BEQB_Supervision and competitive conditions – Speech by the Deputy Governor at the Financial Times Banker Lunch For Foreign Bankers (QB 1986 Q2) pp.242-244

BEQB_Sector financing 1985 (QB 1986 Q2) pp.245-252

BEQB_Opportunities for economists at the Bank of England (QB 1986 Q2) p.253

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1986 Q2) pp.255-306

1986 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1986 Q3)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1986 Q3) pp.309-314

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1986 Q3) pp.315-332

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1986 Q3) pp.333-344

BEQB_Calendar month money and banking statistics (QB 1986 Q3) p.345

BEQB_Cash ratio deposits (QB 1986 Q3) p.346

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1986 Q3) pp.347-358

BEQB_Recent trends in real interest rates (QB 1986 Q3) pp.359-363

BEQB_Employment creation in the United States and the United Kingdom (QB 1986 Q3) pp.364-366

BEQB_International banking in London, 1975-85 (QB 1986 Q3) pp.367-378

BEQB_The market in foreign exchange in London (QB 1986 Q3) pp.379-382

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom developments to end-1985 (QB 1986 Q3) pp.383-389

BEQB_Performance of large companies (QB 1986 Q3) pp.390-392

BEQB_Finance leasing estimates of investment in assets for leasing out (QB 1986 Q3) pp.393-394

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1986 Q3) pp.395-446

1986 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1986 Q4)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1986 Q4) pp.449-454

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1986 Q4) pp.455-473

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1986 Q4) pp.474-487

BEQB_Short-term paper issues by deposit-taking institutions (QB 1986 Q4) pp.488-489

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1986 Q4) pp.490-498

BEQB_Financial change and broad money – Loughborough University Banking Centre Annual Lecture in Finance delivered by the Governor (QB 1986 Q4) pp.499-507

BEQB_Developments in monetary policy and in the City’s markets – Governor’s speech at the Lord Mayor’s dinner to the bankers and merchants of the City of London (QB 1986 Q4) pp.508-509

BEQB_North Sea oil and gas (QB 1986 Q4) pp.510-518

BEQB_Banking and monetary statistics a change in reporting dates (QB 1986 Q4) pp.519-527

BEQB_Structural change in housing finance – Governor’s speech at the 17th World Congress of the International Union of Building Societies and Savings Associations (QB 1986 Q4) pp.528-531

BEQB_New issue costs and methods in the UK equity market (QB 1986 Q4) pp.532-542

BEQB_City and industry – Speech by Mr D A Walker at the CBI Annual Conference (QB 1986 Q4) pp.543-545

BEQB_Life assurance company and private pension fund investment, 1962-84 (QB 1986 Q4) pp.546-558

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt end-March 1986 (QB 1986 Q4) pp.559-565

BEQB_The London Metal Exchange – Governor’s speech at the annual dinner of the London Metal Exchange (QB 1986 Q4) pp.566-568

BEQB_The future structure of the gilt-edged market official operations (QB 1986 Q4) pp.569-574

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1986 Q4) pp.575-625

BEQB_Contents of recent Quarterly Bulletins (QB 1986 Q4) p.626

1987 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1987 Q1)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1987 Q1) pp.3-8

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1987 Q1) pp.9-25

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1987 Q1) pp.26-38

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1987 Q1) pp.39-45

BEQB_Commercial paper markets an international survey (QB 1987 Q1) pp.46-53

BEQB_Change in The Stock Exchange and regulation of the City (QB 1987 Q1) pp.54-65

BEQB_Recent developments in the swap market (QB 1987 Q1) pp.66-79

BEQB_Gilt-edged settlement Phase 2 of the CGO Service (QB 1987 Q1) pp.80-82

BEQB_The financing of North Sea and other UK oil and gas development (QB 1987 Q1) p.83

BEQB_The regulation of financial services (QB 1987 Q1) p.84

BEQB_Convergence of capital adequacy in the UKand US – Notice issued by the Bank on 8 Jan 1987 (QB 1987 Q1) pp.85-86

BEQB_Agreed proposal of the US Federal Banking Supervisory Authorities and the Bank of England on primary capital and capital adequacy assessment (QB 1987 Q1) pp.87-94

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1987 Q1) pp.95-160

1987 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1987 Q2)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1987 Q2) pp.163-168

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1987 Q2) pp.169-188

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1987 Q2) pp.189-202

BEQB_The gilt-edged market auctions (QB 1987 Q2) p.203

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1987 Q2) pp.204-211

BEQB_Measures of broad money (QB 1987 Q2) pp.212-219

BEQB_City and industry – Governor’s speech to the Yorkshire and Humberside Regional CBI (QB 1987 Q2) pp.220-222

BEQB_The financial behaviour of the UK personal sector, 1976-85 (QB 1987 Q2) pp.223-233

BEQB_Developments in international banking and capital markets in 1986 (QB 1987 Q2) pp.234-246

BEQB_Some perspectives for pension fund managers – Speech by Mr D A Walker at the National Association of Pension Funds Investment Conference (QB 1987 Q2) pp.247-251

BEQB_Non-executive directors the PRO NED code (QB 1987 Q2) p.252

BEQB_Management of UK equity portfolios (QB 1987 Q2) pp.253-260

BEQB_Companies’ long-term financial decisions; dividends and debt (QB 1987 Q2) pp.261-264

BEQB_The net debt of the public sector end-March 1986 (QB 1987 Q2) pp.265-266

BEQB_The financing of North Sea and other UK oil and gas development (QB 1987 Q2) p.267

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1987 Q2) pp.269-314

1987 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1987 Q3)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1987 Q3) pp.317-321

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1987 Q3) pp.322-343

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1987 Q3) pp.344-355

BEQB_Capital market issues in sterling (QB 1987 Q3) pp.356-357

BEQB_International f1nancial developments (QB 1987 Q3) pp.358-364

BEQB_The instruments of monetary policy – The seventh Mais Lecture, delivered by the Governor at the City University Business School (QB 1987 Q3) pp.365-370

BEQB_The terms of trade (QB 1987 Q3) pp.371-379

BEQB_Supervision and central banking – Speech by the Deputy Governor to the Lombard Association (QB 1987 Q3) pp.380-385

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1987 Q3) pp.386-391

BEQB_Recent developments in UK payment clearing systems (QB 1987 Q3) pp.392-394

BEQB_Takeovers and mergers some major issues – Speech by Mr D A Walker at the University of Glasgow (QB 1987 Q3) pp.395-399

BEQB_Building societies a changing role – Governor’s speech at the annual conference of the Building Societies Association (QB 1987 Q3) pp.400-403

BEQB_Sector financing 1986 (QB 1987 Q3) pp.404-411

BEQB_Banks’ overseas earnings from financial services (QB 1987 Q3) p.412

BEQB_Eurocommercial paper rates (QB 1987 Q3) p.413

BEQB_The management of developing country commodity risks (QB 1987 Q3) p.414

BEQB_Opportunities for economists at the Bank of England (QB 1987 Q3) p.415

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1987 Q3) pp.417-469

1987 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1987 Q4)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1987 Q4) pp.473-479

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1987 Q4) pp.480-497

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1987 Q4) pp.498-509

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1987 Q4) pp.510-517

BEQB_Japanese banks in London (QB 1987 Q4) pp.518-524

BEQB_Ownership and control of UK banks – Extracts from a speech by the Governor at the President’s Banquet of the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce (QB 1987 Q4) pp.525-526

BEQB_The early development of the sterling commercial paper market (QB 1987 Q4) pp.527-532

BEQB_Statistics on euronotes and eurocommercial paper (QB 1987 Q4) pp.533-535

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 1987 Q4) pp.536-541

BEQB_Growth, debt and development – Governor’s speech at the annual joint meeting of the British-Malaysian and Malaysian-British Societies (QB 1987 Q4) pp.542-544

BEQB_Pre-emption rights (QB 1987 Q4) pp.545-549

BEQB_Distribution of the national debt end-March 1987 (QB 1987 Q4) pp.550-555

BEQB_Performance of large companies (QB 1987 Q4) pp.556-558

BEQB_Finance leasing estimates of investment in assets for leasing out (QB 1987 Q4) pp.559-560

BEQB_The Bank of England quarterly model of the UK economy (QB 1987 Q4) p.561

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1987 Q4) pp.563-608

1988 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1988 Q1)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1988 Q1) pp.3-8

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1988 Q1) pp.9-26

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1988 Q1) pp.27-39

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1988 Q1) pp.40-47

BEQB_Personal credit in perspective – Governor’s speech at the annual luncheon of the Newspaper Conference (QB 1988 Q1) pp.48-50

BEQB_The equity market crash (QB 1988 Q1) pp.51-58

The markets, the City and the economy – Governor’s speeches (QB 1988 Q1) pp.59-61

BEQB_Recent developments in the corporate and bulldog sectors of the sterling bond market (QB 1988 Q1) pp.62-68

BEQB_Supervision of the wholesale money markets – Speech by the Mr John Townend at the BBA conference on the Financial Services Act (QB 1988 Q1) pp.69-74

BEQB_The financial behaviour of industrial and commercial companies, 1970-86 (QB 1988 Q1) pp.75-82

BEQB_The net debt of the public sector end-March 1987 (QB 1988 Q1) pp.83-85

BEQB_House prices, wages and unfilled vacancies in the United Kingdom (QB 1988 Q1) p.86

BEQB_The financing of North Sea and other UK oil and gas development (QB 1988 Q1) p.87

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1988 Q1) pp.89-154

1988 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1988 Q2)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1988 Q2) pp.157-162

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1988 Q2) pp.163-179

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1988 Q2) pp.180-193

BEQB_The experimental series of gilt-edged auctions (QB 1988 Q2) pp.194-197

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1988 Q2) pp.198-208

BEQB_Developments in international capital and banking markets in 1987 (QB 1988 Q2) pp.209-219

convergence-of-capital-standards-and-the-lessons-of-the-market-crash (QB 1988 Q2 pp. 220-224)

BEQB_Trends in real interest rates (QB 1988 Q2) pp.225-231

BEQB_Inflation-adjusted sectoral saving and financial balances (QB 1988 Q2) pp.232-235

BEQB_The management of liquidity – Speech by Mr Brian Quinn at the SEANZA forum of banking supervisors (QB 1988 Q2) pp.236-241

BEQB_The composition of company boards (QB 1988 Q2) pp.242-245

BEQB_Alternative measures of aggregate company liquidity (QB 1988 Q2) pp.246-249

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1988 Q2) pp.251-298

1988 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1988 Q3)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1988 Q3) pp.301-305

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1988 Q3) pp.306-325

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1988 Q3) pp.326-338

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1988 Q3) pp.339-349

BEQB_European currency and European central bank-a British view – Speech by Mr Anthony Loehnis to the Intergroup ‘European Currency’ of the European Parliament in Strasbourg (QB 1988 Q3) pp.350-355

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1988 Q3) pp.356-363

BEQB_The co-ordination of regulation – Speech by the Deputy Governor at a Financial Times Centenary Conference (QB 1988 Q3) pp.364-366

BEQB_Regional labour markets in Great Britain (QB 1988 Q3) pp.367-375

BEQB_Trends in real rates of return (QB 1988 Q3) pp.376-381

BEQB_Share repurchase by quoted companies (QB 1988 Q3) pp.382-390

BEQB_Bank of England operations in the sterling money market (QB 1988 Q3) pp.391-409

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1988 Q3) pp.411-460

1988 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1988 Q4)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1988 Q4) pp.463-467

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1988 Q4) pp.468-484

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1988 Q4) pp.485-497

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1988 Q4) pp.498-506

BEQB_One year on … the economy and the City – Governor’s speech at the Lord Mayor’s dinner to the bankers and merchants of the City of London (QB 1988 Q4) pp.507-508

BEQB_ECU financial activity (QB 1988 Q4) pp.509-516

BEQB_Target 1992 – Speech by the Deputy Governor at a conference organised by the Italian Chamber of Commerce (QB 1988 Q4) pp.517-519

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 1988 Q4) pp.520-527

BEQB_Revisions to the calculation of effective exchange rates (QB 1988 Q4) pp.528-529

BEQB_The net debt of the public sector end-March 1988 (QB 1988 Q4) pp.530-537

BEQB_Sector financing 1987 (QB 1988 Q4) pp.538-546

BEQB_Performance of large companies (QB 1988 Q4) pp.547-549

BEQB_Gilt edged settlements recent developments in the CGO service (QB 1988 Q4) pp.550-551

BEQB_Finance leasing estimates of investment in assets for leasing out (QB 1988 Q4) pp.552-553

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1988 Q4) pp.555-603

1989 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1989 Q1)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1989 Q1) pp.3-7

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1989 Q1) pp.8-22

BEQB_Note on productivity trends (QB 1989 Q1) pp.23-26

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1989 Q1) pp.27-38

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1989 Q4) pp.39-48

BEQB_The gilt-edged market since Big Bang (QB 1989 Q1) pp.49-58

BEQB_The development of the European Monetary System – Governor’s speech (QB 1989 Q1) pp.59-65

BEQB_The housing market (QB 1989 Q1) pp.66-77

BEQB_Takeover activity in the 1980s (QB 1989 Q1) pp.78-85

BEQB_Building societies the changing environment – Governor’s speech at the IUBSSA International Finance Conference (QB 1989 Q1) pp.86-87

BEQB_Seasonal adjustment of the monetary aggregates (QB 1989 Q1) pp.88-90

BEQB_The financing of North Sea and other UK oil and gas development (QB 1989 Q1) p.91

BEQB_Bank of England operations in the sterling money market (QB 1989 Q1) pp.92-103

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1989 Q1) pp.105-171

BEQB_Contents of recent Quarterly Bulletins (QB 1989 Q1) p.172

1989 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1989 Q2)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1989 Q2) pp.175-181

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1989 Q2) pp.182-199

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1989 Q2) pp.200-213

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1989 Q2) pp.214-223

BEQB_Europe, 1992 and the City – Governor’s speech given to the Overseas Bankers Club (QB 1989 Q2) pp.224-226

BEQB_Trends in profit margins (QB 1989 Q2) pp.227-234

BEQB_The market in currency options (QB 1989 Q2) pp.235-242

BEQB_Personal credit problems – Governor’s speech at the Finance Houses Association Annual Dinner (QB 1989 Q2) pp.243-245

BEQB_Inflation-adjusted sectoral saving and financial balances (QB 1989 Q2) pp.246-251

BEQB_Developments in international banking and capital markets in 1988 (QB 1989 Q2) pp.252-263

BEQB_Stock building behaviour in the United Kingdom (QB 1989 Q2) pp.264-270

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1989 Q2) pp.271-312

1989 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1989 Q3)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1989 Q3) pp.315-319

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1989 Q3) pp.320-336

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1989 Q3) pp.337-353

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1989 Q3) pp.354-363

BEQB_Note on capital flight from developing countries (QB 1989 Q3) pp.364-367

BEQB_The future of monetary arrangements in Europe – Lecture by the Governor to the Institute of Economic Affairs (QB 1989 Q3) pp.368-374

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1989 Q3) pp.375-382

BEQB_The development of the sterling bond market – Speech by Mr lan Plenderleith given to the Association of Corporate Treasurers (QB 1989 Q3) pp.383-387

BEQB_A survey of interest rate futures (QB 1989 Q3) pp.388-398

BEQB_Mutilated Bank of England notes (QB 1989 Q3) pp.399-400

BEQB_Challenges facing the sterling wholesale payment systems – Governor’s speech given to the Chartered Institute of Bankers (QB 1989 Q3) pp.401-406

BEQB_The single European market survey of the UK financial services industry (QB 1989 Q3) pp.407-412

BEQB_Invisible earnings of the UK commodities and financial futures markets (QB 1989 Q3) pp.413-415

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1989 Q3) pp.417-467

BEQB_Contents of recent Quarterly Bulletins (QB 1989 Q3) p.468

1989 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1989 Q4)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1989 Q4) pp.471-476

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1989 Q4) pp.477-492

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1989 Q4) pp.493-506

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1989 Q4) pp.507-515

BEQB_London as an international financial centre (QB 1989 Q4) pp.516-528

BEQB_Monetary policy, equity markets and the City’s infrastructure – Governor’s speech at the Lord Mayor’s dinner to the bankers and merchants of the City of London (QB 1989 Q4) pp.529-530

BEQB_The market in foreign exchange in London (QB 1989 Q4) pp.531-535

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 1989 Q4) pp.536-544

BEQB_Takeover, buyouts and standards in the City – Governor’s speech at the Association of Corporate Treasurers’ 10th Anniversary Dinner (QB 1989 Q4) pp.545-547

BEQB_Chart analysis and the foreign exchange market (QB 1989 Q4) pp.548-551

BEQB_The net debt of the public sector end-March 1989 (QB 1989 Q4) pp.552-559

BEQB_Profitability of large companies (QB 1989 Q4) pp.560-562

BEQB_Finance leasing estimates of investment in assets for leasing out (QB 1989 Q4) pp.563-564

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1989 Q4) pp.565-609

BEQB_Contents of recent Quarterly Bulletins (QB 1989 Q4) p.610

1990 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1990 Q1)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1990 Q1) pp.3-8

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1990 Q1) pp.9-23

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1990 Q1) pp.24-37

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1990 Q1) pp.38-46

BEQB_Recent sectoral financial behaviour (QB 1990 Q1) pp.47-58

BEQB_Central banking in Europe – Governor’s speech at the CARIPLO presentation ceremony for Professor Charles Goodhart’s book, The Evolution of Central Banks (QB 1990 Q1) pp.59-61

BEQB_The single market and its implications for Europe’s monetary arrangements – Governor’s speech to the West German Savings Banks and Giro Association (QB 1990 Q1) pp.62-67

BEQB_The gilt-edged market developments in market-making in 1989 (QB 1990 Q1) pp.68-70

BEQB_Developments in the international syndicated loan market in the 1980s (QB 1990 Q1) pp.71-77

BEQB_Venture capital in the United Kingdom (QB 1990 Q1) pp.78-83

BEQB_A new yield curve model (QB 1990 Q1) pp.84-85

BEQB_1989 annual update of seasonal adjustments (QB 1990 Q1) pp.86-87

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1990 Q1) pp.89-154

1990 Q2
BEQB_Contents (QB 1990 Q2)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1990 Q2) pp.157-162

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1990 Q2) pp.163-180

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1990 Q2) pp.181-191

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1990 Q2) pp.192-197

BEQB_The interest rate transmission mechanism in the United Kingdom (QB 1990 Q2) pp.198-214

BEQB_Monetary policy in the second half of the 1980s – Lecture given by the Governor at the University of Durham and Tyne and Wear Chamber of Commerce (QB 1990 Q2) pp.215-220

BEQB_The role of brokers in the London money markets (QB 1990 Q2) pp.221-227

BEQB_Inflation-adjusted sectoral saving and financial balances (QB 1990 Q2) pp.228-231

BEQB_Developments in international banking and capital markets in 1989 (QB 1990 Q2) pp.232-242

BEQB_New equity issues in the United Kingdom (QB 1990 Q2) pp.243-252

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1990 Q2) pp.253-300

1990 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1990 Q3)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1990 Q3) pp.303-308

BEQB_Economic commentary (QB 1990 Q3) pp.309-325

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1990 Q3) pp.326-335

BEQB_Definitions of the monetary aggregates (QB 1990 Q3) pp.336-337

BEQB_International financial developments (QB 1990 Q3) pp.338-344

BEQB_ECU banking and bond market developments (QB 1990 Q3) pp.345-346

BEQB_Approaches to EMU – Governor’s speech at Salomon Brothers’ Conference ‘Post-1992 and perestroika’ (QB 1990 Q3) pp.347-351

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1990 Q3) pp.352-361

BEQB_Personal saving and borrowing – Governor’s speech at the 10th Anniversary Dinner of the Association of International Savings Banks (QB 1990 Q3) pp.362-263

BEQB_World payments trends in 1989 (QB 1990 Q3) pp.364-373

BEQB_The UK’s proposals for economic and monetary union – Governor’s speech at a meeting with the European Currency Inter-Group of the European Parliament (QB 1990Q3)

BEQB_Beyond Stage 1 of EMU – Governor’s speech to the European Parliamentarians and Industrialists Council (QB 1990 Q3) pp.378-379

BEQB_The determination of the monetary aggregates (QB 1990 Q3) pp.380-383

BEQB_Economic and monetary union (QB 1990 Q3) p.384

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1990 Q3) pp.385-436

1990 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1990 Q4)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1990 Q4) pp.439-444

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1990 Q4) pp.445-455

BEQB_The domestic economy (QB 1990 Q4) pp.456-464

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1990 Q4) pp.465-472

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1990 Q4) pp.473-478

BEQB_The exchange rate mechanism of the European monetary system (QB 1990 Q4) pp.479-481

BEQB_Some remarks on exchange rate regimes – Governor’s speech to the Keidanren, in Tokyo (QB 1990 Q4) pp.482-484

BEQB_ERM entry and improvements in the City – Governor’s speech at the Lord Mayor’s dinner for the bankers and merchants of the City of London (QB 1990 Q4) pp.485-486

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 1990 Q4) pp.487-499

BEQB_Approaches to monetary integration in Europe – Governor’s speech at the Deutsche Bank ECU Banking Association Conference (QB 1990 Q4) pp.500-502

BEQB_The development of the building societies sector in the 1980s (QB 1990 Q4) pp.503-510

BEQB_Corporate finance, banking relationships and the London Rules – Governor’s speech at the Annual Dinner of the Equipment Leasing Association (QB 1990 Q4) pp.511-513

BEQB_Central Moneymarkets Office (QB 1990 Q4) pp.514-518

BEQB_The net debt of the public sector end-March 1990 (QB 1990 Q4) pp.519-526

BEQB_Profitability of large companies (QB 1990 Q4) pp.527-530

BEQB_Finance leasing estimates of investment in assets for leasing out (QB 1990 Q4) pp.531-532

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1990 Q4) pp.533-582

1991 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1991 Q1)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1991 Q1) pp.3-8

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1991 Q1) pp.9-15

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1991 Q1) pp.27-35

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1991 Q1) pp.36-42

BEQB_The United Kingdom and Europe – The English-Speaking Union’s 1990 Churchill Lecture, given by the Governor (QB 1991 Q1) pp.43-48

BEQB_The gilt-edged market developments in 1990 (QB 1991 Q1) pp.49-52

BEQB_The economy and ERM membership – Governor’s speech to the Institute of Bankers in Scotland (QB 1991 Q1) pp.53-55

BEQB_Housing finance-an international perspective (QB 1991 Q1) pp.56-66

BEQB_The world economy and Europe-1991 – Governor’s speech 10 Members of the Ubersee Club (QB 1991 Q1) pp.67-72

BEQB_The exchange rate mechanism of the European monetary system a review of the literature (QB 1991 Q1) pp.73-82

BEQB_Recent sectoral financial behaviour (QB 1991 Q1) pp.83-92

BEQB_1990 annual update of seasonal adjustments (QB 1991 Q1) pp.93-98

BEQB_Bank groupings in statistical presentations (QB 1991 Q1) pp.99-100

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1991 Q1) pp.101-170

BEQB_The domestic economy (QB 1991 Q1) pp.16-26

1991 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1991 Q2)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1991 Q2) pp.173-178

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1991 Q2) pp.179-191

BEQB_The domestic economy (QB 1991 Q2) pp.192-202

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1991 Q2) pp.203-211

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1991 Q2) pp.212-219

BEQB_The gilt-edged stock lending market since Big Bang (QB 1991 Q2) pp.220-224

BEQB_Current issues in securities lending – Extract from a speech by Mr lan Plenderleith to a conference on securities lending (QB 1991 Q20 pp.225-227

BEQB_Industrial and commercial companies’ gearing (QB 1991 Q2) pp.228-233

BEQB_Developments in international banking and capital markets in 1990 (QB 1991 Q2) pp.234-245

BEQB_Global equity turnover market comparisons (QB 1991 Q2) pp.246-249

BEQB_Local authority swaps (QB 1991 Q2) pp.250-255

BEQB_Is there a ‘credit crunch’ (QB 1991 Q2) pp.256-259

BEQB_Role and scope of mortgage limits (QB 1991 Q2) pp.260-262

BEQB_Liquid assets outside M4 (QB 1991 Q2) pp.263-266

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1991 Q2) pp.267-312

1991 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1991 Q3)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1991 Q3) pp.315-320

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1991 Q3) pp.321-331

BEQB_The domestic economy (QB 1991 Q3) pp.332-343

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1991 Q3) pp.344-352

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1991 Q3) pp.353-360

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1991 Q3) pp.361-369

BEQB_World payment trends in 1990 (QB 1991 Q3) pp.370-379

BEQB_The development of pension funds-an international comparison (QB 1991 Q3) pp.380-390

BEQB_Macroeconomic forecasting in the Bank of England (QB 1991 Q3) pp.391-396

BEQB_1991 half-yearly update of seasonal adjustments (QB 1991 Q3) pp.397-398

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1991 Q3) pp.399-448

1991 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1991 Q4)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1991 Q4) pp.451-457

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1991 Q4) pp.458-468

BEQB_The domestic economy (QB 1991 Q4) pp.469-477

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1991 Q4) pp.478-486

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1991 Q4) pp.487-495

BEQB_Stability and economic policy – Governor’s speech to the bankers and merchants of the City of London (QB 1991 Q4) pp.496-497

BEQB_The LDC debt crisis (QB 1991 Q4) pp.498-507

BEQB_The performance of major British banks, 1970-90 (QB 1991 Q4) pp.508-515

BEQB_European monetary arrangements convergence and other issues (QB 1991 Q4) pp.516-520

BEQB_The international bond market (QB 1991 Q4) pp.521-528

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 1991 Q4) pp.529-533

BEQB_Patterns of default in the non-financial private sectors (QB 1991 Q4) pp.534-537

BEQB_The net debt of the public sector end-March 1991 (QB 1991 Q4) pp.538-545

BEQB_Profitability of large companies (QB 1991 Q4) pp.546-548

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1991 Q4) pp.549-596

1992 Q1
BEQB_Contents (QB 1992 Q1)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1992 Q1) pp.3-9

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1992 Q1) pp.10-19

BEQB_The domestic economy (QB 1992 Q1) pp.20-29

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1992 Q1) pp.30-41

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1992 Q1) pp.42-52

BEQB_Business and the economy – Governor’s speech at the Manchester Business School (QB 1992 Q1) pp.53-55

BEQB_The gilt-edged market developments in 1991 (QB 1992 Q1) pp.56-59

BEQB_Free trade and Europe – Governor’s speech to the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Franco-Brilish Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QB 1992 Q1) pp.60-63

BEQB_The Maastricht agreement on economic and monetary union (QB 1992 Q1) pp.64-68

BEQB_Safeguards for securities lending – Extract from a speech by Mr Ian Plenderleith to a conference on securities lending (QB 1992 Q1) pp.69-70

BEQB_Financial retrenchment in the United States (QB 1992 Q1) pp.71-75

BEQB_Recent developments in the gilt-edged market – Speech by Mr John Townend to the Society of Investment Analysis (QB 1992 Q1) pp.76-81

BEQB_1991 second half-yearly update of seasonal adjustments (QB 1992 Q1) pp.82-84

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1992 Q1) pp.85-120

1992 Q2
BEQB_Contents (QB 1992 Q2)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1992 Q2) pp.123-129

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1992 Q2) pp.130-142

BEQB_The domestic economy (QB 1992 Q2) pp.143-154

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1992 Q2) pp.155-164

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1992 Q2) pp.165-172

BEQB_House prices, arrears and possessions (QB 1992 Q2) pp.173-179

BEQB_Ecu securities markets (QB 1992 Q2) pp.180-189

BEQB_Developments in international banking and capital markets in 1991 (QB 1992 Q2) pp.190-198

BEQB_The monetary aspects of European integration – The fourth 1992 Green College lecture delivered by the Governor at Oxford (QB 1992 Q2) pp.199-204

BEQB_The foreign exchange market and the economy today – The RAO Bridge memorial lecture delivered by the Governor to the Forex Association (QB 1992 Q2) pp.205-209

Page 210-213 Missing

BEQB_1992 first half-yearly update of seasonal adjustments background note (QB 1992 Q2) pp.214-216

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1992 Q2) pp.217-236

1992 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1992 Q3)

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1992 Q3) pp.245-256

BEQB_The domestic economy (QB 1992 Q3) pp.257-268

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1992 Q3) pp.269-278

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1992 Q3) pp.279-287

BEQB_Major international banks’ performance 1980-91 (QB 1992 Q3) pp.288-297

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1992 Q3) pp.298-304

BEQB_The demand for MO revisited (QB 1992 Q3) pp.305-313

BEQB_Banking statistics review (QB 1992 Q3) pp.314-321

BEQB_Financial regulation what are we trying to do – Speech by the Deputy Governor at Chatham House (QB 1992 Q3) pp.322-324

BEQB_Europe in the 1990s the economic perspective – The British Council and LSE Alumni Association lecture delivered by Mervyn King (QB 1992 Q3) pp.325-331

BEQB_M3H (QB 1992 Q3) pp.332-334

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1992 Q3) pp.335-346

1992 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1992 Q4)

BEQB_General assessment (QB 1992 Q4) pp.349-356

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1992 Q4) pp.357-370

BEQB_The domestic economy (QB 1992 Q4) pp.371-381

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1992 Q4) pp.382-398

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1992 Q4) pp.399-407

BEQB_The foreign exchange market in London (QB 1992 Q4) pp.408-417

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1992 Q4) pp.382-398

BEQB_Countering money laundering (QB 1992 Q4) pp.418-426

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 1992 Q4) pp.427-431

BEQB_The net debt of the public sector end-March 1992 (QB 1992 Q4) pp.432-440

BEQB_The case for price stability – The First London School of Economics Bank of England lecture, given by the Governor (QB 1992 Q4) pp.441-448

BEQB_Developments in wholesale payments systems – Governor’s speech to the Twelfth Payments Systems International Conference (QB 1992 Q4) pp.449-457

BEQB_Policy after the ERM; supervision after Bingham – Governor’s speech to the bankers and merchants of the Ciry of London (QB 1992 Q4) pp.458-460

BEQB_1992 second half-yearly update of seasonal adjustments (QB 1992 Q4) pp.461-463

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1992 Q4) pp.465-476

1993 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1993 Q1)

BEQB_Inflation Report (QB 1993 Q1) pp.3-45

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1993 Q1) pp.46-58

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1993 Q1) pp.59-70

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1993 Q1) pp.71-79

BEQB_Tr adable and non-tradable prices in the United Kingdom and the European Community (QB 1993 Q1) pp.80-91

BEQB_The EC single market in financial services (QB 1993 Q1) pp.92-97

BEQB_The gilt-edged market developments in 1992 (QB 1993 Q1) pp.98-102

BEQB_Recent banking difficulties – Governor’s speech to the Chartered Institute of Bankers (QB 1993 Q1) pp.103-105

BEQB_The role of property in our economic life – Governor’s speech to the British Property Federation Conference (QB 1993 Q1) pp.106-109

BEQB_The London Approach – Speech given by Mr Pen Kent to the Chartered Institute of Bankers (QB 1993 Q1) pp.110-115

BEQB_Bank lending to small businesses (QB 1993 Q1) pp.116-120

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1993 Q1) pp.121-146

1993 Q2

BEQB_Contents (QB 1993 Q2)

BEQB_Inflation Report (QB 1993 Q2) pp.149-189

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1993 Q2) pp.190-202

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1993 Q2) pp.203-212

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1993 Q2) pp.213-221

BEQB_Developments in international banking and capital markets in 1992 (QB 1993 Q2) pp.222-230

BEQB_VAR models of inflation (QB 1993 Q2) pp.231-239

BEQB_Divisia measures of money (QB 1993 Q2) pp.240-255

BEQB_The need for economic co-operation in the 1990s – Governor’s speech to the Bristol Society (QB 1993 Q2) pp.256-259

BEQB_The Bank of England’s role in prudential supervision – Speech given by Mr Brian Quinn to a conference organised by Westminster and City programmes (QB 1993 Q2) pp.260-264

BEQB_International economic stability and co-operation (QB 1993 Q2) pp.265-268

BEQB_The Bundesbank a view from the Bank of England – Speech given by Mervyn King to the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (QB 1993 Q2) pp.269-274

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1993 Q2) pp.275-286

1993 Q3

BEQB_Contents (QB 1993 Q3)

BEQB_Inflation Report (QB 1993 Q3) pp.289-330

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1993 Q3) pp.331-344

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1993 Q3) pp.345-352

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1993 Q3) pp.353-360

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1993 Q3) pp.361-371

BEQB_Cross-border alliances (QB 1993 Q3) pp.372-378

BEQB_The Houblon-Norman Fund (QB 1993 Q3) pp.379-382

BEQB_Ten years on – Governor’s speech to the bankers and merchants of the City of London (QB 1993 Q3) pp.383-384

BEQB_Open for business – Speech by the Deputy Governor at the CBI Eastern Region’s exhibition ‘Open for Business’ dinner (QB 1993 Q3) pp.385-387

BEQB_The Bank and corporate governance past, present and future (QB 1993 Q3) pp.388-392

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1993 Q3) pp.393-406

1993 Q4

BEQB_Contents (QB 1993 Q4)

BEQB_Inflation Report (QB 1993 Q4) pp.409-446

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1993 Q4) pp.447-461

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1993 Q4) pp.462-468

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1993 Q4) pp.469-477

BEQB_Bank behaviour and the monetary transmission mechanism (QB 1993 Q4) pp.478-491

BEQB_Monetary policy implications of increased capital flows (QB 1993 Q4) pp.492-504

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 1993 Q4) pp.505-512

BEQB_The net debt of the public sector end-March 1993 (QB 1993 Q4) pp.513-520

BEQB_European monetary stability – Governor’s speech to the American Chamber of Commerce (QB 1993 Q4) pp.521-524

BEQB_Europe 1993 hope and disillusions – Speech by the Deputy Governor to an Italian Chamber of Commerce Conference (QB 1993 Q4) pp.525-527

BEQB_Inflation – Speech by the Deputy Governor to the Cardiff Business Club (QB 1993 Q4) pp.528-529

BEQB_The UK approach to controlling large-value payment systems (QB 1993 Q4) pp.530-534

BEQB_Derivatives-where next for supervisors – Speech by Mr Brian Quinn to the G30 seminar on derivative financial instruments (QB 1993 Q4) pp.535-538

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1993 Q4) pp.539-552

1994 Q1
BEQB_Contents (QB 1994)

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1994 Q1) pp.5-11

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1994 Q1) pp.12-22

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1994 Q1) pp.23-33

BEQB_Fixed and floating-rate finance in the UK and abroad (QB 1994 Q1) pp.34-45

BEQB_The determination of MO and M4 (QB 1994 Q1) pp.46-50

BEQB_The role of the European Monetary Institute (QB 1994 Q1) pp.51-54

BEQB_The gilt-edged market developments in 1993 (QB 1994 Q1) pp.55-59

BEQB_The pursuit of financial stability – LSE Bank of England lecture given by the Governor (QB 1994 Q1) pp.60-66

BEQB_The financing of small firms – Governor’s speech to the CBI Scotland and Scottish Enterprise (QB 1994 Q1) pp.67-69

BEQB_Statistical annex (QB 1994 Q1) pp.71-98

1994 Q2

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1994 Q2) pp.103-113

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1994 Q2) pp.114-122

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1994 Q2) pp.123-133

BEQB_Asset-backed securitisation in the United Kingdom (QB 1994 Q2) pp.134-143

BEQB_Personal and corporate sector debt (QB 1994 Q2) pp.144-155

BEQB_Inflation over 300 years (QB 1994 Q2) pp.156-162

BEQB_The development of a UK real-time gross settlement system (QB 1994 Q2) pp.163-168

BEQB_Credit and economic policy (QB 1994 Q2) pp.169-171

BEQB_The London Approach distressed debt trading (QB 1994 Q2) pp.172-174

BEQB_The conduct of economic policy (QB 1994 Q2) pp.175-180

1994 Q3

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1994 Q3) pp.199-207

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1994 Q3) pp.208-213

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1994 Q3) pp.214-222

BEQB_UK trade—long-term trends and recent developments (QB 1994 Q3) pp.223-231

BEQB_Estimating market interest rate and inflation expectations from the prices of UK government bonds (QB 1994 Q3) pp.232-240

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1994 Q3) pp.241-249

BEQB_Investment appraisal criteria and the impact of low inflation (QB 1994 Q3) pp.250-254

BEQB_The role of the exchange rate in monetary policy (QB 1994 Q3) pp.255-258

BEQB_The prospects for monetary stability (QB 1994 Q3) pp.259-260

BEQB_The transmission mechanism of monetary policy (QB 1994 Q3) pp.261-267

BEQB_Monetary policy instruments the UK experience (QB 1994 Q3) pp.268-276

BEQB_Derivatives—a central banker’s view (QB 1994 Q3) pp.277-280

1994 Q4

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1994 Q4) pp.299-306

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1994 Q4) pp.307-316

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1994 Q4) pp.317-323

BEQB_Regional differences and their importance for the UK economy (QB 1994 Q4) pp.324-332

BEQB_Regulating investment business in the Single Market (QB 1994 Q4) pp.333-340

BEQB_The developing Single Market in financial services (QB 1994 Q4) pp.341-346

BEQB_The net debt of the public sector end-March 1994 (QB 1994 Q4) pp.347-354

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 1994 Q4) pp.355-361

BEQB_Sustaining the recovery (QB 1994 Q4) pp.362-364

BEQB_Recent developments in supervisory practice (QB 1994 Q4) pp.365-370

1995 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1995)

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1995 Q1) pp.5-14

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1995 Q1) pp.15-25

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1995 Q1) pp.26-32

BEQB_The costs of inflation (QB 1995 Q1) pp.33-45

BEQB_Influences on broad money growth (QB 1995 Q1) pp.46-53

BEQB_The evolution of central banking in post-communist countries (QB 1995 Q1) pp.54-59

BEQB_The CREST project (QB 1995 Q1) pp.60-65

BEQB_The gilt-edged market developments in 1994 (QB 1995 Q1) pp.66-71

BEQB_Banking statistics recent and prospective developments (QB 1995 Q1) pp.72-76

BEQB_Macroeconomic management and structural unemployment (QB 1995 Q1) pp.77-83

BEQB_Credibility and monetary policy theory and evidence (QB 1995 Q1) pp.84-91

BEQB_Changes in UK gilt-edged and money markets in recent years (QB 1995 Q1) pp.92-93

1995 Q2

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1995 Q2) pp.125-136

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1995 Q2) pp.137-146

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1995 Q2) pp.147-153

BEQB_Bond yield changes in 1993 and 1994 an interpretation (QB 1995 Q2) pp.154-159

BEQB_Bond prices and market expectations of inflation (QB 1995 Q2) pp.160-165

BEQB_Inflation and economic growth (QB 1995 Q2) pp.166-176

BEQB_Risk measurement and capital requirements for banks (QB 1995 Q2) pp.177-184

BEQB_Statistical information about derivatives markets (QB 1995 Q2) pp.185-191

BEQB_The economics of EMU (QB 1995 Q2) pp.192-196

BEQB_Banking supervision in the transitional economy (QB 1995 Q2) pp.197-200

1995 Q3

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1995 Q3) pp.221-230

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1995 Q3) pp.231-239

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1995 Q3) pp.240-249

BEQB_Inflation targets (QB 1995 Q3) pp.250-259

BEQB_The housing market and the economy (QB 1995 Q3) pp.260-269

BEQB_Company profitability and finance (QB 1995 Q3) pp.270-279

BEQB_The Bank’s new UK commodity price index (QB 1995 Q3) pp.280-285

BEQB_The behaviour of the foreign exchange market (QB 1995 Q3) pp.286-293

BEQB_Banking statistics review summary of responses (QB 1995 Q3) p.294

BEQB_The prospects for monetary stability (QB 1995 Q3) pp.295-296

1995 Q4

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1995 Q4) pp.317-330

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1995 Q4) pp.331-338

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1995 Q4) pp.339-345

BEQB_The net debt of the public sector end-March 1995 (QB 1995 Q4) pp.346-352

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 1995 Q4) pp.353-360

BEQB_The foreign exchange market in London (QB 1995 Q4) pp.361-369

BEQB_Mezzanine finance (QB 1995 Q4) pp.370-374

BEQB_The pricing of over-the-counter options (QB 1995 Q4) pp.375-381

BEQB_A code of practice for Bank of England statistics (QB 1995 Q4) pp.382-383

BEQB_Trends in the global economy (QB 1995 Q4) pp.384-387

BEQB_Monetary policy realities (QB 1995 Q4) pp.388-391

BEQB_Do inflation targets work (QB 1995 Q4) pp.392-394

1996 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1996)

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1996 Q1) pp.5-14

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1996 Q1) pp.15-21

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1996 Q1) pp.22-29

BEQB_The over-the-counter derivatives markets in the United Kingdom (QB 1996 Q1) pp.30-38

BEQB_Can we explain the shift in M0 velocity Some time-series and cross-section evidence (QB 1996 Q1) pp.39-50

BEQB_Saving, investment and real interest rates (QB 1996 Q1) pp.51-62

BEQB_Central bank independence and accountability theory and evidence (QB 1996 Q1) pp.63-68

BEQB_Trade with newly industrialised economies (QB 1996 Q1) pp.69-78

BEQB_The gilt-edged market developments in 1995 (QB 1996 Q1) pp.79-87

BEQB_Changeover to the single currency (QB 1996 Q1) pp.88-90

BEQB_The Bank of England how the pieces fit together (QB 1996 Q1) pp.91-96

BEQB_Finance for small firms (QB 1996 Q1) pp.97-98

1996 Q2

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1996 Q2) pp.129-145

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1996 Q2) pp.146-153

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1996 Q2) pp.154-162

BEQB_Understanding broad money (QB 1996 Q2) pp.163-179

BEQB_How do UK companies set prices (QB 1996 Q2) pp.180-192

BEQB_The valuation of sub-underwriting agreements for UK rights issues (QB 1996 Q2) pp.193-197

BEQB_Bank of England Agents’ summary of business conditions (QB 1996 Q2) p.198

BEQB_G7 yield curves (QB 1996 Q2) pp.199-208

BEQB_Seasonal adjustment of UK monetary aggregates (QB 1996 Q2) p.209

BEQB_EMU—considerations for British membership (QB 1996 Q2) pp.210-212

BEQB_Some thoughts on financial regulation (QB 1996 Q2) pp.213-215

BEQB_Industrial investment—can the market respond (QB 1996 Q2) pp.216-220

BEQB_International regulatory co-operation post-Barings (QB 1996 Q2) p.221

BEQB_The London Approach and trading in distressed debt (QB 1996 Q2) pp.222-225

1996 Q3

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1996 Q3) pp.245-257

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1996 Q3) pp.258-267

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1996 Q3) pp.268-280

BEQB_Simple monetary policy rules (QB 1996 Q3) pp.281-287

BEQB_The industrial impact of monetary policy (QB 1996 Q3) pp.288-298

BEQB_Probability distributions of future asset prices implied by option prices (QB 1996 Q3) pp.299-311

BEQB_Expected interest rate convergence (QB 1996 Q3) pp.312-313

BEQB_Payment and settlement strategy (QB 1996 Q3) pp.314-315

BEQB_Practical issues arising from the single currency (QB 1996 Q3) pp.316-322

BEQB_Economic growth and employment through stability (QB 1996 Q3) pp.323-328

BEQB_EMU—a British perspective (QB 1996 Q3) pp.329-333

BEQB_The economics of equal opportunity (QB 1996 Q3) pp.334-337

BEQB_Gilt repo—and beyond (QB 1996 Q3) pp.338-341

1996 Q4

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1996 Q4) pp.361-378

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1996 Q4) pp.379-386

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1996 Q4) pp.387-393

BEQB_Interpreting sterling exchange rate movements (QB 1996 Q4) pp.394-404

BEQB_The demand for Divisia money by the personal sector and by industrial and commercial companies (QB 1996 Q4) pp.405-411

BEQB_International monetary policy co-ordination some lessons from the literature (QB 1996 Q4) pp.412-417

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 1996 Q4) pp.418-425

BEQB_Public sector debt end-March 1996 (QB 1996 Q4) pp.426-433

BEQB_How should central banks reduce inflation —conceptual issues (QB 1996 Q4) pp.434-448

BEQB_Developing voluntary domestic markets for government debt (QB 1996 Q4) pp.449-461

BEQB_Financial Stability Review—a profile of the new publication (QB 1996 Q4) p.462

BEQB_Research and policy at the Bank of England the things we’d like to know but never dare ask (QB 1996 Q4) pp.463-470

BEQB_Practical issues arising from the introduction of the euro (QB 1996 Q4) pp.471-474

BEQB_Economic policy approaches—some reflections (QB 1996 Q4) pp.475-480

BEQB_Risk reduction in payment and settlement systems (QB 1996 Q4) pp.481-486

1997 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1997)

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1997 Q1) pp.5-20

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1997 Q1) pp.21-31

BEQB_Financial market developments (QB 1997 Q1) pp.32-42

BEQB_Recent yield curve behaviour—an analysis (QB 1997 Q1) pp.43-48

BEQB_Increasingly weightless economies (QB 1997 Q1) pp.49-56

BEQB_Monetary policy implementation in EMU—a Bank of England perspective on the EMI’s proposals (QB 1997 Q1) pp.57-62

BEQB_The gilt-edged market developments in 1996 (QB 1997 Q1) pp.63-74

BEQB_New arrangements for issuing banknotes (QB 1997 Q1) pp.75-76

BEQB_The financing of technology-based small firms (QB 1997 Q1) pp.77-78

BEQB_Britain’s regional economies how different are they, and how should those differences affect monetary policy (QB 1997 Q1) pp.79-87

BEQB_Monetary stability rhyme or reason (QB 1997 Q1) pp.88-97

BEQB_Evolution of the monetary framework (QB 1997 Q1) pp.98-103

BEQB_Prospects for monetary stability and the economics of EMU (QB 1997 Q1) pp.104-106

BEQB_Financial regulation why, how and by whom (QB 1997 Q1) pp.107-112

BEQB_Are banks still special (QB 1997 Q1) pp.113-118

1997 Q2

BEQB_Operation of monetary policy (QB 1997 Q2) pp.123-142

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1997 Q2) pp.143-151

BEQB_Comparing the monetary transmission mechanism in France, Germany and the United Kingdom some issues and results (QB 1997 Q2) pp.152-162

BEQB_Economic models and policy-making (QB 1997 Q2) pp.163-173

BEQB_The information in money (QB 1997 Q2) pp.174-180

BEQB_Features of a successful contract financial futures on LIFFE (QB 1997 Q2) pp.181-186

BEQB_The first year of the gilt repo market (QB 1997 Q2) pp.187-197

BEQB_The gilt-edged market the Bank of England’s relationship with the gilt-edged market makers and inter-dealer brokers (QB 1997 Q2) pp.198-203

BEQB_The Bank of England’s operations in the sterling money markets (QB 1997 Q2) pp.204-207

BEQB_Executive summary of the single monetary policy in Stage 3 (QB 1997 Q2) pp.208-209

BEQB_The financing of technology-based small firms an update (QB 1997 Q2) pp.210-213

BEQB_International regulatory structure a UK perspective (QB 1997 Q2) pp.214-221

BEQB_Bond yields and macroeconomic behaviour (QB 1997 Q2) pp.222-224

BEQB_Monetary policy and the exchange rate (QB 1997 Q2) pp.225-227

BEQB_European central banking—East and West where next (QB 1997 Q2) pp.228-235

1997 Q3

BEQB_Changes at the Bank of England (QB 1997 Q3) pp.241-247

BEQB_Monetary operations (QB 1997 Q3) pp.248-264

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1997 Q3) pp.265-273

BEQB_Quantifying some benefits of price stability (QB 1997 Q3) pp.274-284

BEQB_Inflation and inflation uncertainty (QB 1997 Q3) pp.285-291

BEQB_Quantifying survey data (QB 1997 Q3) pp.292-300

BEQB_The evolving role of the IMF in the light of the 1994 95 Mexican crisis (QB 1997 Q3) pp.301-310

BEQB_The euro area from the perspective of an EU central bank (QB 1997 Q3) pp.311-314

BEQB_Reforms to the UK monetary policy framework and financial services regulation (QB 1997 Q3) pp.315-317

BEQB_Monetary policy in Britain and Europe (QB 1997 Q3) pp.318-322

1997 Q4

BEQB_Monetary operations (QB 1997 Q4) pp.329-345

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1997 Q4) pp.346-354

BEQB_Public sector debt end March 1997 (QB 1997 Q4) pp.355-367

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 1997 Q4) pp.368-376

BEQB_Decomposing exchange rate movements according to the uncovered interest rate parity condition (QB 1997 Q4) pp.377-389

BEQB_The relationship between openness and growth in the United Kingdom a summary of the Bank of England Openness and Growth Project (QB 1997 Q4) pp.390-405

BEQB_Rationalisation of European equity and derivative exchanges (QB 1997 Q4) pp.406-412

BEQB_Implied exchange rate correlations and market perceptions of European Monetary Union (QB 1997 Q4) pp.413-423

BEQB_The Bank’s regional Agencies (QB 1997 Q4) pp.424-427

BEQB_The Bank’s Centre for Central Banking Studies—an update (QB 1997 Q4) pp.428-429

BEQB_Prospects for the City—in or out of EMU (QB 1997 Q4) pp.430-433

BEQB_The inflation target five years on (QB 1997 Q4) pp.434-442

1998 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1998)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 1998 Q1) pp.5-19

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1998 Q1) pp.20-29

BEQB_The Inflation Report projections understanding the fan chart (QB 1998 Q1) pp.30-37

BEQB_Investment in this recovery an assessment (QB 1998 Q1) pp.38-47

BEQB_Macroeconomic policy and economic performance in developing countries (QB 1998 Q1) pp.48-54

BEQB_Gilt-edged and sterling money markets developments in 1997 (QB 1998 Q1) pp.55-69

BEQB_Upgrading the Central Gilts Office (QB 1998 Q1) pp.70-78

BEQB_UK monetary framework and preparations for EMU (QB 1998 Q1) pp.79-81

BEQB_Recent problems in Asia (QB 1998 Q1) pp.82-84

1998 Q2

BEQB_The Bank of England Act (QB 1998 Q2) pp.93-99

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 1998 Q2) pp.101-122

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1998 Q2) pp.123-135

BEQB_Recent developments in financial markets (QB 1998 Q2) pp.136-144

BEQB_Growth in UK manufacturing between 1970–92 (QB 1998 Q2) pp.145-157

BEQB_Competition and co-operation developments in cross-border securities settlement and derivatives clearing (QB 1998 Q2) pp.158-165

BEQB_The financing and information needs of smaller exporters (QB 1998 Q2) pp.166-172

BEQB_The New Lady of Threadneedle Street (QB 1998 Q2) pp.173-177

BEQB_Exchange rates an intractable aspect of monetary policy (QB 1998 Q2) pp.178-181

1998 Q3

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 1998 Q3) pp.189-205

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1998 Q3) pp.206-219

BEQB_The UK personal and corporate sectors during the 1980s and 1990s a comparison of key financial indicators (QB 1998 Q3) pp.220-232

BEQB_Are prices and wages sticky downwards (QB 1998 Q3) pp.233-247

BEQB_Why has the female unemployment rate in Britain fallen (QB 1998 Q3) pp.248-255

BEQB_Testing value-at-risk approaches to capital adequacy (QB 1998 Q3) pp.256-266

BEQB_The cyclicality of mark-ups and profit margins some evidence for manufacturing and services (QB 1998 Q3) pp.267-273

BEQB_Three views of macroeconomics (QB 1998 Q3) pp.274-279

BEQB_Trade and investment in the light of the Asian crisis (QB 1998 Q3) pp.280-282

BEQB_The UK economy and monetary policy—looking ahead (QB 1998 Q3) pp.283-286

BEQB_Recent economic developments and the MPC approach to monetary policy (QB 1998 Q3) pp.287-288

BEQB_Financial services into the year 2000 (QB 1998 Q3) pp.289-292

1998 Q4

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 1998 Q4) pp.301-313

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1998 Q4) pp.314-323

BEQB_Public sector debt end March 1998 (QB 1998 Q4) pp.324-337

BEQB_Inflation and growth in a service economy (QB 1998 Q4) pp.338-346

BEQB_The foreign exchange and over-the-counter derivatives markets in the United Kingdom (QB 1998 Q4) pp.347-360

BEQB_Recent changes to the national accounts, balance of payments and monetary statistics (QB 1998 Q4) pp.361-367

1999 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 1999)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 1999 Q1) pp.5-19

BEQB_The international enviroment (QB 1999 Q1) pp.20-32

BEQB_Sterling wholesale markets developments in 1998 (QB 1999 Q1) pp.33-39

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 1999 Q1) pp.40-47

BEQB_The impact of inflation news on financial markets (QB 1999 Q1) pp.48-59

BEQB_Monetary policy rules and inflation forecasts (QB 1999 Q1) pp.60-67

BEQB_The yen dollar exchange rate in 1998 views from options markets (QB 1999 Q1) pp.68-77

BEQB_Risk, cost and liquidity in alternative payment systems (QB 1999 Q1) pp.78-86

1999 Q2

BEQB_Quaterly Bulletin, May 1999 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 1999 Q2) pp.133-151

BEQB_The international enviroment (QB 1999 Q2) pp.152-160

BEQB_The transmission mechanism of monetary policy (QB 1999 Q2) pp.161-170

BEQB_Monetary policy and the yield curve (QB 1999 Q2) pp.171-176

BEQB_The Bank’s use of survey data (QB 1999 Q2) pp.177-182

BEQB_Monetary policy and uncertainty (QB 1999 Q2) pp.183-189

BEQB_An effective exchange rate index for the euro area (QB 1999 Q2) pp.190-194

BEQB_The financing of small firms in the United Kingdom (QB 1999 Q2) pp.195-201

BEQB_Structural changes in exchange-traded markets (QB 1999 Q2) pp.202-206

1999 Q3

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 1999 Q3) pp.237-252

BEQB_The international enviroment (QB 1999 Q3) pp.253-261

BEQB_What makes prices sticky Some survey evidence for the United Kingdom (QB 1999 Q3) pp.262-271

BEQB_The use of explicit targets for monetary policy practical experiences of 91 economies in the 1990s (QB 1999 Q3) pp.272-281

BEQB_Financial sector preparations for the Year 2000 (QB 1999 Q3) pp.282-284

1999 Q4

BEQB_Sterling market liquidity over the Y2K period (QB 1999 Q4) pp.325-326

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 1999 Q4) pp.327-343

BEQB_The international environment (QB 1999 Q4) pp.344-352

BEQB_Public sector debt end March 1999 (QB 1999 Q4) pp.353-364

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom – recent developments (QB 1999 Q4) pp.365-374

BEQB_News and the sterling markets (QB 1999 Q4) pp.374-383

BEQB_New estimates of the UK real and nominal yield curves (QB 1999 Q4) pp.384-392

BEQB_Government debt structure and monetary conditions (QB 1999 Q4) pp.393-396

2000 Q1

BEQB_Contents (QB 2000)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2000 Q1) pp.5-22

BEQB_The international environment (QB 2000 Q1) pp.23-37

BEQB_Sterling wholesale markets developments in 1999 (QB 2000 Q1) pp.38-49

BEQB_Recent developments in extracting information from options markets (QB 2000 Q1) pp.50-60

BEQB_Stock prices, stock indexes and index funds (QB 2000 Q1) pp.61-68

BEQB_Private equity implications for financial efficiency and stability (QB 2000 Q1) pp.69-76

2000 Q2

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2000 Q2) pp.117-134

BEQB_The international environment (QB 2000 Q2) pp.135-149

BEQB_A comparison of long bond yields in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany (QB 2000 Q2) pp.150-158

BEQB_Money, lending and spending a study of the UK non-financial corporate sector and households (QB 2000 Q2) pp.159-167

BEQB_The new economy and the old monetary economics (QB 2000 Q2) pp.173-183

2000 Q3

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2000 Q3) pp.217-232

BEQB_The international environment (QB 2000 Q3) pp.233-246

BEQB_Public sector debt end-March 2000 (QB 2000 Q3) pp.247-256

BEQB_Age structure and the UK unemployment rate (QB 2000 Q3) pp.257-265

BEQB_Financial market reactions to interest rate announcements and macroeconomic data releases (QB 2000 Q3) pp.266-273

BEQB_Common message standards for electronic commerce in wholesale financial markets (QB 2000 Q3) pp.274-285

2000 Q4

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2000 Q4) pp.321-338

BEQB_The international environment (QB 2000 Q4) pp.339-350

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom implications for financial stability (QB 2000 Q4) pp.351-364

BEQB_Economic models at the Bank of England (QB 2000 Q4) pp.365-367

BEQB_International financial crises and public policy some welfare analysis (QB 2000 Q4) pp.368-376

BEQB_Central banks and financial stability (QB 2000 Q4) pp.377-391

BEQB_Inferring market interest rate expectations from money market rates (QB 2000 Q4) pp.392-402

2001 Q1

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Spring 2001 (complete issue)

BEQB_Contents (QB 2001)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2001 Q1) pp.5-24

BEQB_Sterling wholesale markets developments in 2000 (QB 2001 Q1) pp.25-34

BEQB_The Kohn Report on MPC procedures (QB 2001 Q1) pp.35-54

BEQB_Bank capital standards the new Basel Accord (QB 2001 Q1) pp.55-63

BEQB_The financing of technology-based small firms a review of the literature (QB 2001 Q1) pp.64-83

BEQB_Measuring interest accruals on tradable debt securities in economic and financial statistics (QB 2001 Q1) pp.84-90

BEQB_Saving, wealth and consumption (QB 2001 Q1) pp.91-99

BEQB_Mortgage equity withdrawal and consumption (QB 2001 Q1) pp.100-103

BEQB_The information in UK company profit warnings (QB 2001 Q1) pp.104-109

BEQB_Interpreting movements in high-yield corporate bond market spreads (QB 2001 Q1) pp.110-120

BEQB_An analysis of the relationship between international bond markets (QB 2001 Q1) p.121

BEQB_Age structure and the UK unemployment rate (QB 2001 Q1) p.122

BEQB_Assessing the impact of macroeconomic news announcements on securities prices under different monetary policy regimes (QB 2001 Q1) p.123

BEQB_New estimates of the UK real and nominal yield curves (QB 2001 Q1) p.124

2001 Q2

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Summer 2001 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2001 Q2) pp.145-163

BEQB_The Bank of England inflation attitudes survey (QB 2001 Q2) pp.164-168

BEQB_The London Foreign Exchange Joint Standing Committee a review of 2000 (QB 2001 Q2) pp.169-171

BEQB_Over-the-counter interest rate options (QB 2001 Q2) pp.172-182

BEQB_Explaining the difference between the growth of M4 deposits and M4 lending implications of recent developments in public finances (QB 2001 Q2) pp.183-188

BEQB_Using surveys of investment intentions (QB 2001 Q2) pp.189-194

BEQB_Can differences in industrial structure explain divergences in regional economic growth (QB 2001 Q2) pp.195-202

BEQB_Has there been a structural improvement in US productivity (QB 2001 Q2) pp.203-209

BEQB_Sticky prices and volatile output (QB 2001 Q2) p.210

BEQB_‘Oscillate Wildly’ asymmetries and persistence in company-level profitability (QB 2001 Q2) p.211

BEQB_Investment-specific technological progress in the United Kingdom (QB 2001 Q2) p.212

BEQB_The real interest rate gap as an inflation indicator (QB 2001 Q2) p.213

BEQB_The structure of credit risk spread volatility and ratings transitions (QB 2001 Q2) p.214

BEQB_Ratings versus equity-based credit risk modelling an empirical analysis (QB 2001 Q2) p.215

BEQB_Stability of ratings transitions (QB 2001 Q2) p.216

BEQB_Consumption, money and lending a joint model for the UK household sector (QB 2001 Q2) p.217

BEQB_Hybrid inflation and price level targeting (QB 2001 Q2) p.218

BEQB_Crisis costs and debtor discipline the efficacy of public policy in sovereign debt crises (QB 2001 Q2) p.219

BEQB_Leading indicator information in UK equity prices an assessment of economic tracking portfolios (QB 2001 Q2) p.220

BEQB_Core inflation in the United Kingdom (QB 2001 Q2) p.221

2001 Q3

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2001 Q3) pp.265-282

BEQB_Public attitudes about inflation a comparative analysis (QB 2001 Q3) pp.283-294

BEQB_Measuring capital services in the United Kingdom (QB 2001 Q3) pp.295-309

BEQB_Capital flows and exchange rates (QB 2001 Q3) pp.310-318

BEQB_PPP and the real exchange rate–real interest rate differential puzzle revisited evidence from non-stationary panel data (QB 2001 Q3) p.319

BEQB_The United Kingdom’s small banks’ crisis of the early 1990s what were the leading indicators of failure (QB 2001 Q3) p.320

BEQB_ICT and productivity growth in the United Kingdom (QB 2001 Q3) p.321

BEQB_The fallacy of the fiscal theory of the price level, again (QB 2001 Q3) p.322

2001 Q4

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Winter 2001 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2001 Q4) pp.369-387

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom implications for financial stability (QB 2001 Q4) pp.388-405

BEQB_Public sector debt end-March 2001 (QB 2001 Q4) pp.406-416

BEQB_The foreign exchange and over-the-counter derivatives markets in the United Kingdom (QB 2001 Q4) pp.417-430

BEQB_The Bank’s contacts with the money, repo and stock lending markets (QB 2001 Q4) pp.431-433

BEQB_The formulation of monetary policy at the Bank of England (QB 2001 Q4) pp.434-441

BEQB_Credit channel effects in the monetary transmission mechanism (QB 2001 Q4) pp.442-448

BEQB_Financial effects on corporate investment in UK business cycles (QB 2001 Q4) pp.449-459

BEQB_Why house prices matter (QB 2001 Q4) pp.460-468

BEQB_Band-pass filtering, cointegration, and business cycle analysis (QB 2001 Q4) p.469

BEQB_Does it pay to be transparent International evidence from central bank forecasts (QB 2001 Q4) p.470

BEQB_Costs of banking system instability some empirical evidence (QB 2001 Q4) p.471

2002 Q1

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Spring 2002 (complete issue)

BEQB_Contents (QB 2002)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2002 Q1) pp.5-22

BEQB_The London Foreign Exchange Joint Standing Committee a review of 2001 (QB 2002 Q1) pp.23-25

BEQB_Provision of finance to smaller quoted companies some evidence from survey responses and liaison meetings (QB 2002 Q1) pp.26-32

BEQB_Explaining trends in UK business investment (QB 2002 Q1) pp.33-41

BEQB_Building a real-time database for GDP(E) (QB 2002 Q1) pp.42-49

BEQB_Electronic trading in wholesale financial markets its wider impact and policy issues (QB 2002 Q1) pp.50-58

BEQB_Analysts’ earnings forecasts and equity valuations (QB 2002 Q1) pp.59-66

BEQB_On market-based measures of inflation expectations (QB 2002 Q1) pp.67-77

BEQB_Equity wealth and consumption – the experience of Germany, France and Italy in an international context (QB 2002 Q1) pp.78-85

BEQB_Skill imbalances in the UK labour market 1979–99 (QB 2002 Q1) p.86

BEQB_Indicators of fragility in the UK corporate sector (QB 2002 Q1) p.87

BEQB_Hard Times or Great Expectations Dividend omissions and dividend cuts by UK firms (QB 2002 Q1) p.88

BEQB_UK inflation in the 1970s and 1980s the role of output gap mismeasurement (QB 2002 Q1) p.89

BEQB_Monetary policy rules for an open economy (QB 2002 Q1) p.90

BEQB_Financial accelerator effects in UK business cycles (QB 2002 Q1) p.91

BEQB_Other financial corporations Cinderella or ugly sister of empirical monetary economics (QB 2002 Q1) p.92

BEQB_How uncertain are the welfare costs of inflation (QB 2002 Q1) p.93

2002 Q2

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Summer 2002 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2002 Q2) pp.125-146

BEQB_Public attitudes to inflation (QB 2002 Q2) pp.147-152

BEQB_The Bank of England’s operations in the sterling money markets (QB 2002 Q2) pp.153-161

BEQB_No money, no inflation—the role of money in the economy (QB 2002 Q2) pp.162-177

BEQB_Asset prices and inflation (QB 2002 Q2) pp.178-185

BEQB_Durables and the recent strength of household spending (QB 2002 Q2) pp.186-191

BEQB_Working time in the United Kingdom evidence from the Labour Force Survey (QB 2002 Q2) pp.192-202

BEQB_Why are UK imports so cyclical (QB 2002 Q2) pp.203-208

BEQB_Summaries of recent Bank of England working papers (QB 2002 Q2) pp.209-212

2002 Q3

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2002 Q3) pp.249-261

BEQB_Committees versus individuals an experimental analysis of monetary policy decision-making (QB 2002 Q3) pp.262-273

BEQB_Parliamentary scrutiny of central banks in the United Kingdom and overseas (QB 2002 Q3) pp.274-284

BEQB_Ageing and the UK economy (QB 2002 Q3) pp.285-291

BEQB_The balance-sheet information content of UK company profit warnings (QB 2002 Q3) pp.292-298

BEQB_Money and credit in an inflation-targeting regime (QB 2002 Q3) pp.299-307

BEQB_Summaries of recent Bank of England working papers (QB 2002 Q3) pp.308-317

BEQB_International Financial Architecture the Central Bank Governors’ Symposium 2002 (QB 2002 Q3) pp.318-325

2002 Q4

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Winter 2002 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2002 Q4) pp.357-372

BEQB_What do measures of core inflation really tell us (QB 2002 Q4) pp.373-383

BEQB_Estimating the impact of changes in employers’ National Insurance Contributions on wages, prices and employment (QB 2002 Q4) pp.384-390

BEQB_Equity valuation measures what can they tell us (QB 2002 Q4) pp.391-403

BEQB_Profit expectations and investment (QB 2002 Q4) pp.404-409

BEQB_Financial pressures in the UK household sector evidence from the British Household Panel Survey (QB 2002 Q4) pp.410-419

BEQB_Money market operations and volatility in UK money market rates (QB 2002 Q4) pp.420-429

BEQB_Summaries of recent Bank of England working papers (QB 2002 Q4) pp.430-431

BEQB_The Centre for Central Banking Studies (QB 2002 Q4) pp.432-439

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 2002 Q4) pp.440-450

BEQB_Public sector debt end-March 2002 (QB 2002 Q4) pp.451-455

BEQB_Governor’s speech at the Northwest Development Agency Bank of England Dinner (QB 2002 Q4) pp.456-458

BEQB_The inflation target ten years on – Speech by Mervyn King to the London School of Economics (QB 2002 Q4) pp.459-474

BEQB_The MPC and the UK economy should we fear the D-words – Speech by Charles Bean to the Emmanuel Society (QB 2002 Q4) pp.475-484

BEQB_Macroeconomic policy rules in theory and in practice – Speech by Christopher Allsopp to the conference on ‘Policy rules-the next steps’ (QB 2002 Q4) pp.485-500

2003 Q1

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Spring 2003 (complete issue)

BEQB_Contents (QB 2003)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2003 Q1) pp.5-19

BEQB_Market-based estimates of expected future UK output growth (QB 2003 Q1) pp.20-26

BEQB_Monetary policy and the zero bound to nominal interest rates (QB 2003 Q1) pp.27-37

BEQB_The measurement of house prices (QB 2003 Q1) pp.39-46

BEQB_House prices, consumption, and monetary policy a financial accelerator approach (QB 2003 Q1) pp.47-59

BEQB_Report on modelling and forecasting at the Bank of England (QB 2003 Q1) pp.60-88

BEQB_Bank’s response to the Pagan Report (QB 2003 Q1) pp.89-91

BEQB_The Bank’s regional Agencies (QB 2003 Q1) pp.92-96

BEQB_A review of the work of the London Foreign Exchanged Joint Standing Committee in 2002 (QB 2003 Q1) pp.97-101

2003 Q2

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Summer 2003 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2003 Q2) pp.149-163

BEQB_What caused the rise in the UK terms of trade (QB 2003 Q2) pp.164-176

BEQB_Long-run equilibrium ratios of business investment to output in the United Kingdom (QB 2003 Q2) pp.177-187

BEQB_An analysis of the UK gold auctions 1999-2002 (QB 2003 Q2) pp.188-197

BEQB_Assessing the extent of labour hoarding (QB 2003 Q2) pp.198-206

BEQB_Asset finance (QB 2003 Q2) pp.207-216

BEQB_Import prices and exchange rate pass-through theory and evidence from the United Kingdom (QB 2003 Q2) pp.217-227

BEQB_Public attitudes to inflation (QB 2003 Q2) pp.228-234

BEQB_Foreign Exchange Joint Standing Committee e-commerce subgroup report (QB 2003 Q2) pp.235-239

2003 Q3

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2003 Q3) pp.257-270

BEQB_Trends in households’ aggregate secured debt (QB 2003 Q2) pp.271-280

BEQB_Public expectations of UK inflation (QB 2003 Q3) pp.281-290

BEQB_Non-employment and labour availability (QB 2003 Q3) pp.291-303

BEQB_The information content of regional house prices can they be used to improve national house price forecasts (QB 2003 Q3) pp.304-314

BEQB_Balance sheet adjustment by UK companies (QB 2003 Q3) pp.315-326

BEQB_Implicit interest rates and corporate balance sheets an analysis using aggregate and disaggregated UK data (QB 2003 Q3) pp.327-333

BEQB_Inflation targeting and the fiscal policy regime the experience in Brazil (QB 2003 Q3) pp.334-342

BEQB_The optimal rate of inflation an academic perspective (QB 2003 Q3) pp.343-351

BEQB_The EU Financial Services Action Plan a guide (QB 2003 Q3) pp.352-365

2003 Q4

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Winter 2003 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2003 Q4) pp.393-406

BEQB_Understanding and modelling swap spreads (QB 2003 Q4) pp.407-416

BEQB_The distribution of unsecured debt in the United Kingdom survey evidence (QB 2003 Q4) pp.417-427

BEQB_Innovations in retail payments e-payments (QB 2003 Q4) pp.428-438

BEQB_The macroeconomic impact of revitalising the Japanese banking sector (QB 2003 Q4) pp.439-451

BEQB_Estimating real interest rates for the United Kingdom (QB 2003 Q4) pp.452-462

BEQB_Financial stability and the United Kingdom’s external balance sheet (QB 2003 Q4) pp.463-475

2004 Q1

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Spring 2004 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2004 Q1) pp.5-20

BEQB_Durable spending, relative prices and consumption (QB 2004 Q1) pp.21-31

BEQB_Asset pricing and the housing market (QB 2004 Q1) pp.32-41

BEQB_The relationship between the overnight interbank unsecured loan market and the CHAPS Sterling system (QB 2004 Q1) pp.42-47

BEQB_How much does bank capital matter (QB 2004 Q1) pp.48-58

BEQB_Measuring total factor productivity for the United Kingdom (QB 2004 Q1) pp.63-73

2004 Q2

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Summer 2004 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2004 Q2) pp.113-130

BEQB_Assessing the stability of narrow money demand in the United Kingdom (QB 2004 Q2) pp.131-141

BEQB_Deriving a market-based measure of interest rate expectations (QB 2004 Q2) pp.142-152

BEQB_The economics of retail banking—an empirical analysis of the UK market for personal current accounts (QB 2004 Q2) pp.153-159

BEQB_The financing of smaller quoted companies a survey (QB 2004 Q2) pp.160-169

BEQB_Recent developments in surveys of exchange rate forecasts (QB 2004 Q2) pp.170-175

BEQB_Sterling money market funds (QB 2004 Q2) pp.176-182

BEQB_The new Bank of England Quarterly Model (QB 2004 Q2) pp.188-193

BEQB_Public attitudes to inflation (QB 2004 Q2) pp.194-202

BEQB_Perfect partners or uncomfortable bedfellows On the nature of the relationship between monetary policy and financial stability (QB 2004 Q2) pp.203-209

BEQB_A review of the work of the London Foreign Exchange Joint Standing Committee in 2003 (QB 2004 Q2) pp.210-216

BEQB_Reform of the Bank of England’s operations in the sterling money markets (QB 2004 Q2) pp.217-227

2004 Q3

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2004 Q3) pp.265-281

BEQB_How should we think about consumer confidence (QB 2004 Q3) pp.282-290

BEQB_Household secured debt (QB 2004 Q3) pp.291-301

BEQB_Housing equity and consumption insights from the Survey of English Housing (QB 2004 Q3) pp.302-309

BEQB_Why has world trade grown faster than world output (QB 2004 Q3) pp.310-320

2004 Q4

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Winter 2004 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2004 Q4) pp.401-413

BEQB_British household indebtedness and financial stress a household-level picture (QB 2004 Q4) pp.414-428

BEQB_NMG Research survey questionnaire (QB 2004 Q4)

BEQB_The new sterling ERI (QB 2004Q4) pp.429-442

BEQB_NMG Research survey questionnaire (QB 2004 Q4)

BEQB_Using option prices to measure financial market views about balances of risk to future asset prices (QB 2004 Q4) pp.442-454

BEQB_The foreign exchange and over-the-counter derivatives markets in the United Kingdom (QB 2004 Q4) pp.470-484

BEQB_The external balance sheet of the United Kingdom recent developments (QB 2004 Q4) pp.485-494

2005 Q1

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Spring 2005 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2005 Q1) pp.5-22

BEQB_Dealing with data uncertainty (QB 2005 Q1) pp.23-29

BEQB_Indicators of short-term movements in business investment (QB 2005 Q1) pp.30-38

BEQB_Divisia Money (QB 2005Q1) pp.39-46

BEQB_Summaries of recent Bank of England working papers (QB 2005 Q1) pp.47-55

BEQB_Inside the MPC (QB 2005 Q1) pp.56-65

BEQB_The role of central banks in payment systems oversight (QB 2005 Q1) pp.66-71

2005 Q2

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Summer 2005 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2005 Q2) pp.127-139

BEQB_The impact of government spending on demand pressure (QB 2005 Q2) pp.140-152

BEQB_How important is housing market activity for durables spending (QB 2005 Q2) pp.153-159

BEQB_The inflation-targeting framework from an historical perspective (QB 2005 Q2) pp.160-168

BEQB_Monetary policy news and market reaction to the Inflation Report and MPC Minutes (QB 2005Q2) pp.169-178

BEQB_Summaries of recent Bank of England working papers (QB 2005 Q2) pp.179-189

BEQB_Addendum to Report on modelling and forecasting at the Bank of England (QB 2005 Q2) pp.190-193

BEQB_Public attitudes to inflation (QB 2005 Q2) pp.194-201

BEQB_Chief Economist Workshop April 2005 exchange rate regimes and capital flows (QB 2005 Q2) pp.202-210

BEQB_Implementing monetary policy reforms to the Bank of England’s operations in the money market (QB 2005 Q2) pp.211-220

BEQB_A review of the work of the London Foreign Exchange Joint Standing Committee in 2004 (QB 2005 Q2) pp.221-225

2005 Q3

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2005 Q3) pp.301-325

BEQB_Assessing the MPC’s fan charts (QB 2005 Q3) pp.326-348

BEQB_Long-run evidence on money growth and inflation (QB 2005 Q3) pp.349-355

BEQB_The determination of UK corporate capital gearing (QB 2005 Q3) pp.356-366

BEQB_Publication of narrow money data the implications of money market reform (QB 2005 Q3) pp.367-372

BEQB_Summaries of recent Bank of England working papers (QB 2005 Q3) pp.373-381

2005 Q4

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Winter 2005 (complete issue)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2005 Q4) pp.407-423

BEQB_Introducing the Agents’ scores (QB 2005 Q4) pp.424-430

431-451 missing

BEQB_Share prices and the value of workers (QB 2005 Q4) pp.452-461

BEQB_Stabilising short-term interest rates (QB 2005 Q4) pp.462-470

BEQB_Summaries of recent Bank of England working papers (QB 2005 Q4) pp.471-479

2006 Q1

BEQB_complete issue (QB 2006 Q1)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2006 Q1)

BEQB_New information from inflation swaps and index-linked bonds (QB 2006 Q1)

BEQB_Understanding the term structure of swap spreads (QB 2006 Q1)

BEQB_The information content of aggregate data on financial futures positions (QB 2006 Q1)

BEQB_The distribution of assets, income and liabilities across UK households results from the 2005 NMG Research survey (QB 2006 Q1)

BEQB_The forward market for oil (QB 2006 Q1)

BEQB_Summaries of recent Bank of England working papers (QB 2006 Q1)

BEQB_The Governor’s speech in Ashford, Kent (QB 2006 Q1)

BEQB_Reform of the International Monetary Fund (QB 2006 Q1)

BEQB_Global financial imbalances (QB 2006 Q1)

BEQB_Monetary policy, demand and inflation (QB 2006 Q1)

BEQB_Has oil lost the capacity to shock (QB 2006 Q1)

2006 Q2

BEQB_complete issue (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_Markets and operations (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_House prices and consumer spending (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_Investing in inventories (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_Summaries of recent Bank of England working papers (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_Cost-benefit analysis of monetary and financial statistics (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_The Centre for Central Banking Studies (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_Public attitudes to inflation (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_Cost pressures and the UK inflation outlook (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_A review of the work of the London Foreign Exchange Joint Standing Committee in 2005 (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_Reflections on operating inflation targeting (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_Uncertainty, the implementation of monetary policy, and the management of risk (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_The UK current account deficit and all that (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_A shift in the balance of risks (QB 2006 Q2)

BEQB_What do we now know about currency unions (QB 2006 Q2)

2006 Q3

BEQB_complete issue (2006 Q3)

BEQB_Markets and operations (2006 Q3)

BEQB_The UK international investment position (2006 Q3)

BEQB_UK export performance by industry (2006 Q3)

BEQB_Summaries of recent Bank of England working papers (2006 Q3)

BEQB_Costs of sovereign default (2006 Q3)

BEQB_The Governor’s speech in Edinburgh, Scotland (2006 Q3)

BEQB_The Governor’s speech at the Mansion House (2006 Q3)

BEQB_Stability and change (2006 Q3)

BEQB_Financial system risks in the United Kingdom – issues and challenges (2006 Q3)

2006 Q4

BEQM_complete issue (2006 Q4)

BEQM_Markets and operations (2006 Q4)

BEQM_The economic characteristics of immigrants and their impact on supply (2006 Q4)

BEQM_Recent developments in sterling inflation-linked markets (2006 Q4)

BEQM_The state of British household finances results from the 2006 NMG Research survey (2006 Q4)

BEQM_Measuring market sector activity in the United Kingdom (2006 Q4)

BEQM_The Governor’s speech at the Great Hall, Winchester (2006 Q4)

BEQM_Trusting in money from Kirkcaldy to the MPC (2006 Q4)

BEQM_The Governor’s speech to the Black Country business awards dinner (2006 Q4)

BEQM_Summaries of recent Bank of England working papers (2006 Q4)

BEQM_International monetary stability – can the IMF make a difference (2006 Q4)

BEQM_The puzzle of UK business investment (2006 Q4)

BEQM_Practical issues in preparing for cross-border financial crises (2006 Q4)

BEQM_Hedge funds and financial stability (2006 Q4)

BEQM_Globalisation and inflation (2006 Q4)

BEQM_Reflections on my first four votes on the MPC (2006 Q4)

Complete issues are available for certain Quarterly Bulletins below

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, November 2000 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, November 1999 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, November 1998 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, November 1997 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, November 1996 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, November 1995 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, November 1994 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, May 2000 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, May 1998 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, May 1997 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, May 1996 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, May 1995 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, May 1994 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, February 2000 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, February 1999 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, February 1998 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, February 1997 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, February 1996 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, February 1995 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Autumn 2005 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Autumn 2004 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Autumn 2003 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Autumn 2002 (complete issue)

BEQB_Quarterly Bulletin, Autumn 2001 (complete issue)