Imputation of data into household surveys


Imputation of data into household surveys


Monday 2 October 2017, 11:00 — 16:00

This workshop is on the imputation of data into household surveys.  The topics will cover the means of dealing with the discrepancies between the national accounts and the totals found in survey data, and a different aspect of imputation from reconciling the surveys and national accounts.

It will be hosted by the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE).  This event will take place at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR), 2 Dean Trench Street, Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HE.


10:30 Registration

11:00 Welcome and introductions by Rebecca Riley, (Director, ESCoE)

11:15 Presentations

(Chair: Martin Weale)

Examining the Distribution of Household Income, Consumption & Savings in a National Accounts Framework  by Richard Tonkin, (ONS)
The impact of imputations in the compilation of household distributional results by Jorrit Zwijnenburg, (OECD)


12:45 Lunch

13:30 Presentations

(Chair: Rebecca Riley)

Stochastic imputation of pension accruals and investment income, by Andrew Aitken (ESCoE) and Martin Weale (ESCoE, King’s College, London)
Using survey data to impute sustainability of cohort consumption plans: Generational Wealth accounts by James Sefton, (Imperial College, London)
Understanding the link between micro and macro consumption data  by Tom Crossley, (University of Essex)

15:30 Discussion

16:00 Refreshments

Richard Tonkin

Jorrit Zwijnenburg

James Sefton