The Lievesley Review: Rebecca Riley reflects
1 min read time
ESCoE Newsletter Autumn 2019 Published
We’ve published our Autumn Newsletter!
Download our newsletter and read today for info on: new visitors to ESCoE and their involvement in our ‘measurement’ talks series; our new Autumn research seminars at ONS (London); our call for papers for the ESCoE EM 2020 Conference at King’s College London; our economic measurement articles in the National Institute Economic Review; details of a call for papers for the 2020 ‘Masterclass and Conference on Measuring Prices and Quantities’ organised by CeMMAP and ESWG; details of the October 2019 ‘Working Better’ Conference organised by Nesta; a new seminar series co-arranged by the ONS Data Science Campus, The Alan Turing Institute, and the FCA; and a roundup of our recent research highlights and publications.