Engage with historical sources for the chance to win up to £500
The Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE) at King’s Business School is a hub of world-leading expertise built around the analysis of emerging and future issues in measuring the economy. Funded by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), our mission is to deliver improved economic and environmental-economic measurement that meets user needs, through high quality research, exploitation of new and innovative data sources, education and convening of the wider economic statistics community.
Historical Data UK is a joint project between the ESCoE, ONS and the Bank of England that aims to make historical economic statistics more accessible to academics, students and the public. The repository’s focus is on macroeconomic and financial market data, but it includes a range of economic data disaggregated at a sector, industry and regional level and now contains around 4,000 digitised statistical publications.
Master’s Dissertation Programme
Students will have a chance to win up £500 by using sources from ESCoE’s historic repository as part of their dissertation and writing a blog on their project. Read the blog from 2024 winner Kirill Kushnarev.
The programme is open to all UK master’s students writing dissertations in economic measurement. Students can apply for one of the project ideas suggested by ESCoE (see project areas below) or suggest a project of their own. All projects must use data/information held in Historical Data UK. Prizes will be awarded for the best blogs and posters (£500 for the winning entry, £250 for two runners up).
Students will work on their dissertation at their host institution in the usual way but will be able to draw upon the expertise of the Historical Data UK curators and partner organisations. A number of these projects will require students to transcribe information held within Historical Data UK. Some may require filling in some gaps in the collection of digitised publications. Transcribed excel/csv files along with metadata will then be uploaded to the repository for other users to download. We also encourage students to explore original ways of using and visualising the data to make the repository pages more interesting and engaging for visitors to the site.
Key timelines
How to apply
Students should submit an application, giving an outline of their dissertation proposal. Due to varying university timelines there is no fixed deadline for applications. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, with decisions made within two weeks. Projects may be closed once allocated to a student.
For any queries, please contact Sarah Woodcock at info@escoe.ac.uk
Project areas