Lui, S. and Rincon-Aznar, A. ‘Measuring Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from the UK Household Longitudinal Study’ ESCoE Discussion Paper Series, ESCoE DP 2024-09, August 2024
Rincon Aznar, A. and Lui, S. ‘Measuring wellbeing in the UK’ ESCoE Blog, 20 August 2024
Aitken, A. and Weale, M.R. ‘Consumption and Health-based Indicators of Well-being for Lower Tier Local Authorities in England‘ ESCoE Discussion Paper Series, ESCoE DP 2023-17, October 2023
Aitken, A. and Weale, M.R. ‘Consumption and Health-based Indicators of Well-being for Lower Tier Local Authorities in England‘ ESCoE, IFS and CeMMAP Small Area Estimation Workshop, IFS, 15 September 2023.
Aitken, A. Weale, M.R. ‘Weights for Democratic Regional Consumer Price Indices’ ESCoE Discussion Paper Series, ESCoE DP 2023-15, August 2023
Oulton, N. (2023) “The Effect of Changes in the Terms of Trade on GDP and Welfare: A Divisia Approach to the System of National Accounts” The Manchester School, Vol 91, Issue 4.
Aitken, A., and Weale, M. ‘Consumption and Health-based Indicators of Well-being for Lower Tier Local Authorities in England’ Contributed Session N: Subnational measurement. ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2023, Plenary Session II, King’s College London, 17-19 May 2023
Lui, S. “Measuring Subjective Wellbeing: Evidence from the UK Household Longitudinal Study” ESCoE Economic Measurement Webinars, 23 February 2023
Aitken, A. and Weale, M.R. (2022) “Measuring National Income Growth Democratically: Methods and Estimates for the United Kingdom” ESCoE Discussion Paper Series, ESCoE DP 2022-17
Aitken, A. and Weale, M.R. “Measuring National Income Growth Democratically” ESCoE Blog, 4 July 2022
Aitken, A. and Weale, M.R. (2021) “On Household Costs Indices” ESCoE Discussion Paper Series, ESCoE DP 2021-16
Weale, M.R. and Aitken, A. “Indicators for Lower Tier Local Authorities in England and Wales in 2016” ESCoE workshop Ever-increasing demand for regional statistics: COVID-19 era and beyond 24 June 2021
Lui, S. and Rincon Aznar, A. “Modelling Productivity and Wellbeing in the UK Regions: Results from the UK Household Longitudinal Study” ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2021, Poster Exhibition, 11-13 May 2021
Aitken, A. “Welfare Indicators for Lower Tier Local Authorities in England and Wales in 2016” Royal Economic Society 2021 Annual Conference, 12-14 April 2021
Weale, M.R. “Household Cost Indices” ESCoE Webinar Series, 14 January 2021
Weale, M.R. and Aitken, A. (2021) “Deflation of Distributional National Accounts” ESCoE Discussion Paper Series, ESCoE DP 2021-01
Aitken, A. and Weale, M.R. (2020) “A Democratic Measure of Household Income Growth: Theory and Application to the United Kingdom” Economica, Volume 87, Issues 34,7 Wiley
Aitken, A. “Measuring and pursuing wellbeing .. the promise and the pitfalls” UCL Dept of Political Science, UCL, 21 November 2019
Aitken, A and Weale. M.R “Decomposing Democratic National Income for the United Kingdom”, ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2020 Special Session H: Distributional Aspects of the National Accounts, 16-18 September 2020
Weale, M.R. “Small Area Estimation of Price Index Weights“, ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2020 Contributed Session N: Sub-national, 16-18 September 2020
Weale, M.R. “A Democratic Measure of National Income Growth” OECD, 16 September 2019
Aitken, A.“A Democratic Measure of National Income Growth” European Economic Association Conference, Session 14: Inequality, Manchester, 26 August 2019
Aitken, A. and Weale, M.R. “A democratic measure of national income growth for the United Kingdom, 2006-2015” ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2019, Contributed Session E: GDP and beyond (i), King’s College London, 8-10 May 2019
Oulton, N. “GDP is a measure of output, not welfare. Or, HOS meets the SNA” ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2019, Contributed Session E: GDP and beyond (i), King’s College London, 8-10 May 2019
Aitken, A. and Oulton, N. “Estimating true cost-of-living (Konus) price indices from household data” ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2019, Contributed Session P: Applications of economic statistics, King’s College London, 8-10 May 2019
ESCoE-ONS Workshop: The Conceptual Foundations of the Household Costs Indices, Church House, Westminster, 25 April 2019
Aitken, A. (2019) “Measuring Welfare Beyond GDP” National Institute Economic Review, Vol 249, Issue 1
Weale, M.R. “Household Costs and the Life Cycle“, ESCoE-ONS Workshop: The Conceptual Foundations of the Household Costs Indices, 25 April 2019, Church House, Westminster, London
Oulton, N. “GDP is a measure of output, not welfare. Or, HOS meets the SNA” ESCoE Research Seminar, Office for National Statistics, 1 Drummond Gate, London
Oulton, N. (2019) “GDP is a Measure of Output, Not Welfare. Or, HOS Meets the SNA” ESCoE Discussion Paper Series, ESCoE DP 2019-06
Weale, M.R. and Aitken, A. “A Democratic Measure of National Income Growth for the United Kingdom, 2006-2015: Methods and Estimates” ESCoE ESCoE Research Seminar, Office for National Statistics, 1 Drummond Gate, London, 29 January 2019
Aitken, A. (2019) “Measuring Welfare Beyond GDP” National Institute Economic Review, Volume 249, Issue 1, 2019 Sage Journals
Aitken, A. and Weale, M.R. “A democratic measure of household income growth: theory and application to the United Kingdom” ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2018, Contributed Session II: Aspects of the measurement of growth, Bank of England, 16-17 May 2018
Weale, M. “A Democratic Measure of Income Growth” ESCoE Research Seminar, NIESR, 2 Dean Trench Street, London, 1 May 2018
Aitken, A. and Weale, M.R. (2018) “Imputation of Pension Accruals and Investment Income in Survey Data” ESCoE Discussion Paper Series, ESCoE DP 2018-05
Aitken, A. and Weale, M.R. (2018) “A Democratic Measure of Household Income Growth: Theory and Application to the United Kingdom” ESCoE Discussion Paper Series, ESCoE DP 2018-02
Aitken, A. and Weale, M.R. “Stochastic imputation of pension accruals and investment income“, ESCoE Workshop Imputation of data into household surveys, NIESR, 2 Dean Trench Street, London, 2 October 2017
Weale, M.R. “Democratic Economic Statistics” ESCoE Blog, 25 August 2017
Aitken, A. and Weale, M.R. “A Democratic Measure of Income Growth” Measurement in the Modern Economy, ESCoE Measurement Series, NIESR, 2 Dean Trench Street, London, 2 May 2017